Exam #1 Flashcards
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
Romans 3:24
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God
Ephesians 2:9
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Romans 6:1
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
Romans 6:2
God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
Ephesians 4:5
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Acts 17:30
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
Acts 2:38
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
List a scripture that shows the universal need for salvation
Romans 3:23
Cite a verse which shows the Bible emphatically declares that all human beings are sinners
Romans 3:23
Can humans save themselves? List a scripture for you answer.
No, Ephesians 2:8
Does God excuse our sins? Explain.
No, Jesus Christ took the penalty for our sin
Where is God’s revelation about existence found?
The Bible
What is Soteriology?
The study of the doctrine of salvation
Define Salvation?
Deliverance from the power and effects of sin
What is the result of sin or its penalty according to Scripture?
What does saving faith include?
Obedience and application to His Gospel in our lives
What is the answer that Peter gave, with the support of all the apostles on how to be saved?
Acts 2:38
Where does salvation come from?
Only through faith in Jesus Christ
If we cannot earn salvation through works then it is?
A gift from God
What is not sufficient for remitting sins?
death of animals or an ordinary person
God manifested Himself in flesh through the man Jesus Christ in order to provide what?
a suitable sacrifice
Christ’s death became an propitiation or an atonement which means?
the means by which we are made right
What is the difference between a saved person and an unsaved person?
God sets us free from both the penalty and effects of our sin
The Lord’s Statement to Nicodemus in John 3 what can’t one see without being born again?
The Kingdom of God
The substitutionary, atoning death of Christ was made necessary by which of the following?
1) sinfulness of man
2) holiness of God
3) Gods law requiring death as punishment for sin
From the Bible it is apparent that salvation has 3 aspects which are?
Past, present and future
What is the relation between past, present, and future salvation?
Future salvation will only come to those who receive past and present salvation in this life
Can we forfeit our present salvation and our promise of future salvation? If so, how?
Yes, by a voluntary return to sin and disbelief
The link between past and future salvation is what?
Continuing in present salvation
“Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). In this last verse, “believeth” is in the present tense, implying what?
Continuing in your belief
How do we obtain eternal salvation?
By finding present salvation
How does Jesus say one must enter the Kingdom of God?
You must be born again
What is the kingdom of God?
The sovereign rule of God in the universe
What aspects does the kingdom of God have?
Present and future
In the present tense, the kingdom of God is what?
The rule of God in the hearts of men
The kingdom of God also has a future aspect which is what?
Complete destruction of opposition against His rule
Looking at Christ’s words in John 3 we find that one must be what to be apart of the kingdom of God?
Born again
What 2 components make up being born again?
Water and Spirit
Isn’t “water” referring to natural birth? Why or why not?
No, they are conditions that have not yet been met
What does the “wind” refer to in Jn. 3?
The Spirit
What does the word “sound” refer to in Jn. 3?
The Spirits voice
In short, the Lord’s words to Nicodemus tell us how to be what?
The question, “How can I be saved?” has the same answer as the question?
How can I enter into the Kingdom of heaven
The answer of Jesus Himself is to be saved is what?
You must be born of water and of the Spirit
Peter’s reply on the day of Pentecost was what?
Acts 2:38-39
When the people asked Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37) the context shows, they were asking what?
How can we be forgiven for our sins?
How can we correct rejecting Jesus?
How can we accept Jesus now?
The essence of salvation is receiving forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, so their question simply meant?
What must we do to be saved?
In our search for a biblical answer to the question of how to be saved, we must attach great significance to this verse, why?
It is a plain and simple response to a direct inquiry
What was Paul’s Answer to the Philippian Jailer when he asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
Believe and ye shall be saved
Why did Paul and Silas tell the jailer the path to his future salvation was through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
He was a Gentile and didn’t know much of God
What did Paul and Silas do after their initial conversation at the jail?
Went to the jailers home
The Greek word translated as believe in this passage means?
Absolute reliance and adherence
The biblical definition of belief includes?
Acceptance and Obedience to Gods Word
Comparison of the 3 Answers: The Bible uses different language in each passage which shows what?
It is truly the inspired, infallible Word of God and does not contradict itself
When Jesus spoke to Nicodemus He was not answering a direct question about what?
The situation on the Day of Pentecost was different in that Peter gave a direct answer to a direct question about what?
Salvation and the method of salvation
In Acts 16, Paul and Silas confronted a man who knew little if anything about God, so what did they do?
They explained it so he could understand
What do we see from the 3 passages we studied about salvation?
They complement each other, not contradict
If we have genuine faith in Christ what will we do?
Repent of sins, be baptized in His name, receive His Holy Spirit, and continue to live a holy life
How do we receive present salvation from sin and future salvation from all the eternal consequences of sin?
By repenting of sin, being baptized in Jesus name, receiving the Holy Spirit and continuing an overcoming life free from sin