Exam 1 Flashcards
4 sub-fields of anthropology and what they are?
- Cultural Anthro
- focuses on cultural variations among humankind - Archaeological Anthro
- study of human life and culture through examination remaining materials - Biological or Physical Anthro
- Study of behavioral variations. Scientific, extinct ancestors - Linguistic Anthro
- How language influences life
Holistic/comparative perspective
big thing that separates Anthro from social fields.
•cross cultural understanding of humanity
•focusses on cultural as a whole
•comes from a verity of fields
Adapting with biological and cultural means. Do we do this?
American teenage hugging-what this
Look at slide 12.
They are not static
Social Science/Humanities
Define Culture
• Adaptability, not genetic
-the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
Define Ethnography
the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures.
What is Anthropology
The study of human species and it’s immediate ancestors, exploration of human diversity in time and space
“psychic unity of man”
The psychic unity of humans implies that regardless of the cultural input you offer a newborn he/she will always be capable of understanding how to act as a full member of that society.
Define a Symbol
a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.
Define Acculuration
the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture. An exchange between 2 or more cultures
U.S. view on culture
Individualism is important
Cultural is downplayed
Define Ethnocentrism
Believing that your culture is better than others.
Judging other cultures
Define Cultural Relativism
Being judge by your own members of your culture
Explain Forced Deffusion
takes place when one culture defeats another and forces its beliefs and customs onto the conquered people.
Define Cultural shock
Overwhelming feeling when going into a different culture
Key Cultural Consultant
Someone who is an expert of something
Define Emic
Research that studies one single culture to understand culture-specific behavior. researchers study behavior through the eyes of the people who live in that culture.
Define Etic
Research that compares psychological phenomena across cultures to discover universal behaviors. the research aims to compare and contrast behaviors across cultures to find out whether the behavior is culture specific or universal.
Lévi-Strauss Structuralism
- human minds
- we share humanistic character.
- we think a like
Boas-contributions to anthropology
Ask about it
Unilinear Evolutionism/Morgan and Tylor
Ask about this
“There’s only one line of path”
Characteristics of ethnographic field
PowerPoint 56-68 ch3