Exam 1 Flashcards
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Great League of Peace (Chapter I)
An alliance of the Haudenosaunee nations (colloquially known to their enemies as the Iroquois)
The reconquest of spanish from the moors in 1492
Fifteenth century European ship that was capable of long-distance travel
Spanish term for conquerors that applied to Spanish and Portuguese soldiers who conquered lands held by Indigenous peoples in central and southern America as well as the current states of Florida, Texas, NM, AZ, and California
Aztecan Captial; It was built on marshy islands on the western side of Lake Tetzcoco, which is the site of present-day Mexico City
Arguably one of the largest mesoamerican empires ruled by the Mexica people that was defeated by the Spanish Hernan Cortes and his allies 1519-1528
Columbian Exchange
The transatlantic flow of goods and people that began with Columbus’ voyages in 1492 this included many diseases such as smallpox which the natives had very little if any resistance to
Large-scale farm int he Spanish empire worked by Native American laborers
Spanish word for persons born of spanish and native-american ancestry.
Ninety-Five Theses
The list of moral grievances against the Catholic Church by Martin Luther in 1517
Bartolome de Las Casas
A catholic missionary who renounced the Spanish practice of coercively converting Indians and advocated their better treatment.
repartimiento system
Spanish labor system under which Indians werre legally free and able to earn wages but were also required to perform a fixed amount of labor yearly.
Black Legend
The legend that the Spanish empire was more oppressive towards Indians than other European empires.
Pueblo Revolt
The 1680 uprising by Pope that temporarily drove Spanish colonists out of New Mexico
A place between or near recognize borders where no group of people has complete political control or cultural dominance
John Smith
An English soldier who was employed by the Virginia Company and is largely successful for the colony of Jamestown in colonial North America
Virginia Company
A joint-stock enterprise that James I chartered in 1606; the company was to spread Christianity in the Americas as well as find ways to make a profit in it.
Anglican Church
The established church of England formed by Henry VIII to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.
Roanoke colony
Failed English attempt to establish a colony on Roanoke Island in the Outer Banks; disappeared between 1587 and 1590
enclosure movement
A legal process that divided large farm field in England that were previous collectively owned by groups of peasants into smaller, individually owned plots
headright system
A land-grant policy that promised fifty acres of land to any colonist who could afford passage to Virginia as well as fifty more for any accompanying servants.
House of Burgesses
The first elected assembly in colonial America established in 1619 in Virginia. Only wealthy landowners could vote in its elections.
Anglo-Powhatan Wars
Three wars fought between the Powhatans and the Jamestonw colonists in 1610-1614, 1622-1626, and 1644-1646
An early word for colony, settlement “planted” from abroad among an alien population in Ireland or the Americas.
dower rights
The rights of a widowed woman to inherit one-third of her deceased husband’s property
English religious group that sought to purify the Church of England. Founded the massachusetts bay colony under John Winthrop in 1630
John Winthrop
Puritan leader and governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony who resolved to use the colony as a refuge for persecuted Puritans and a instrument of building a “wilderness Zion” in America
Puritan separatists who broke completely with the Church of England and sailed to the Americas aboard the Mayflower in 1620
Mayflower Compact
Document signed in 1620 aboard the Mayflower before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth.
Great Migration
Large-scale migration of puritans from mainland to the new-england colonies.
captivity narratives
Narratives about the captivity of english settlers often showing of their strong faith.
Pequout War
A 1637 armed conflict between the Pequot Indians and an alliance of Naragansett, Mohegan, and English. The Pequout lost.
Protestants who belonged to denominations outside of the Anglican Church
Half-Way Covenant
A 1662 religious compromise that allowed baptism and partial church membership to colonial New Englanders whose parents were not among the Puiritan elect.
English liberty
The notion that all english men were entitled to certain liberties including trial by jury, habeas corpus, and one’s right to face one’s accuser in court. Even the king was held to these laws.
Act Concerning Religion (or Maryland Toleration Act)
A 1649 law that granted free excercise of religion to all Christian denominations in colonial Maryland
King Philip’s War (Metacom’s War)
A multityear conflict that began in 1675. Its end result was broader freedoms for white New Englanders and the dispossession of the Wampanoags and other Indians
Also known as King Philip he was the Wampanoag leader who led a war against English colonists and was subsequently killed.
