Exam 1 Flashcards
What are the features of living organisms? (6)
- Possess chemical complexity & microscopic organization.
- Ability to extract, transform, and use energy from the environment.
- Defined functinos for each biological component and regulation of interactions between components.
- Ability to sense and respond to the environment.
- Ability to self replicate.
- As a species, ability to evolve and adapt to environment.
What are the three domains of life?
- Bacteria
- Archaea
- Eukarya
Which two groups are single cell organisms without a nuclear membrane?
- Bacteria
- Archaea
What domain has cells with a nuclear membrane?
- Eukarya
What species are classified as bacteria? (6)
- Thermotogales
- Flavobacteria
- Cyanobacteria*
- Proteobacteria (Purple bacteria)*
- Gram-positive bacteria*
- Green nonsulfur bacteria
*same ancestor
What species are classified as Archaea? (7)
- Pyrodictium*
- Thermoproteus*
- Thermoproteus
- Thermococcus
- Methanococcus
- Methanobacterium
- Methanosarcina
- Halophiles
*same ancestor
What is the size of Prokaryotic cells?
1-10 μm
What type of microorganisms are single-celled?
- Bacteria
- Archaea
What are flagella used for?
What are pili for?
What is the cell envelope?
plasma memberane and the layers surrounding the plasma membrane
- Outerlayers differ for different organisms
- Can be foremed from membranes and peptidoglycans
What is the cytoplasm?
- the gelatinous liquid that fills the inside of a cell
- enclosed by the plasma membrane
What is the cytosol?
- aqueous solution containing biomolecules
What is the nucleoid?
area containing genetic material without a membrane
What is the cytoskeleton made of? What does it do?
- Made of protein
- Provides structure and organization to cytoplasm is dynamic