Exam 1 Flashcards
Working memory
- supports processing (manipulation)
- holds information transiently through rehearsal (maintenance)
Two components of memory
- working momory/short term memory
- long term memory
Components of working memory
- central executive (coordinates info and provides attentional control)
- visuospatial sketchpad (acts on visual and spatial info)
- phonological loop (operates on verbal info)
Long Term Memory
- supports knowledge
processes of LTM
- acquisition
- storage
- access
Types of Long Term memory
- episodic memory (audobiographical)
- semantic memory (knowledge, concepts)
- lexical memory (word knowledge)
- procedural memory (skills, how to do things)
- priming
- classical conditioning
- ## non associative learning
- exposed to stimulus -> changes response to it or to related stimulus
- priming results in subsequent responses that are:
1. faster
2. more accurate
3. biased in some way
classical conditioning
- neutral stimulus becomes associated with another stimulus that elicits a response.
- Types:
1. emotional (little Albert)
2. skeletal (Pavlov’s dogs)
Non Associative Learning
- does not require associating different stimuli
- Types:
- habituation- decrease in response with repeated exposure
- sensitization- increase in responsiveness due to repeated exposure or aversive stimulus.
- dishabituation- restoration of habituated response
Two Categories of LTM
- Declarative
- Nondeclarative
- declarative and nondeclarative operate in parallel
Declarative LTM
- models the external world
- is either true or false
- expressed via recollection
- detects and codes what is unique about a single event
Nondeclarative LTM
- neither true nor false
- expressed through performance
- acquired without conscious awareness
neural substrate of
a. working memory
b. short term memory
a. dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
b. ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
neural substrate of LTM
- declarative - medial temporal lobe structures, diencephalon
- nondeclarative
a. skills and habits (procedural) - basal ganglia.
b. priming - neocortex
c. classical conditioning - 1.emotional-amygdala, 2.skeletal-cerebellum
d. nonassociative learning - reflex pathways
memory formation
- long term potentiation
- synapses are strengthened
- requires strong neural stimulation via repetition or salient events
- long term depression
- synapses are weakened
Executive functioning processes
- coordination and monitoring (working memory)
- inhibition (a. behavioral (self) control, b. interference control (stop distractions from own brain))
- cognitive flexibility (task switching and set switching)
Neural substrate for executive functioning
- prefrontal cortex
Executive functioning is trainable
- can be improved by..
- repeated practice
2. exercising/challenging the skills
Exec. Func. Assessments
- may not measure what the name implies
- may differ from real world skills
The ability to select some information for further processing or inhibit info from further processing
Types of attention
- selective -time, space
- divided - doing more than one thing at the same time
- alternating - going back and forth between tasks
- endogenous - inside your own head (internal)
- exogenous - outside of you (external)
- people differ in how they age
- genes play a role
- probably no singe cause for aging
- maximum life span potential has not changed (~120 years)