Exam 1 Flashcards
- What does the author now (that is, as of 1987) take for granted?
That he is a Westerner who can live a traditional Jewish life without any intellectual experiences (P. xiv)
- What does Wouk call “a formidable intellectual position”?
Belief in God (p. 5); with which most of the first-class minds of the human race century in and century out have concurred in their own way ( agnostics and believers convo)
- Where does Wouk say Jews today “live as free and equal citizens”?
United States (p. 7)
- How old is the Jewish people? What does Wouk say has verified this?
3,000 years old, archaeology that proves the events of the Bible (p. 8)
- Wouk observes that the Bible says Jews descend from three men. Who were they?
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
- What is the Hebrew word for the scripture law given to Moses for Israel?
Torah (p. 9)
- “To sum up,” says Wouk, who are the Jews?
Israelites, descended from the small nation which came out of the sinai desert into Canaan three thousand years ago, with a tradition of liberation from Egypt, under a lawgiver and deliverer names Moses. (p. 11)
- What two things does Wouk say determines “who is a Jew”?
Blood (descendant of house of Israel)and faith (p 17)
- In Judaism, what is the “path to God” and to whom does it lie open?
right conduct is the path to God, it is open to Jews and non-Jews (20)
- For whom does Wouk say he is “sketching Judaism”?
Those who want to know about it (23)
- How does Wouk say Jews can be loyal to both religious law and the law of the land?
The loyalty is single. “The law of the land is our law”–the traditional Jew, beyond his civic sense is obliged by his religion to be a law abider.
- What is the one point over which conflict might exist in this issue?
A decree that they may not worship God
- What is the nearest thing to an encyclopedia in Judaism?
Babylon Talmud (35)
- By tradition, how many commandments does Judaism (i.e. the Law) have?
613 (35)
- But how many of those commandments does Wouk say are “key observances”?
24 (36)
- What does Wouk say is the “core of Judaism”?
Special disciplines, special rewards (38)
- What did Hillel say is the “core of Judaism”?
What is offensive to you, do not do to others, right conduct to other people (39)
- What is the only strictly Jewish symbol in the Ten Commandments?
sabbath (47)
- How many prohibitions are there in the “two tables” (i.e. Ten Commandments)?
7 : idolatry, perjury, murder, adultery, theft, false witness, covetousness.(47)
- How many positive commands are there in the “two tablets”?
3: worship one god, honor parents, keeping the sabbath (48)
- Opinion: What LDS emphasis do you think is contained in these positive commands?
- What (“in the second place” according to Wouk) does the Sabbath mark?
founding of Jewish nation–exodus from Egypt (49)
- The Sabbath is a recurring sign and reminder of … what two things?
grateful worship of God and celebration of Israel (50) or of creation and Israel’s beginning (51)
- In the presence of emergency, what vanishes on Sabbath?
Restrictive laws of the sabbath (52)
- What does Wouk say is the second layer of Judaism’s bedrock?
common sense (52)