Exam 1 Flashcards
Every Student Succeeds Act: replace the No Child Left Behind. Fair, free, and equal education
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: replaced PL94-142. Free appropriate public education
Vocational Rehabilitation Act section 504
protects individuals from discrimination based on their disability
Americans with Disabilities Act: protects people with disabilities from discrimination
Least Restrictive Environment
is more than addressing the student’s disability and how it impacts their learning, ALL students belong in the gen ed classroom. Belonging and acceptance.
-changing the pace, level, or kind of instruction that is provided based on the learner’s needs, styles, or interests
-specifically responds to student progress
-its: rigorous, relevant, flexible, and complex
What does differentiation address?
any or all of the Content, Process, Product, Environment
Components of 3 part objective
Context/Conditions, Skill, Criteria
what the student is able to do at the end of the lesson; what action they’re preforming
how the skill is being demonstrated
the level of expected performance
Lesson Goal vs Objective
-usually, one GOAL for the lesson
-usually more than one OBJECTIVE that helps make that goal attainable: each objective targets one component of overall goal
What an objective needs to have
-an action verb
-must be observable and measurable
-needs to be clear, concise, and student-centered
-NOT a content standard
Response to Intervention
a way to help students at the first sign of difficulty. supports academic, behavioral and community needs through systems of data analysis, problem solving, instruction and intervention. RTI is not a program but a process: a way to identify who is at-risk, why they are struggling, and how we can support them as a community.
Data in RTI
a way to systematically identify the reason a student is struggling
Problem Solving in RTI
a way of helping the teacher, parent, and student understand the difficulty, goal, how to get there, and how to know when they have
Instruction and Intervention in RTI
a framework for systematically determining how well instruction is working for individual students and making adjustments to accelerate learning for all
The Big 3 of RTI
Problem Solving
Instruction and Intervention
Intentional Teaching
active process and way of relating to students that embraces and builds on their strengths, interests, ideas, and needs. considers material and environment
Purposeful Assessment
drives instruction, informs student/teacher where they’ve been, where they are, and where they might go next
Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky)
-What a student can’t do on their own, even with guided help
-What a student can do on their own
Meets in the middle
Instructional Pacing
rate at which instructional activities occur or which specific “learning traits” are presented to the student
-to engage student in the learning process
-to continue to pursue learning even when challenged by material
-to engage in learning even when the topic is not of interest