exam 1 Flashcards
“Culture” definition Hofstede
“the collective programming of the mind which
distinguishes the member of one group or category
of people from another”
How does culture affect business?
Hiring, interaction, class/gender structure, how to reward people, negotiations
Hofstedes dimensions
- how does national culture influence management practices? six aspects of national culture that affect organisations: -Individualism/Collectivism -Power distance -Avoidance of uncertainty -Masculinity/Femininity -Long-Term Orientation -Indulgence/Restraint
Hofstede Individualism:
- degree to which individuals are integrated into groups
- ties between individuals are loose
- people are expected to look after themselves and immediate family
- USA, canada, germany, france, sweden etc
- identity based on individual
- right to private life
- vlue standards shold apply to all (universalism)
- emphasis on individual achievement and initiative (leadership ideal)
- decisions based on individuals needs
Hofstede Collectivism:
- people are integrated into strong, cohesive ingroups, protectiing them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty
- China, Indonesia, thailand etc
- identity based on social system
- private life invaded by institutions and organisation one belongs to
- value standards differ for in and out groups: particularism
- emphasis on belonging: membership ideal
- decisions made according to whats best for the group
Hofstede collectivism work:
- employees act in interest of their in group
- relatives of employer and employee preferred in hiring
- personal relationships prevail over task and company
- entrepreneurs report contribution of others to results
Hofstede individualism work:
- employees supposed to act as economic men
- family relationships seen as disadvantage in hiring
- task and company prevail over personal relationships
- entrepreneurs claim own results without contribution of others
change and culture: individualism
-focus on how change is good for them
-allow indidivuals to ask and formulate questions
change and culture: collectivism:
- focus on how change is good for the group
- allow the group to ask and formulate questions
- allow the group to consult with each other and spedn time working on their responses, questions and concerns
Power distance:
-the extent to which less powerful members accept
and expect that power is distributed unequally
-represents inequality, but defined from below, not
from above
-suggests that followers as much as leaders endorse a
society’s level of inequality
-the extent to which children are socialised towards
obedience or towards initiative.
Measuring power distance:
- employees express disagreement with management?
- employee loses respect for manager who asks for their advice before making a decision
Hofstede power distance norms low:
- all should be interdependent
- powerful people should try to look less powerful than they are
- older people are neither respected nor feared
- all should have equal rights
- the system is to blame
Hofstede power distance norms high:
- a few should be independent
- powerful people should try to look powerful
- older people respected and feared
- power hlders are entitled to privilege
Hofstede power distance work high:
- centralised decision structures
- subordinates expect to be told
- innovations need good support from hierarchy
- information constraint by hierarchy
Hofstede power distance work low:
- decentralised decision structures
- subordinates expect to be consulted
- openness with information
change and power distance: hierarchical
- senior staff makes announcements
- use legitimate power to exercise authority
- tell subordinates what to do differently
change and power distance: egalitarian
- use influenceing skills
- include them in decision
- allow for questions
- provide a forum for discussion
uncertainty avoidance:
- deals with societies tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity
- indicates to which extend a culture programs its members to either feel comfortable or uncomfortable in unstructured situations
- high UAI tries to minimise uncertainty by strict laws, rules and security measures
- people in high UAI are more emotional and motivated by inner nervous energy
measuring uncertainty avoidance
-company rules should not be broken
-competition among employees does more harm than good
Hofstede uncertainty avoidance norms: high
- expressions of emotions
- Xenophobia
- conservatism, law and order
- older people are respected and feared
Hofstede uncertainty avoidance norms: low
- suppression of emotions
- tolerance of diversity
- oppenness to change and innovation
- younger people are respected
Hofstede uncertainty avoidance work: low
- weak loyalty to empoyer
- top managers involved in strategy
- many new trademarks granted
- belief in generalist and common sense
Hofstede uncertainty avoidance work: high
- strong loyalty to employer
- top managers involved in operations
- belief in specialists and expertise
uncertainty avoidance and change: high
- provide specific rules and structures
- recognise their need for information
- lots of data and structure logically
- provide examples
- provide cost-benefit analysis
- focus on compliance wiht procedures and policies
uncertainty avoidance and change: low
- reward creative behavior that moves issues forward
- focus on process of learning
- share information and open communication forums
- start with bottom line then build around their questions
- challenge and questions the way things are done
- refers to the distribution of emotional roles between the sexes
- in high MAS cultures gender roles are clearly distinct
- men are supposed to be assertive, tough and focused on material success, women on quality of life and be modest and tender
- femininity stands for a society where gender roles overlap
Hofstede masculinity-femininity:
-refers to the distribution of roles between the genders
-women’s values differ less among societies than men’s values
-men’s values from one country to another contain a
dimension from very assertive and competitive and maximally
different from women’s values on the one side, to modest and caring and similar to women’s values on the other
-the assertive pole has been called ‘masculine’ and the
modest, caring pole ‘feminine’
-women in feminine countries have the same modest, caringvalues as the men – the genders’ values are similar
-in the masculine countries they are somewhat assertive
and competitive, but not as much as the men, so that thesecountries show a gap between men’s values and women’s values.
Hofstede Masculinity-Femininity: masculinity:
-Have an opportunity for advancement to higher-
level jobs
-Have an opportunity for high earnings
-Have training opportunities
-Keep up to date with the technical developments relating to work
Hofstede Masculinity-Femininity: femininity:
- work in a congenial and fiendly atmosphere
- have good physical working conditions
- have good working relationship with your manager
- work with people who cooperate well with each other
Hofstede Masculinity-Femininity - Norms: masculine:
- ego orientation
- money and things are important
- stress on what you do
- live in order to work
- sympathy for the strong
Hofstede Masculinity-Femininity - Norms: feminine:
- relationship orientation
- people and quality of life are important
- stress on who you are
- work in order to live
- sympathy for the weak
Hofstede Masculinity-Femininity - Work: masculinity
- emphasis on equity, mutual competition and performance
- career ambitions compulsary for men, optional for women
- fewer women in management
- resolutions of conflicts through denying them or fighting till the best man wins
Hofstede Masculinity-Femininity - Work: femininity
- emphasis on equality, solidarity and quality of work life
- career ambitions are optional for men and women
- more women in management
- resolutions of conflicts through problem solving, compromise and negotiation
Change and masculinity: masculinity
- task oriented
- show drive and ambition for completion of tasks
- be decisive
- communicate and respond with a sense of urgency
- deliver what you promised when you promised
Change and masculinity: femininity
- relationship oriented
- stress interdependence
- focus on service to internal and external customer
- stress solidairyt and service
- emphasize modesty and humility
- be intuitive
short vs long term orientation
- LTO stands for fostering of virtues oriented towards future rewards
- STO stands for fostering of virtes realted to the past and present in particular respect for tradition, preservation of face and fulfilling social obligations
Hofstede Short vs. Long Term Orientation - Norms: STO
- quick reslts expected
- business focus on bottom line
- status not major issue in relationship
- shame is not a common feeling
- smaller share of income saved
- family and business spheres seperate
- people should be rewarded according to their abilities
- loyalty towards others can vary depending on business needs
Hofstede Short vs. Long Term Orientation - Norms: LTO
- persistence
- business focus on relationships and market positions
- relationships ordered by status
- a sense of shame is common
- larger share of income saved
- vertical and horizontal coordination: blending of business and family
- develop and maintain life long personal networks
- owners and workers share same aspirations
Indulgence vs restraint:
- indulgance stands for a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun
- restraints stands for a society that supresses gratification of these needs and regulates it by means of strict social norms