Exam 1 Flashcards
Party from old exams but also from notes.
Which plant (C3/C4) will have the competitive advantage in elevated CO2 levels?
Which plant (C3/C4) will have the competitive advantage in drought stress?
Which plant (C3/C4) will have the competitive advantage in lower light or shade conditions?
Which plant (C3/C4) will have the competitive advantage in lower relative temperature?
What is a plant resricted to acid soil conditions as the area in which it can grow and develop?
obligate acidophile
Simple term for reproductive success?
Triangular stem with tree-ranked leaves, mostly glaborous, adapted to high water content. Moncot. Plant family???
Primarily herbaceous vines, funnel-shaped, radially symmetrical flowers. Dicots. Plant family??
Succulent leaves and stems, leaves normally simple, prosuces poisonous latex or milky sp. Dicots. Plant Family???
Five reproductive characteristics of successful weeds?
1) Largely self fertilixed but outcrossing is possible. 2) Pollination by wind or isect generalists 3) Produce maasive quantities of seed 4) Seed germination influenced by environmental cues. 5) Dual modes of reproduction (seed and vegetative).
Three beneficial aspects of weeds?
1) Protection/food for wildlife and insects. 2) Primary-successional plants (stabilize soil). 3) Lower disease pressures bc of plant diversity.
Cruciform arranged claw petals; produces glucosinolates. Plant family?
Simple leaves alterante with clammy appearance; produces alkaloids. Plant family?
Composites of individual flowers, seed elogated for wind dispersal. Plant family?
Produces ocrea. Plant family?
Simple leaves, opposite or alternate; compact flowering stem at apex of of plant. Plant family?
Two classes of parasitic weeds?
dodders and witchweed??? Unsure. Edit
A plant that is considered harmful to other plants or the environment as defined by Federal Seed Act of 1939?
Noxious Weed
Impliess that a given weed species, including seed seed and vegetative reproductive parts, have been killed or completely removed from a given area and the weed will not reappear unless reintroduced.
Eradication or localized extinction
Term used to describe chemicals produced by plant on other surrounding plants. Negative chemical effects of one plant on another.
Three main types of biotic agents?
Insects, Parasitic organisms, herbaceous organisms
Three problems associated with weds in animal production?
Direct Toxicity, decreasesd carrying capacity, Aggravation and annoyance
Soybeans, peanuts, white clover. Plant Family?
Sheathed leaves, ligule, collar, awns. Plant family?
What is a weed?
A plant that originated in a natural environment and in response to imposed or natural environments, evolved and continues to do so as an interfering associate to our crops and activities (humans breed weeds)
General growth characteristics of a weed?
1) Rapid seedling growth. 2) quick maturation and conversion to reproduction stage 3) Environmental platicity 4) ability to capture a DISPROPORTIONATE amount of resources in competion with a desirable plant
Three Indirect costs of weeds?
seed contamination (reduced seed quality and dockage), reduction in crop yield, interference when harvesting