Exam 1 Flashcards
What does necrotic tissue look like under the microscope?
- eosinophilia (cells stain bright pink)
- pyknosis (nuclear shrinking + basophilia)
- karyorrhesis (fragmentation of pyknotic nucleus)
- karyolysis (loss of some DNA)
- nuclei are lost
- cell fragmentation
- high neutrophil recruitment
Coagulation necrosis
- associated w/ severe ischemia - best appreciated in solid organs - ghost-like remnants of intact cells w/o nuclei
Liquefactive necrosis
- associated w/ bacterial infections and BRAIN ISCHEMIA - bacteria release enzymes which cause abscess (collections of pus)
Caseous necrosis
Associated w/ granuloma (dead cells in center of granulomatous cell reaction [multi-nucleated, giant “angry” macrophages])
Necrotic tissue is white/ friable, resembling cheese curds
Enzymatic fat necrosis
- associated w/ focal death in pancreas/ adjacent fat cells (acute pancreatitis) - enzymes from damaged cells digest adipose cells - fatty acids combine w/ Ca2+ forming yellow/white insolable soaps
- coagulative necrosis of the bowel, gall bladder or an extremity - wet = w/ infection (+liquefactive); dry = w/out infection
What type of cells dominate in acute inflammation? In chronic inflammation?
- neutrophils - macrophages
- unidirectional movement of leukocytes along a chemical gradient, towards an injury site - key for transmigration
Local clinical manifestations of inflammation
Rubor, Calor, Dolor and Tumor
Key interleukin of acute inflammation
IL-8; produced by innate immune cells; stimulates bone marrow to increase maturation, proliferation and release of PMNs.
Major enzyme in a granule that is used as a killing mechanism by leukocytes use at injury site.
Scale of severity for acute inflammation
SEROUS- least severe [aka transudate] –> pressure w/o endothelial opening (fluid leak only) FIBRONOUS- intermediate SUPPURATIVE/ABSCESS- most severe [aka exudate] –> hydrostatic pressure + endothelial opening (fluid + protein leakage) ULCERATIVE- special category
Left shift
When neutrophil populations shift to more immature precursors because the body is trying to quickly pump out neutrophils (as opposed to giving them time to mature). Indicates infection/inflammation.
PMN chromatin laden w/ granules, used to trap bacteria and fungi
Characteristics of chronic inflammation
- predominance of M1s, lymphocytes and plasma cells 2. collateral tissue damage 3. repair processes occurring in parallel w/ persistent inflammation
Chronic high levels of inflammatory cytokines cause…
(1) Increased rates of hepatic production of defense proteins (2) Increased hepcidin production (which thereby decreases Fe2+ in blood leading to anemia) (3) Increased growth factor for platelets and monocytes
Granulomatous Inflammation
Distinct form of chronic inflammation associated with persistent T-cell activation. Seen with TB, macrophage ingestion of foreign bodies and sarcoidosis/IBD.
Acute phase reactants
Biochemical changes which are the reflection of hepatic protein adjustments to inflammation (ex. decreased albumin as liver increases formation of defense proteins)
C-reactive protein
Liver produced factor closely linked to IL-6 levels which can be used to indirectly assess intensity of inflammation. Obesity can give a false positive.
Cell classifications
(1) LABILE- continuously divide [skin epithelium, gut, hematopoietic] (2) STABLE- divide when stimulated [ex. liver] (3) PERMANENT- non-dividing [cardiac, neural, skeletal]
Granulation tissue
IMMATURE PRE-SCAR Specialized tissue that fills defects in organs when non-regenerative cells or connective tissue framework is destroyed. Proliferative fibroblasts lay immature connective tissue elements.
MATURE SCAR The process of transforming granulation tissue into dense scar
Important cells of skin lac healing
- macrophages- remove debris
- fibroblasts- produce matrix
- myofibroblasts- contract wound
Hyperemia vs Congestion
HYPEREMIA: Active process of arteriolar dilatation and increased blood flow. Tissue appears redder. CONGESTION: Passive process of impaired outflow of venous blood from a tissue. Tissue appears “red-blue” color.
A series of regulated processes that maintain blood in a liquid state and prevents uncontrolled bleeding.
Virchow’s Triad in Thrombosis
Types of Embolism
- Fragments of thrombi
- Amniotic fluid (enters placental membranes)
- Air (gas)
- Fat/marrow (soft tissue crush injury/ long bone injury)
What does protein C deficiency do?
Deficiency in protein C causes a hypercoagulative state because protein C is a zymogen whose active form works to counter different coagulative factors.
The 2 basic components of all neoplasias (benign and malignant)
- PARENCHYMA- the actual neoplastic cells
- STROMA- supporting cells (connective tissue, blood vessels, immune cells, etc.)
Rare tumors which contain cells from multiple germ layer origins
Mixed tumors
Cells which come from one germ layer but can diverge to multiple cell types (ex. salivary gland capable of epithelial and myoepitheial differentiation)
Key cell morphology of benign neoplasms
Cells can range from well differentiated to dysplastic. Never penetrate the basement membrane.