Exam 1 Flashcards
3 aspects of internal validity before statistical association:
-check for bias, counfounding/effect modification, statistical significance
systematic (non-random) error in study design or conduct leading to erroneous results (distorts relationship btw exposure & outcome)
after study end- fix bias?
Nothing you can do to fix it
prospective (prestudy)
adjustment minimize bias (assess to confirm internal validity and conclusions)
components of bias
- source 2. magnitude 3. direction
bias magnitude
how much of an impact bias has on changing odds ratio
bias direction
move Odds Ratio/Risk Ratio away or towards 1.0 (groups equal) enhance or minimizing
main categories of bias
how you measure (collect data) or Selection (ppl) -measurement- related biases -selection-related biases * both result in grps different–dont want– want grps to ne as equal as possible except the one thing you are studying biases make grps different & creates the error
measurement- related biases
way the researcher collects information, or measures/observes subjects which created a systemic difference between groups in quality/accuracy of info.
selection-related biases
way the researcher selects or acquires study subjects which creates a systemic difference in the composition between groups (not from same pop/group)
types of selection bias
health-worker bias self-selection/participant (res ponder) bias control selection bias
selection bias
-selecting study subjects that are not representative of your primary pop. of interest or generates differences in grps being compared -how you pick your people- bias– made groups different (inappropriate) -convenience study: mall on wed.
health-worker bias
environmental employer research -sick & dead not at job site
self-selection/participant (responded) bias
people who want to be in survey -volunteer different than nonresponse
control selection bias
only diff btw grps not clear based on disease definition -call 1st 50, not accounting for if they have a phone/can they answer
recall/reporting bias
subject-related variation -differential level of accuracy/detail in info btw grps - ex: recall after bad event, after disease; diabetics monitor eating more than regular ppl
hawthorne effect
overly encouraging, give more than needed, overly positive/helpful
types of measurement bias
subject related: recall bias, contamination bias, compliance bias, lost to follow up bias observer related: interviewer bias, diagnosis bias,
contamination bias
aspirin v placebo: dont want other drugs in same family (how investigators account for what else taking) -control grp accidentally receive tx of exposed to intervention being studied
compliance/adherence bias
comply, follow instructions- worry one grp different in complying -grps being interventionally studied have different compliances
lost to follow-up bias (attrition)
follow up diff in 1 grp or another; diff withdrawal or lost to follow-up rates or other differences -differential v. non-differential ex: surgery-good pain control drugs vs. placebo– hear from person in pain or drops out
interviewer (proficiency) bias
- not trained in what to do -interviewer expects certain answers -conscious or unconscious –> mask inverstigator so they dont know who meds/who placebo -body language, inflection, expect diff. answers- skewed/false info
diagnosis/surveilance (expection) bias
diff evlauation, classification, diagnosis, observation preconceived expectations (hawthorne-like effects from researchers) expect drug to feel better
controlling for biases
*Select precise, accurate, & medically-appropriate measures of assessment and evaluation/observation -validated screening -specifics of data collection ex: polygraph test *blinging/masking *multiple sources data *randomly allocate observers for data collection *methods to minimize loss to follow up
misclassification bias
error in classifying either disease or exposure status or both -measurment (information/observation) bias put ppl in wrong group
misclassification bias types
non-differential & differential
non-differential misclassification bias
error in both grps equally misclass. of exposure/disease is unrelated to the other move ratio towards 1; attenuates effect of association
differential misclassification bias
error in one grp differently than other put ppl in wrong grps missclass. of exposure/disease is related to the other move ratio in either direction in relation 1.o (inflate or attenuate)
controlling for misclassification
want to minimize error and balance equation -similat tech. to limiting biases- its a measurement-related bias -technology on both grps
**differential misclassification
**non-differential misclassification
confounding variable
