Exam 1 Flashcards
The West
The East
Define Atheist (2)
There is no person-like god
God Does not Exist
Define Deism
God exists and put the world in motion but is inactive in life now
Define Henotheism
There is one god above all other gods
There are two or more person-like gods
God is a person-like being
Define Fundamentalists
God’s word life, law, etc must be passed on and preserved exactly in the form it was received, observed carefully and universally. Strict and Literal
Define Conservatives
Willing to recognize that literal interpretations of a sacred text may result in unintended and unacceptable contradictions
Define Liberals
- Prefer to use contemporary reasoning in interpreting original texts
- Proud of being progressive
Define Radicals
Strike at the root of a perceived problem
Define Sacred
Set apart for reverence or worship
What was the Problem Native American’s faces
Survival = Human vs. Environment
What was the Solution Native American’s found
A Harmonious Relationship = Human + Environment
What were the two views of the Naskapi Life
- The Soul
- The Hunt
Where were the Naskapi People Located
Northeastern Canada
What is Mista’peo
The Great Man - A person’s essential self. The soul that lives in the heart
How did the Cherokee live
Keetoowah (Those who live in the mountains)
How was the World Made in the Cherokee Creation Myth
The Great Buzzard
Who were the Pueblo People (Hopi)
- Kachinas (Masked Costume Dancers)
- Useful in educating and disciplining children
UHHH idk
What did the Aztecs believe could resupply energy
Blood: Llamas/Humans
Who is Santa Muerte
She is known as the Bony Lady, the White Lady, the White Sister
Who is the Spanish Grim Reapress
La Parca
What is Idolatry
Reverence for the image of a deity or spirit
Manifestation of the being itself
Who was the Ancient Egyptian God
Ra: The Highest God, the God of the Noonday sun
What was the Myth of Osiris and Isis
Osiris was tricked by his evil brother and trapped in a box until his wife, Isis, found him and rescued him
Immortality and the human Soul symbol
Cross thingy with a loop on the top
What was the Yoruba Mindset
- Gods gave people fate at creation
- People have forgotten
- Can remember through meditation and divination
What was the word to describe Vodun/Voodoo
Loa= Yoruba Orishas and Catholic Saints (Take names of different saints)
Who was Brahman
The essence of the universe, the Absolute. The source of the eternal truth
Who were the Trimurti
Brahma: The Creator
Vishnu: The Protector
Shiva: The Destroyer
What Religion is Brahman
Who founded Hinduism
Beliefs of the indigenous people
What is Atman
- The essence of Brahman that is present in every individual
- The Spark of the divine truth in all living beings
What is Samsara
The wheel of rebirth, reincarnation
What was the Sacred Text of Hinduism
The Vedas
What was Prince Siddhartha Gautama’s Caste
Kshatriya Caste (Warriors/Kings)
Why was Prince Siddharta Gautama a Bad Hindu
He did not live out his Dharma
What are the Four Passing Sights
- A sick man
- An old man
- A dead man
- An Ascetic Man
What are the Four Noble Truths in order
- All of life is suffering
- The cause of suffering is craving
- The end of suffering is to overcome/cease craving
- The method to overcome is the Eightfold Path
Who was Queen Mahajapati
The mother of Buddhist Nuns
Label All Three Jewels
- Buddha (Red): Original Nature
- Sangha (Yellow): Harmonious Community
- Dharma (Blue): Compassionate Teaching
What were the two ways of Buddhism
- Theravadin (Conservative)
- Mahayanist (Liberal)
What was the Theravadin way of Buddhism
- Elevated Monk
- Followed closely example of Buddha
- Strict monastic/ascetic life the only way to Nirvana
What was the Mahayanist way of Buddhism
- Elevated compassion of Buddha
- Helping other over ones own salvation
- Embraced the three jewels
What is the Zen Buddhism
Koans: Problems that disrupt logical thought in meditation
What was the Sacred Buddhist Text
Who was the Founder of Sikhism
Guru Nanak
When met with God, what did they drink
A nectar of the Universe
What is the Purpose of Life in Sikhism
To serve god and each other
What are the 5 K’s in Sikhism
- Kesh (Long, uncut hair and chin turban)
- Kangha (comb)
- Kercha (cotton undergarments)
- Kara (steel bracelet)
- Kirpan (Curved Sword/Dagger)
What is the Sacred Text of Sikhism
Adi Granth
What is Jain
Spiritual Victor
What are the 2