Exam 1 Flashcards
What do Microorganism do
- Contrubte to the quality of human and life in general ( Food Production, Bioodegration, Antiboitcs)
- Maintain the balance of chemival elements in nature( Recycle carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus)
- Breakdown the remains of all that die
- Microbes are able to degrade cellulse, leaves and fallen trees do not pile up
- Infectious diesases
Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family,Genus, Species
Genus First same, Always Cap.. Species, Second name
NO NUCLEUS, NO membrane bound organelles
Have nucleus, have organelles
Single Celled, Cell wall contains protein carbohydrate comeplex ( peptidglycan)
Lack cell wall.. or cell wall lacks peptidoglycan
Unicellular eukaryotes
Moves by flagella, cilia or pseudopods
Photosynthetic eukaryotes
Aceullular. No cytoplasm/organelle
No Metabolism of their own
Must replicate using the host cells metabolic machinery
Possess either DNA/RNA but not both
Total Magnification
Objective lens maginifcation x Ocular lens magification ( power)
The ability of the lenses to distinguish fine details and structures
The ability of the leanse to distinguish 2 points a specific distance apart
Path of light
Illuminator-Condesnor lenses-objectivelens-body tube-prisum-acular lens- line of visums
Bright field illumination
Shows internal strucutres and the outline of the transparaent pellicle ( external covering)
Path of light- Lgith condenser lens specimen objective lens ocular lens
Darkfield microscopy
Aginst a black background, edges of the cell are bright some internal structures seem to sparkle and the pellicle is almost visible
Has a special condenser ( opagque disk that eliminates all light in the center of the beam. Only light that reaches the specimen come in at an angle, only light reflected by the specimenas reaches the objective lens
Phase-Contrast Microscopy
Makes cells and other dense materials appear darker.
Useful to look at internal structures in details and in living organism.
Passes through a ring shaped diaphramge.
Fluorescence Microscopy
Stained with fluorochromes
Confocal Microscopy
Produce 3 dimensional images
Uses fluorochromes stains
Electron Microscopy
Beam of electrons is used instead of light
Two Types: Transmission, Scanning
Transmission Electron Microscopy
Electron Mic View internal strucutres Specimen is frozen and cut into thins slices Stained with heavy metals Darker ateas are denser portions
Scanning Electron
observe surface details of the cell
Coated with thin film of metal
Electron are released from the specimena nd reflected back into the viewing chamber
Gram Staining Process
Crystal Violet ( 30 s) Stains cell purple
DI water
Iodine( 10s) Stainscells remain purple
DI water
Alcohol- Decolorizer(10-20s) Gram = remain purple.. Gram - Cells appear colorless
DI water
Safranin ( 30s) Gram + cells remain purple
Gram neg cells appear pink
DI water
Dry with bibulous paper
Gram positive
Higher peptiodglycan content
Low Lipid content
Shrinking of the pores upon alcholo treatment
Crystal violet iodine complex is retained inside the cell
*Thick cell wall**
Gram negative
Low peptidoglycan content Higher lipid content Dissolution of the lipid membrane upon alcohol treatment Complex is washed out Cell takes up counterstain
Acid Fast Stain
Identify bacteria in mycobacterium genus
Have waxy material in cell walls
Negative staining for capsules
cant be stained
mixed in solution will give background a contrasting
Endospore Staining
Gram + bac
Cant be stained
Use Schaeffer Fulton Endospore stain techineues
Schaeffer- Fulton Stain
Heatfix smear
Put paper over it and over a steamer
Take paper off
Stain with malachite green which can penitrate thick cell walls ( stains green)
counter stain with safranin ( staining red)
Flagella Staining
Staining agent used to adheres to and coats the flagella.. increases their diameter
Giemsa Staining
Used to differentiate nuclear/Cytoplasmic morphologys of Plateletes, RBC,WBC, Parasites
Methylene Blue and Eosin
No nucleus No Histones No Membrane bound organells peptidoglycan cell walls Divide by binary fission BAc and Archaea
Bacillus ( Rods)
Vibrio, Spirillum,Spirochete
Chains ( two together)
Chain of cocci
Diplo ( two together)
Strepto- Long chain
Cells divided in several planes at random
Cells divided in several planes at random
Substance that surround the cell
Organized: firmly attached to cell wall:l Capsule
Unorganized loosely attached: Slime layer
Acts as barrier to toxic hydrophobic molecules
enables adherence to other bacteria
Basal body, engine
Directed movement of an organism in response to a certian chemical in the environment.. Towards or away
All Gram negative
Shaft composed of pilin( proteins)
Conjugation ( transfer of DNA)
Fimbriae- Promote attachment to other bac and host
Cell wall formation
NAG and NAM Alternating 10-65 rows
N-Acetylmuramic Acid
Peptide chains are attached forming 3D mesh like layer
Can be crossed linked ( Gram +)
Gram positive Cell Wall
thick Lipoteichoic acid ata surce Teichoic acid in cytoplasmic membrane Binds Mg and NA Involes surface antigens in adherence
Gram Negitive Cell Wall
Outter Membrane
NO teichoic acid
Peptidoglycan is bounded to lipoproteins in the outer membrane
Out membrane of gram neg
Lipopolysaccharides ( LPS)
Porin Proteins
LPS Componets
Lipid A
Core Polysaccharide
O Antigen
Lipid A
in LPS
Basic component
REsponsible for endotoxin activity