3rd variable that distorts an observed relationship btw exposure & outcome (disease) -associated with both but independent of both (not in causal pathway) (something else that gets involved with exposure & outcome; getting in the way)
confounding affect
can over or under estimate an association (RR/OR/HR) and change direction of effect
impact of confounders
intensity/magnitude/strength: association more or less extreme than true association direction: association that moves association in + or - direction
confounding example: coffee and low birth rate
smoking has relationship with both outcome and exposure= confounder
factor effect of confounder
report adjusted odds ratio
testing for confounding
step 1: crude outcome measure of association (OR/RR) btw exposure & outcome - unadjusted [linear 2x2 factoring] step 2: re-calculated outcome measure of association (OR/RR) btw exposure & outcome while statistically controlling the effects of the confounder [add 3rd variable for outcome of interest] step 3: compare the crude vs. adjusted measure of association btw exposure & outcome [compare the 2]
crude & adjusted estimate (RR/OR)
20% is confounding present
purpose of controlling for confounding
to get more accurate estimate of the true association btw exposure & outcome
causal pathway btw exposure & outcome
confounder NOT in pathway
ways to control confounding
can do before!! 1. study design stage 2. analysis of data stage
study design stage
randomization (blocked or stratified) restriction matching
analysis of data stage
stratification multivariate statistical analysis
hopefully allocates an equal number of subjects with the known & unknown confounders into each intervention grp (make grps equal) strengths: sufficient sample size, randomization makes grps equal weakness:sample size might not be large enough to control for known & unknown confounders, only intervention studies
limit who can enter study, decrease ability to take results & transfer to rest of community restricted to only subjects who do not fall within pre-specified categories of confounder strengths: straight forward, convenient, inexpensive, does not neg. impact internal validity weakness: sufficiently narrow restriction criteria reduces sample size, residual confounding effects, neg impact external validity
more difficult, hands on researchers activity- difficult to find exactly like pt in other grp selected in matched pairs related to confounding variable to equally distribute confounder among each grp (let in but need one for other grp) strengths: intrusive weakness: difficult to match on everything needed to match, to find same person; overmatching
statistical analysis of data by evaluating association btw exposure and disease within various strata within confounding variables strengths: intrusive, straight- forward and enhances outstanding of data weakness: impractical
multivariate analysis
statistical analysis of the data by mathematically factoring out the effects of the confounding variables strengths: simultaneously control for mult. confounding variables; beta coefficients converted to OR’s weakness: not understand data
effect modification (interaction)
3rd variable modifies the magnitude of effect of association by varying it within different levels of 3rd variable (effect modifier) MUST report for each strata (informative)
effect modification (interaction) example: mortality odds of newborn’s born as singleton
birth weight (3rd variable) may impact odds of mortality- variable checked for confounding and effect modification–> Unadjusted mortality odds: 1.06 children born as single babies 6% more likely to die adjusted (for birth weight) mortality odds: 1.02 birth weight not confounder NEEDS TO CHANGE MORE THAN 20%
effect modification (interaction) example: mortality odds of newborn’s born as singleton– check strata
reduced risk—> increased risk as weight increased **effect modification is present b/c OR changes acc. diff. strata of effect-modifying variable
effect modifier
changes layers/strata ex: birth weight not confounding- didnt change outcome & exposure BUT layers of weight does change (at least 20%) btw highest and lowest OR
testing for effect modification
Step 1: crude outcome measure of association btw exposure & outcome (OR/RR) Step 2: crude outcome measure of association (OR/RR) btw exposure & outcome FOR EACH STRATA OF EFFECT-MODIFYING VARIABLE step 3: compare stratum-specific measure of association btw exposure & outcome (OR/RR)
point-estimate (RR/OR)
difference by 20% btw lowest & highest strata of effect-modifying variable IF effect present
detecting confounding & effect modification: how does the change in RR/OR change in the presence of confounding & effect modification?
