Exam 1 Flashcards
Advantages of Labels
Gets resources to students in need, helps teachers, makes student have comfort
Disadvantages to Labels
Lowers self-esteem (labeled as different), bullying, lower standards
Deviating from the average (higher and lower)
Difficulty in learning or social adjustment
Limitation imposed by the environment
Neurodiverse (and thus neurotypical)
Difference in neurology (neurotypical = typical neurology)
____ first language
PERSON! (A person with autism, NOT an autistic person)
Medical Model
Nature based, views disability as a physical condition that’s part of an individual’s body
3 Thinkers (Medical Model)
John Locke, Philippe Pinel, Marc Itard
John Locke
Mind is a blank state
Philippe Pinel
Human treatment of individuals with disabilities
Marc Itard
Worked on language with “wild boy”, Victor
“Improving the genetics of a society”, a result of the isolation and oppression of individuals with disabilities (forced sterilization)
What year is associated with forced sterilization?
Ecological Model
Nurture based, child in context of environment (family, school, peers, society)
Multidisciplinary contributions to field of special education
Psychology, Sociology, and Education
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
1990 (Bush), Calls for “reasonable accommodations” for “otherwise qualified” individuals to “level the playing field”
504 Plans
Associated with the ADA, students who need accommodations, but do not need special education
Accommodations in the Classroom
“Changes to educational environments or practices designed to help students overcome learning barriers” - Change HOW not WHAT
Acronym for giving accommodations
Setting, Timing, Response, Equipment, Presentation
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
1975 (last updated 2004), “free, appropriate public education” to every child who has a disability, every state has their own version
How is disability defined in IDEA
13 Categories
Specific Learning Disability, Hearing Loss, Vision Loss, Other Health Impairment, Orthopedic Disability, Communication Disorders, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Deaf/Blind, Multiple Disabilities, Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability, Emotional Behavior Disability
4 Provisions of IDEA
Fair Evaluation, Least Restrictive Environment, Parental Safeguards, Individualized Educational Programs (IEP)
ADA vs/ IDEA: Focus
Society vs/ Education
ADA vs/ IDEA: Written Documents
504 Plans vs/ IEPs
ADA vs/ IDEA: “Disability” Defined
Broad Definition vs/ Categories
ADA vs/ IDEA: Purpose
Accessibility vs/ Guarantee Success
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
2001, Accountability with annual testing (one size fits all)
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Consistent standards across the nation
Early Intervention
Ages birth - 3, at home, May have a diagnosis or be identified as at-risk
ISFP (Individualized Family Services Plans)
Early Intervention Plan - Comprehensive Services for child and FAMILY (Speech/Language, PT, Social Work, Special Instruction)
Ages 3+, this is where the IEP starts
MTSS (Multi-tiered System of Support)
Evidence Based Interventions with Tiers and Steps, more research of high quality, quantitative evidence (cause/effect)
Tier 1 (MTSS)
Core Curriculum, 80% of students
Tier 1 Steps
Step 1: Provide Tier 1 Instruction within Universal Design for Learning framework
Step 2: Universal Screening (ILearn, NWEA, DIBELS)
Step 3: Examine data: Identify At-Risk Students. Intervene and monitor progress, collecting data.
Tier 2 (MTSS)
Groups, 15% of students
Tier 2 Steps
Step 4: MTSS Team Meeting: Notify parents if student goes to TIer 2
Step 5: Tier Tier 2 Interventions are provided in addition to Tier 1 Instruction
Step 6: Progress Monitoring of Tier 2 Interventions - make data-informed decisions about instruction over a given time period.
Step 7: MTSS Team Meeting - keep parents informed
Tier 3 (MTSS)
Individualized, 5% of students
Tier 3 Steps
Step 8: Tier 3 Interventions are provided in addition to Tiers 1 and 2
Step 9: Progress Monitoring of Tier 3 Interventions - make data-informed decisions about instruction
Step 10: MTSS Team Reconvenes for Students with Tier 3 Interventions - make data-informed decisions bout continuing Tier 3 or referral for testing for special education.
UDL (Universal Design for Learning)
Making materials accessible to students with disabilities (for EVERYONE aka UNIVERSAL), focuses on environment
Inclusivity -> Barriers -> Flexibility
Differentiated Instruction
Carole Tomlinson, providing variety in instruction based on student readiness, interests, and/or learning preferences using CONTENT, PROCESS, PRODUCT
Examples of Differentiated Assessments
Observing, KWL, Pre-test, Conferences