Exam 1 Flashcards
What is a sound argument
When the argument is valid and all premises are true.
What makes an argument valid?
An argument is valid if and only if it is impossible for its conclusion to be false while its premises are true.
What is valuable
an instrumental good that helps bring about what you want/ value; what’s of intrinsic value you want for its own sake (Not what it brings you).
What is the Principle of Utility
An act is right insofar as it tends to promote happiness, and wrong insofar as it tends to promote unhappiness.
What are the Principle of Utility’s 3 main elements
Consequentialism theory of right and wrong
- only consequences matter
Hedonistic theory of value
- the relevant consequences are pleasure/pain
Aggregative theory of goodness of consequences
- sum of pleasure over pain is all that matters.
What is the attention economy
an economy of two transaction types:
- trading attention for a new media service
- selling consumer attention to advertisers
What are the concerns of the attention economy
- harms to individuals
- harms to society
- weakened cognitive agency
- vulnerability
What is the principle of humanity
Always treat a person as an end, never as a mere means
What does it mean to treat like a means
Treating as your instrument
What does it mean to treat like an end
treating with deserved respect
What is the Value Neutrality Thesis
No values are embedded in any technological artifacts
Why does VNT matter
- technological artifacts endure
- if VNT is false, the moral constraints on development and production expand
- if VNT is false, moral responsibilities expand
What is morrows interpretation
Any good/bad outcome of technology either is due to its good/bad use or is unforeseen.
What are morrows cases against VNT
1) Uses that contribute to climate change
2) uses that involve and incentivize short-term thinking
3) Uses that accidently spread misinformation.
What is moral relativism
there is no universal or absolute set of moral principles
What is moral pluralism
the idea that there can be conflicting moral views that are each worthy of respect