Exam 1 Flashcards
what is a primary impairment?
direct result of pathology
ex. sensory deficit d/t CVA
what is a secondary impairment?
happens b/c of primary impairment
ex. contracture, pressure ulcer
modified ashworth scale 0
no increase in spasticity
modified ashworth scale 1
slight increase in spasticity
catch and release
modified ashworth scale 2
slight increase from 1
moderate to minimal resistance
modified ashworth scale 3
marked increase in spasticity
modified ashworth scale 4
prom is difficult to achieve
modified ashworth scale 5
affected limb has become rigid q
what is stereogensis
cant recognize object in hand
what is graphesthesia
traced figure identification in hand
wernicke’s aphasia is?
fluent, receptive, make needs known
broca ‘s aphasia is?
non fluent, expressive words dont come out right
dysarthria is?
uncoordinated speech
dysphagia is?
trouble swallowing
dysmeteria is?
inability to judge distances properly
dysnynergia is?
lack of coordination of synergistic mm
causes for CVA?
vascular, space occupying lesion, infection
left side of body affected visuospatial impairment difficult problem solving increase safety risk unaware of impairments
right side of body affected speech and language impairment difficulty planning/sequencing moment apraxia aware of impairments anxious about poor performance
UE flexion synergy
shldr girdle- elevate & retract GH- abd, ER, ext forearm- supinate elbow- FLEX wrist- FLEX finger- flex
LE flexion synergy
hip- add, er, FLEXION
knee- flexion
ankle/foot- df, invert
UE extension synergy
shoulder girdle- depress, retract GH- ir, ADD forearm- pronation elbow- extension wrist- EXTENSION finger- flexion
LE extension synergy
hip- ext, ir, ADD
knee- EXT
ankle- PF, invert
hemiplegic synergy patterns definition is?
antagonist mm to dominant components are weaker and more difficult to elicit
typical UE hemiplegic positions
shoulder add (ext) elbow flexion (flex) forearm pronation (ext) wrist flexion (flex)
STNR (wolf)
symmetric tonic neck reflex
neck flexion
UE flexion
LE extension
STNR (wolf)
symmetric tonic neck reflex
neck extension
UE extension
LE flexion
ATNR (fencer)
asymmetric tonic neck reflex
flexion of skull limbs
extension of jaw limbs
symmetric tonic labyrinthine reflex
how head moves in space.
max ext b/c on ext side
symmetric tonic labyrinthine
how head moves in space
min ext b/c on flexion side
asymmetric tonic reflex
ceiling side
asymmetric tonic reflex
floor side
tonic lumbar reflex- serving tennis
side away
ext UE
flexion LE
tonic lumbar reflex- serving tennis
side toward
flexion UE
extension LE
Marie Foix Reflex
force pt into PF and inversion -> relic of DF to ankle and hip flexion
raimistes phenomenon
abd/add unaffected UE, same motion as the affected UE
souque’s phenomenon
finger ext when affected arm is passively flexed and 90 deg flexion
brunstrom stage 1
shock stage, flaccid
brunstrom stage 2
recovery, min mvmt
brunstrom stage 3
vol control of in synergy patterns
brunstrom stage 4
some mvmts combine out of synergy
brunstrom stage 5
decrease spasticity, different motions out of synergy
brunstrom stage 6
individual isolated motion
no spasticity with PROM
brunstrom stage 7
normal movement
beaver’s axiom
paralyzed for one movement but not another
ex. upper trap
intrinsic grasp reflex
cant grasp palm
unable to release grasp
intrinsic avoiding reflex
stroke over palm
allowing you to open hand and hyperextend fingers
PNF definition for traction is
elongation of a segment in relation to its axis of movemnt
PNF definiton for approximation is
compression of stretch throughout the movement
contract relax passive technique
take to end range, contract mm on stretch, post isometric able to PASSIVELY move it to a new range
contract relax active technique
take to end range contract mm on stretch, post isometric able to ACTIVELY move it to a new range on ITS OWN
Chop influences
flexion with D1 and D2 flexion
Lift influence
extension with D1 and D2 extension
chop and ________ achieve the same goal
reverse lift
lift and _________ achieve the same goal
reverse chop
pelvic pattern of ______ helps with weight bearing
pelvic pattern of ________ helps with open chain patterns
D1 flexion (upper cut)
shoulder flexion, add, ER
wrist flexion , radial deviation
finger fleixon
D1 extension(throw trash away)
shoulder ext, abd, IR
wrist ext, ulnar deviain
finger ext
D2 flexion (waiter holding plater)
shoulder flexion, abd, ER
wrist ext, radial deviation
finger ext
D2 extension (putting sword away)
shoulder ext, IR, add
wrist flex, ulnar deviation
finger flex
D1 flexion and scapular movemnt
anterior elevator
D2 flexion and scapular movment
posterior elevation
D1 extension and scapular movemnt
posterior depression
D2 extension and scapular movement
anterior depression
D1 flexion and pelvic motion (crossing your legs)
hip flexion, add, ER
ankle df, inversion
toe extension
D1 extension
hip ext, abd, IR
ankle pf, eversion
toe ext
D2 flexion
hip flex, abd, IR
ankle df, eversion
toe ext
D2 extension
hip ext, add, ER
ankle PF, inversion
toes flexion
D1 flexion and pelvic movement
anterior elevation
D1 extension and pelvic movement
posterior depression
D2 flexion and pelvic movement
anterior depression
D2 extension and pelvic movment
posterior elevation