EXAM 1 Flashcards
views of infancy
NATURISM: things were born with
- preformed: we know when were born eg. babbling
- predetermined: not there when born but show up later on schedule eg. walking
EMPIRICISM: born with capacity to learn, need environment exposure
PIAGET CONSTRUCTIVIST THEORY: born with innate mechanisms but not knowledge structures which are constructed
GIBSONS ECOLOGICAL THEORY: organism/enviornment system, infant is active seeker of information, active in own development
function of infant development
- initially max energy intake ro fuel growth
- energy budget: max energy going in, minimize what goes out
- limited by inability to obtain fuel on own and control over some basic bodily functions
- once limitations overcome, cognitive advancement and socialization are possible
Looking paradigms
- preferential looking: 2 stimuli, measure preference of stimuli
- habituation: familiarize 1 stimulus and test with different one, measure looking time to stimulus during habituation and test. might take different number of trials developing on infant
-kelman and spike: what capacity can infants see things as whole - familiarity/novelty preference paradigm: components of preferential looking and habituation, familiarize initial stimulus, test is similar to preferential looking
visual evoked potentials (VEP)
- electrodes placed on head measure light rays
- 1st present grey field, then present pattern
- get response if can discriminate pattern
relation of 2 variables, at least 1 cant be manipulated
cause and effect conclusions, ind. variable manipulated, effect on dep. variable measured
same subject studied repeatedly at different ages. 2 questions.
1. stability
2. early experiences effect later development
study children at different ages to examine differences in behaviour at different ages.
micro genetic
examine small group at age when major development
problem: repeated testing
habituation vs. novelty preference
habituation: 50% decrease, 1 stimulus at test, compare test performance to pre-test
novelty preference: pre set # of trials, 2 stimulus at test, compare test performance of each stimulus to each other
stage 1
- zygote (conception-2 weeks)
- cells multiply by mitosis
- cells differentiate and specialize into cells
- implants in uterus
stage 2
- embryo (3-8 weeks)
- 3 layers of cells: endodermal (internal organs) ectodermal (outermost, skin) mesodermal (middle, heart, bones)
stage 3
- 9-38 weeks
- fetus
- facial features
how teratogens act
- genetic sensitivity
- temporal sensitivity
- effect specificity (thalidomide produce limb effects)
- severity
- method of access (radiation vs chemicals
- dosage effects (no caffeine, chocolate, herbal tea)
types of disorders
- rubella: low birth weight
- herpes: CNS
- HIV: facial deformities
- Zika: microcephaly
- syphillis: prematurity
birth process
- contractions in uterus to stitch and dilate cervix and baby moves down canal
- push and deliver baby
- mother delivers placenta
prenatal learning
- infants suck pacifier to hear mothers voice
- fetus learns prosody
effect of delivery process and birth
- squeeze of baby brain during labor potentially affect release of neurotransmitters and wiring of brain
- going through birth canal may expose baby to bacteria that seeds gut microbiome
- C-section doesnt expose this to babies
dynamic systems theory
behaviour emerge as result of multiple independent systems
ecological systems theory
social ans cultural context influence development
makeup of individual
observable characteristics or traits
same alleles express trait
different allele for gene