Exam 1 Flashcards
Function of the Kidney:
Urine Formatoin
Urine excretion
blood volume regulation
electrolyte balance
What makes up the lower urinary tract?
2 ureters, 1 bladder, 1 urethra
What is the function of the bladder?
Urine collection, urine storage, urine excreation
What locations do the uretuers narrow?
Pelvo-ureter juntion
pelvic brim crossing
bladder attachment
Which Renal artery is shorter?
Which renal Vein is shorter?
What hormones released by the posterior pituitary have an effect on the kidney?
ADH: promotes reabsorption of water in the kidney.
How many nephrons are there per kideney?
1 Million +
What makes up the nephron?
The Glomerulus: found in the cortex, forms a protein-free filtrate from blood
The Tubule: found in the medulla. processes the filtrated to form urine
What segments make up the tubule system?
Proximal, loop of henle, distal, collecting ducts
Walk through the pathway of kidney circulation.
Renal Artery –> segmental arteries –> interlobar arteries –> arcuate arteries –> interlobular areteries –> afferent arterioles –> glomerular capillaries –> efferent arterioles –> peritubular capillaries and/or vasa racta –> interlobular veins –> arcuate veins –> interlobar veins –> segmental veins –> renal vein
What are the three steps in kidney filtration?
Glomerular filtration
Tubular Reabsorption
Tubular secretion
What hormones are secreted by the kidney?
Vitamin D3
What innervates the kidney?
- Branches of the celiac plexus
- Thoracic and upper lumbar splancnic nerves
- intermesenteric plexus
- superior hypogastric plexus
What innervates the bladder?
Inferior hypogastric plexus