Exam 1 Flashcards
Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas
A form of government in which the rulers are motivated by ambition or a love of honor.
A government resting on a valuation of property where the rich have power and the poor are deprived of it.
A system of government by the whole population/all eligible members of a state.
Rule by one who has absolute power
Allegory of the Cave
A metaphor that explains the varying degrees of ignorance within a community, as well as the varying degrees of reasoning possessed by individuals.
Images such as shadows and reflections - shadows on the walls of the cave.
Thoughts, images, and ideas such as the ideal square or cube - the journey up through the cave.
Exercise of Reason
After your studies you can see the perfect beauty, the perfect courage, and the perfect justice - Reaching the outside of the cave
For everything in existence, the perfect form of it exists in heaven.
The principal end - what anything becomes when its growth is complete as long as it can develop fully from its inner nature.A
A self-sufficient economic unit that requires neither imports nor exports in satisfying the needs of all its members - everything the people need is in the polis
Equality before the law
Rule of the people
A form of government that includes all three classes of society: The rich, the power, the middle class
The City of God
Love for God, accepting God into your life and following God’s laws