Exam 1 Flashcards
Controlled experiment
An experiment that is conducted under controlled conditions in which one or two factors are changed at a time to determine if a relationship exists between variables
Treatment Group
Group that receives the treatment in the experiment
Control Group
The group that goes not receive the treatment.
The set of all subjects and elements about which we are interested in making inferences
A list containing all members of the population is referred to as the frame
A survey that includes all the elements or units in the frame
Population Parameters
Facts about the population. Since parameters are descriptions of the population, a population can have many parameters
A subset of the population which is used to gain insight about the population. Samples are used to represent a larger group of the population
A series of actions that changes inputs to outputs
Descriptive statistics
-frequency distribution
-mean, median, mode
-range, variance, standard deviation
Inferential statistics
To make reasonable estimates about population characteristics using sample data
Confounding variable
A variable that was not controlled or accounted for by the researcher and thus damaged the integrity of the experiment
Double blind study
A study in which the subjects are not told whether they are members of the experiment group or the control group and the evaluators are also not told whether their subject are members of the experiment or control group is called a double blind study
Casual factors
Factors or variables that influence the response variable
Big data
Any data that can be characterized by any or all of the following characteristics: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity
Structured data
Highly organized, has labels, and fits in spreadsheet cells, such as each cell in the sheet is of an identifiable format called structured data
Unstructured data
Data that does not have a predictable organization
Semi-structured data
Data that is a combination of both structured and unstructured data