Exam 1 Flashcards
What is on the top and bottom of aristotle’s scala naturae?
Top: Humans
Bottom: Inanimate matter.
Also called the chain of being.
it was an ordering of living beings.
Who wrote the book “Principles of Psychology”?
Herbert Spencer.
Who wrote “On the Origin of Species”?
Charles Darwin.
Who wrote “The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex.”?
Charles Darwin.
What might explain why something that is a disadvantage from a “natural selection” POV would persist within a species?
Sexual Selection.
Who wrote “Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals”?
Charles Darwin.
Attribution of human traits to non-human entities?
how did Darwin analyze his observations in “Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals”?
He analyzed animal behavior in an anthropomorphic way which was the standard at the time.
He concluded the behavior complexity increased versely with brain size.
The study of animal behavior focused on the evolution and function of the behavior?
Primary: Field Studies.
The study of animal behavior focused on the physiology, mechanism, learning and development of the behavior?
Comparative Psychology.
Primary: Lab Experiments and quantitative data.
Student of Darwin who is considered one of the founders of comparative psychology?
George Romanes.
Much of animal behavior after Darwin was studied…
Who was the first to state animal behavior was instinctual?
“non-human behaviors are simply tropisms.”
Jacques Loeb.
Physiochemical response to a stimulus?
Benefit of using field studies Vs Lab studies?
No human caused artifacts.
Benefit of lab studies Vs Field studies?
Variables can be controlled for.
Who attempted to tie both ethology and comparative psychology together?
Niko Tinbergen.
What are the four questions of animal behavior brought about by Niko Tinbergen?
- What are the mechanisms which cause a particular behaviour?
- How did the behavior develop?
- What is the behaviors survival value?
- How did this behavior evolve?
Who are the three founders of Ethology?
Frisch, Lorenz, and Tinbergen.
In certain flies the male will give the female a sort of “Nupital Gift” to distract the female from attacking him while mating. By comparing the relative phylogeny of the flies we see this same behavior in different forms, some have a wrapped food gift, some only wrapping, some only food. What area of study would use this to describe the behavior?
Evolution is studied through the comparison of species to determine their relatedness, when this is applied to behavior what is this called?
What is a FAP?
Fixed Action Pattern.
Motor response initiated by an environmental stimulus.
What is an important factor of a FAP?
Fixed Action Pattern.
That the action continues once initiated even if the stimulus is removed.
What is defined by these four features?
- Innate behavior
- Performed by all appropriate members of the species.
- Sequence of behavior is consistent and in-alterable
- May be triggered inappropriately.
Fixed Action Pattern.
What is the environmental stimulus called which brings about a FAP?
Sign Stimulus.
- Fixed Action Pattern
A sign stimulus which is caused by a conspecific?
Social Releaser.
(Conspecific= Same Species.)
Long successive series of FAPs?
Chain of reactions.
This is when each FAP has its own sign stimulus or social releaser triggering the next one.
What behavior is commonly associated with Chain of reactions?
What is the stimulus called?
Mating rituals.
A series of social releasers each instigating its own FAP.
Who argued that behavior should be explained in the simplest ways and not to attribute human characteristics- only use the available evidence?
Lloyd Morgan
This was known as Morgan’s canon.
Who did the puzzle box (escape only) lab experiment which led to the idea of operant conditioning?
E. L. Thorndike.
Trial and Error learning?
Operant Conditioning.
Responses which are rewarded tend to be repeated?
Law of Effect.
Who developed the idea of classical conditioning?
When an innocuous stimulus becomes associated with the reward stimulus?
Classical Conditioning.
How to differentiate between operant and classical conditioning?
Classical forms an association whereas operant is a learned response.