Exam 1 Flashcards
Classifying organisms (taxonomy
Uniformitarisms..same natural processes that affect the world today worked in the past. Allows earths history to be constructed
Theory of acquired charachterist said: individual living organisms were seen as transforming direct in response to their changing environment. Ex: giraffes
Natural selection. Beneficial traits that are passed down onto the next generation. Studied on the Beagle
Definition of species. Groups of reproductively isolated organisms
Theory of evolution
•knowledge of distant cultures came from Herodotus and Marco Polo
Evolutionary theory
- process of change over time
- set of testable hypothesis that assert living organisms can chne over time and give rise to new organisms
- share a common ancestry
1) fixity of species/essentialism: nothing new can be created, it is already here
2) intelligent design: there is a supernatural force that created everything
The process of natural selection
- Biological variation within species
- Reproduction faster than increase in food supply
• later generations get the accumulation of variation
• pangenisis: parent gives trait
•principal of segregation: get a mix of two traits
Where are homins found
1) the great Rift Valley
2) South Africa
Integrated culture features (4)
1) base- environment and natural resources
2) infrastructure- substinance/economy
3) social structure- rules and relationships, social organization
4) superstructure- beliefs and morality, how we view ourselves (world view)
Benedict and Mead
Culture influences emotions, near never accounted for the biology of individuals which was controversial
Psychological anthropologists believe that…
Biology influences emotions. Looks at how we are wired
Anthros Adopt
A biological or interactions at perspective. Combines the effects of biology and culture to explain human behavior
Endogamy vs. Exogamy
Endogamy- marriage within a group
Exogomy- marriage outside of a group. Leads to social networks and alliances
Unilineal Evolution
- developmental stages of culture
- savagery, barbarism, civilization
- Edward taylor