Exam 1 Flashcards
The major underlying cause is ischemia due to:
Atherosclerosis (plaquing), white thrombus, red thrombus, artery spasm
What is the #1 cause of death?
Cardiovascular disease
What does the term hemostasis mean?
Prevention of blood loss
How does the body prevent hemostasis?
Vascular spasm, formation of platelet plug, blood coagulation, fibrous tissue growth to seal.
Platelets function as whole cells but cannot do what?
Cannot divide
Platelets contain what?
Actin and myosin, enzymes and calcium, ADP and ATP, thromboxane A2, serotonin, growth factor.
Mechanism of platelet activation:
When platelets contact damaged area they what?
1) swell
2) irregular form with irradiating processes protruding from surface
3) contractile proteins contract causing granule release
4) secrete ADP, thromboxane A2 and serotonin
Thromboxane A2 is a what and does what?
1) Vasoconstrictor
2) potentiates the release of granule contents
Platelets are important in what?
Minute ruptures
Platelets have a half life of what and are eliminated by what?
1) Half life of 8-12 days
2) eliminated by macrophage action
Greater than 1/2 of all the macrophages are located in the what?
What are the three roles of endothelium?
1) prevents platelet aggregation
2) produces PGI2 (prostacyclin)
3) produces factor VIII (clotting)
What is PGI2?
1) it is a vasodilator
2) it stimulates platelet adenyl Cyclades which suppresses release of granules
3) limits platelet extension
Platelet cell membrane contains what?
Glycoproteins that avoid the normal endothelium but adhere to damaged area
Aspirin and ibuprofen both do what?
Block both thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin production by blocking fatty acid cyclooxygenase which converts arachidonic acid to PGG2 and PGH2
Anticoagulants prevent what?
Prevents clots from forming
What does dicumarol do?
Inhibition of vitamin k dependent factors
Aka: Cumadin and warfarin
Dissolves clots that have already formed
- plasmin from plasminogen
Lysis of clots
Tye up calcium ( citrate, oxylate)
Inactive form of plasmin which circulates in the blood called?
Endogenous activators are found in:
Tissues, plasma and urine
Exogenous activators
- streptokinase
- tPA (tissue plasminogen activator)
- -3hour window for MI and stroke