problem we want to eliminate (control/adjust for via several means) in the study
-crude vs. adjusted
is adjusted >20% difference than crude
control @ beg. & end
natural occurenece that we want to describe and study further
effect modification
not ignore, explain- informative
compating stratum-specific measures of association
is stratum-specific estimates >20% differnece from each other?
practice exercise
measures of association
exposure & disease
exposed v. non-exposed
diseased v. non-diseased
rows: exposure
column: disease
descriptive group comparisons common
absolute differences
relative differences
absoulte differences
- subtracting frequencies
- males had 28 more surgeries
- females had 28 fewer surgeries
relative differences
division (ratio) of frequencies
- males had 2.6 times the number of surgeries compared to females (>160% increase)
- females had just under 40% number of surgeries of males
relative differences
division (ratio) of proportions
*more common
divide proportions than interpret
- males had more than 2.06 times the proportion of surgeries compared to females
- females had just over 45% lower proportion of surgeries of males
absolute differences vs. relative differences
absolute differences will always be smaller then relative differences
EX: absoulte: A-B
relative: B/A
10/20= 50%
or 20/10=2 (100% higher)
*risk of disease of B is 1/2% A
or group B has 50% rate of disease compared to group A
pharma companies
relative differece because absoulute diff. is always smaller than relative diff.
risk ratio/ relative risk (RR)
used in studies where subjects are allocated based on exposure and outcome
ex: cohort studies
risk- incidence rate (IR), attack rate (part/whole)
ratio of 2 risks from different groups
Ramapril Example
Outcome?– bad (death/MI)
Ramapril: 14% had outcome
17% placebo had outcome
absoulte difference in event rates 3.8%
placebo 3.8% more likely
Ramapril had 3.8% absoulte lower event rate
% rates
the risks of event in each group
Risk and Risk ratio
risk is a proportion
probablility of outcome in exposed and in non-exposed
probability of outcome in exposed A/(A+B)
probablility of outcome in non-exposed C/(C+D)
Incidence risk (IR)
Risk is a proportion
risk of outcome in exposed: A/(A+B)
risk of outcome in nonexposed: C/(C+D)
Risk Ratio
ratio of risk from 2 different groups
risk in exposed/risk in nonexposed
2/2 = 1
17/17 = 1
always equalness, no differences
bigger/less = >1
(Ramapril EX) Risk ratio
MI ramipril: 14% MI placebo:17.8%
RR= 14/17.8=.77
RR (.77) < 1
ramapril has a decreased risk
always study group/ reason for study
Interpreting ratios- risk/odds/hazard
=1 no difference in risk/odds
>1 increased ratio (larger, bigger,above)
>2 “times control”
<1 decreased ratio (from one how much do you have to go down to get to odds ratio below one)
increased RR >1
use decimal value (converted to %) for interpretation
ratio over one-increased
If RR 1.53: then 53% increased risk in comparative grp
“the study grp of interest had a 53% increase. stop when get to 2 –> 2xs, 3xs…”
comparator group is 6.18 times greater odds
Decreased Ratio < 1
subtract decimal value from 1 (answer converted to %)
HR= 0.73
27% lower probablility of hazard outcome
amount you went down to get to it, CANT JUST GRAB THE DECIMAL
forest plots
plot with indicator line at 1.o
talk about where OR # lands
higher or less than 1
vertical line at 1.0 represents equalness/sameness
ppl who take statins are about 40% lower hazard risk for dying of MI
higher end of 1.o
magnitude btw 1-3
when interpreting ratio’s (RR, OR, HR) looking for…
- direction of words
- magnintude
- group compairison
*target for wrong answers ex: grps backwards
(increased or decreased)
Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR)
attributable risk
Absoulte Risk difference (ARD)
simple absoulte difference (subtraction) in risks
risk difference in outcome among exposed that can be attributed to actual exposure
ex: ramipril 14% placebo 17.8%
ARR= 3.8%
subtract them - claim difference soly to use of ramipril
risk difference