Exam 1 Flashcards
good service or idea
communicate about your product through personal selling advertisement coupons and publicity
producer wholesaler or retailer
whether or not to discount the produce to 10.99 or make the prices even at 5.50
individual and organizational activities that satisfy exchange relationships in dynamic ever changing environment
transfer of goods/services for something of value
what are the 4 things required to have an exchange
- 2+ parties
- something of value
- something willing to give up
- Able to communicate
group of potential buyers with common needs
individuals by goods for personal use
consumer market
firms by goods for their products
industrial market
by finished goods and resell them
non business organization ex. universities
goods services and ideas that are marketed
goods that you can see and are physically present
application of human/mechanical effort
philosophy, concepts and points of view
products must be available at the correct time and location
communication about one’s produce through advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and/or publicity
relates to the value of a product
3 reason’s to study marketing
many organizations use marketing
vital to the economy
improve the quality of life
moral evaluation of decisions based on commonly accepted principles of behavior this evaluation results in an action being judged right or wrong
marketing ethics
what are the 3 factors of moral philosophies
Personal moral philosophies
organizational relationships
type of moral philosophy that focuses on the consequences of actions behaviors only right if it produces greater balance of good consequences
focuses on specific actions or behaviors of an individual ie Golden rule
Ethical Formalism
What are organizational relationships
relationships with coworkers and superiors
what is opportunity
good set of conditions that provide some kind of reward
ie. finding a large sum of money and determining whether or not to keep it or find the owner
ethical issues related to products
quality issues
ethical issues related to promotion
deception in advertising
personal selling (not disclosing ALL information)
Ethical issues related to pricing
price fixing
ethical issues related to distribution/place
manipulating product availability
formal set of rules a company expects from its employees
code of ethics
encourage reward for ethical behavior
controlling ethical behavior
external forces that directly or indirectly influence an organizations aquisition of inputs and generation of outputs
Marketing enviroment
what are inputs examples
labor money - to by raw materials
what are outputs
goods services and ideas
4 things that should be done to monitor changes in the marketing enviroment
- environmental scanning
- Environmental analysis - response to scanning
- Uncontrollable
- Controllable