Exam 1 Flashcards
What is a tempo?
(It. “in time.”) A tempo mark indicating an immediate return to the original tempo, following a change in tempo.
What is dolce
(It. “sweet.”) A score direction indicating a sweet or soft tone and smooth, soft playing.
What is accelerando ?
A gradual quickening of tempo.
What is accidental?
A symbol placed before a note on the staff, which temporarily raises or lowers it by either a half step or a whole step. Half step accidentals are the sharp and the flat, while whole step accidentals are the double sharp (which looks most like a square “x”) and the double flat (which appears as two flat symbols).
What is allegro?
(It. “cheerful”), A tempo mark indicating a fast tempo.
What is chromatic?
- A scale comprised of the twelve consecutive half steps contained within an octave. 2. The compositional use of notes and/or chords which lie outside the major or minor key of a given piece.
What is a coda?
(It. “tail.”) A section of music which is added at the end of a piece, usually using material taken from the composition itself. It is not part of the form of the piece, but rather provides a sense of closure to the work by restating previous material.
What is crescendo ?
(It. “growing”), A dynamic mark indicating a gradual increase in loudness, or dynamics.
What is decrescendo ?
(It. “decreasing”), A dynamic mark indicating a gradual decrease in loudness or dynamics.
What is dynamics?
The relative levels of loudness and softness in music. Dynamic markings indicate the varying dynamics in which a piece is to be performed.
What is flat?
A symbol which lowers a given note by one half step.
What is forte?
(It. “loud”, Fr. “strong.”) A dynamic mark indicating a loud dynamic.
What is a half step?
The smallest interval in the chromatic scale. It can be heard by playing any key on the piano, and playing the next adjacent key, regardless of color.
What is legato?
(It. “tied.”) A music term designating a sustained, smooth, connected playing of a passage of notes.
What is ostinato?
(It. “tied.”) A music term designating a sustained, smooth, connected playing of a passage of notes.