Policy of Great Britain and other imperial powers of regulating the economies of colonies to benefit the mother country.
Navigation Acts
Law passed by English Parliament to control colonial trade and bolster the mercantile system.
Covenant Chain
Alliance formed in the 1670s between the English colony of New York and the Haudenosaunee League
Yamasee War
War between South Carolina and the Yamasee and Muscogee Indians; The war resulted in the end of South Carolina’s Indian Slave Trade.
Society of Friends
Also known as Quakers they were a religious group in England and America who believed all persons possessed the “inner light” or spirit of God.
Bacon’s Rebellion
16767 revolt by Nathaniel Bacon against British Governor of Virginia William Berkely’s administration that started when Bacon and supporters butchered a sizeable amount of natives.
Glorious Revolution
The 1688 coup engineered by a small group of aristocrats that led to William of Orange taking the British throne in place of James II
English Bill of Rights
A series of laws enacted in 1689 that inscribe the rights of English men into law and enumerated parliamentary powers such as taxation
Lords of Trade
An English regulatory board established to oversee colonial affairs in 1675
Dominion of New England
Consolidation into a single colony of the New England colonies and later New York and New Jersey by royal governor Edumund Andros in 1686
English Toleration Act
A 1690 act of Parliament that allowed all English Protestants to worship freely.
Salem witch trials
A crisis of trials and executions in Salem, MA, in 1692 that resulted from anxiety over witchcraft; it ultimately led to a look towards scientific and reasoned understanding of natural phenomena.
Those who bought their way into Americas through indentured-servitude.
Walking Purchase
A 1737 purchase of Native American land in which Pennsylvanian colonists tricked the Delaware to ceded land equivalent equal to the distance a man could walk in thirty-six hours.
The colonists marked out an area using a team of runners.
The area stretching from central Pennyslvania southward through the Shanandoah Valley into upland North and South Carolina
staple crops
Important cash crops in the americas like rice, tobacco, sugar, etc.
Natchez War
War begun in 1729 by the Natchez Indians against the French who were building plantations on Natchez land.
The Atlantic slave trade
The systematic importation of Africans people from their native content across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas fueled by the rising demand for sugar, rice, coffee, and tobacco.
Middle Passage
The middle passage between africas and the americas that slaves took aboard cramped vessels and often did not survive the journey.
yeoman farmers
Small farmers that worked their land without slaves.
Stono Rebellion
Uprising by slaves in 1739 that led to a severe tightening of slave code and prohibitive tax on imported slaves.
An 18th century political ideology that celebrated active participation in public life by economically independent citizens as central to freedom.
Political philosophy that emphasized the protection of liberty by limiting the power of government to interfere with natural rights of citizens.
salutary neglect
English foreign policy that oft allowed considerable economic and political freedoms for the colonies in exchange for colonial obidience.
Revolution in thought in the 18th century that emphasized reason and science over the authority of traditional religion
Great Awakening
A re-emergence of traditional religion in the 18th century as a counter-movement to the Enlightenment ideals of Deism.
Father Junipero Serra
Missionary who began and directed the California mission system in the 1770s and 1780s
Seven Years’ War
Also known as the french and indian war it was the last and most important of four colonial wars fought between England and France for control of North America east of the Mississippi River.
A delaware indian religious prophet who rejected european technology and embraced native american unity; inspired Pontiac’s war.
Pontiac’s War
A war inspired by Neolin in which allied Native American fighters from the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes successfulyl attacked British forts and settlements after France ceded to the British. It helped lead to the Proclamation of 1763
Proclamation Line of 1763
A royal directive issued after the Seven Years’ War and Pontiac’s War that prohibited settlement, surveys, and land grants west of the Appalachian Mountains
Albany Plan of Union
A failed 1754 proposal by seven northern British Colonies in anticipation of the Seven Years’ War, urging the unification of the colonies under one crown-appointed president
Persons born in the americas of European Ancestry.