Exam 1 Flashcards
first successful open heart operation using cardiopulmonary bypass was done by
John Gibbon on May 6, 1953
who is the father of ECMO?
Robert bartlett
who practiced cross-circulation?
Dr. Walton Lillehei
who discovered heparin and in what year?
Jay Mclean 1916
heparin was first clinically used in humans in 1935
roller heads
used for A line, suckers, and cardioplegia
positive displacement pump
NOT afterload dependent
max RPM 150
volume per foot of tubing size
3/16’ (4.5 mm( = 5 ml/ft
1/4“ (6 mm) = 9.65 ml/ft
3/8“ (9 mm) = 21.71 ml/ft
1/2“ (12 mm) = 38.61 ml/ft
centrifugal heads
used for arterial line
non occlusive
afterload dependent/ non-positive displacement pump
- flow is based on resistance (afterload)
max RPM 3500-4000 RPM
at normal resistance and max RPM, can go up to 7-8 LPM
heat generation–> causes hemolysis, prone to clot formation
- heat generation and hemolysis occurs mostly where RBC dont have alot of movement (up and center of centrifugal head)
what resistance the blood encounters after it leaves the pump
- patients systemic vascular resistance
- oxygenator
- length and radius of tubing
- viscosity of blood (hematocrit)
cannula size and placement
priming volumes for centrifugal heads
i. LivaNova Revolution = 57 ml
ii. Terumo Sarns = 48 ml
iii. Medtronic Affinity = 40 ml
iv. Rotaflow = 32 ml
v. Centrimag = 31 ml
signs of hemolysis on CPB
1 source of immediate massive hemolysis is “pump head thrombosis” → due to increased turbulence
hemoglobinuria - plasma free hemoglobin excreted from the kidneys into the urine –> looks red-ish or pink urine observed
- Turbulent flow > 2000 (Reynold’s #)
- Laminar flow < 2000 (Reynold’s #)
“Pump head thrombosis” - large clot formation in a centrifugal head that is NOT
easily visible, typically occurs toward the end of CPB when flow is decreased
(less movement of blood) or during ECMO
safety mechanisms
E clamp (fast clamp) or retro guard valve (1-way valve) –> prevent backflow
flow meter
accurately measures velocity
two types of low meters are ultrasonic and electromagnetic
The flow meter is ALWAYS after the oxygenator because of possible open purge (recirc) lines
you can clamp the outflow tubing distal to the pump and centrifugal head will recirculate in within the pump (for centrifugal heads)
Venous reservoirs
what holds/collects the venous blood that is drained from the patient
- venous filter –> 100-200 microns (less fine filtrtion than cardiotomy
- has less defoamer w/ antifoam A –> small amount of air comes through venous line through entrainment at loose purse strings or increased vacuum-assisted venous drainage (Venturi effect)
- Sock –> imbedded into the pleated filter
- Anything introduced into the venous line has a greater chance of sending
air bubbles to the patient than when going through the cardiotomy - Entrained air has a higher tendency to go through the venous
reservoir/filter rather than the cardiotomy because it has less fine of a
filter and has less defoamer compared to the cardiotomy - Venous line from pt mix w/ more blood than air
ii. Sorin Inspire = 150 ml
iii. Terumo Capiox = 150 ml
vents, suckers and waste from the field (anything from the chest) go into the cardiotomy; it is for cardiotomy drainage, NOT venous drainage
- Finer filtration → ~ 40-47 microns
a. Cardiotomy is a depth type filter
- has multiple filter mediums
b. Depth filter - better filtration than screen filter, but higher
resistance; solution must pass through different mediums (i.e. defoamer sponge, filter, sock) - More defoamer → lined with Antifoam-A (more than in venous reservoir)
a. Antifoam-A breaks the surface tension of air bubbles 3. Suckers and vents from the field mix w/ more air than blood
Priming volumes for oxygenators
i. Sorin Inspire 8F = 351 ml
1. 6F → rated for up to 6 LPM → will have smaller reservoir 2. 8F→ratedforupto8LPM
ii. Medtronic Affinity Fusion = 260 ml
iii. Terumo FX15 = 144 ml
has an internal arterial filter
Exception –> medtronic affinity fusion does not have one because the membrane is wound up in such a way that the actual membrane itself is the filter … (has a slightly higher pressure drop)
hemo concentrator
is an internal hollow fiber device –> blood runs on the inside of the fibers
–> a fluid removal device to control hemodilution; removes free plasma water and various inflammatory mediators
heat -exchangers
Counter-current flow is best for heat exchange and gas exchange → 100% efficiency
i. Concurrent only gives 50% efficiency
Heat exchange efficiency of an oxygenator is rated at the top flow of the oxygenator in which gives you 50% heat transfer efficiency
i. The faster you flow the less heat exchange you’ll have bc you’re not in contact with the heat exchanger → convection can’t happen
ii. All heat exchangers are rated at 50% efficiency
internal heat exchangers
i. Typically the heat exchanger is integral to the oxygenator, sometimes it is external
ii. Integral Heat Exchanger:
1. Less efficient → takes a longer time to heat the blood furthest from the
heat exchanger
2. Heat exchanger is made of plastic
3. sometimes heater-cooler connections are directional, depending on the oxygenator
external heat exchanger
- More efficient → blood moves through the heat exchanger first before
moving through the fiber bundle - Heat exchanger is made of stainless steel
- Requires an external arterial filter
- Ex: Medtronic Affinity NT oxygenator
Pressure drop of oxygenator
At top flow pressure drop max should be 100-150 mmHg
inlet pressure - outlet pressure
O2 transfer rate
is typically 300-400 ml/min for adult oxygenators
i. If venous blood is 75% O2 saturation you’ll transfer at least 300-400 ml/min of O2
ii. After anesthesia and hypothermia, pt might only need 150 ml/min of O2
iii. Anesthesia decreases O2 requirement by 25%
1. Ex: if pt’s O2 requirement is 400 ml/min, after anesthesia it is now 300 ml/min
iv. for every degree that you cool body temperature there is a decrease in O2
requirement by 7%
1. Ex: you cool the pt 5 degrees → decreases O2 requirement by 35% → starting at 300 ml/min, now the pt’s O2 requirement is 195 ml/min
.35 x 300 =105
300-105 =195
when the centrifugal head is not properly aligned with the magnet in the motor → lower the RPM and the magnets will catch
Purge lines on oxygenator
1) Pre-filter purge line –> blood goes directly to cardiotomy incase there is any air in the blood
2) post filter purge line –> after the arterial filter
–> measures blood gas after oxygenator
–> deliver medications
3) purge line that goes to the manifold
–> the 1st port on the manifold should always be where you’re drawing lab
samples so it is NOT contaminated by any drugs
Internal arterial filter
integrated in the oxygenator
- 30-32 microns
arterial filter is a screen type filter
the evolution from external to internal arterial filter helped decrease priming volume
external arterial filter
30-40 microns
pleated screen filter - 1 filter medium (unlike the fepth filter ina cardiotomy that has multiple filter mediums)
blood flow enters the top of the filter and exits from the bottom of the screen filter to allow air to escape at the top of the filter
hydrostatic pressure forces air up out of the filter and into the carditomy
external arterial filters should always be place higher than the oxygenator
pre bypass filter
0.2 microns
must remove pre-bypass filter before going on bypass b/c bloos is 7-8 microns and is NOT able to pass through the pre-bypass filter
- used to remove all particles out of the priming solution
- attaches to venous line prior to reservoirs
–> sometimes its incorporated into the A-V loop in the pack
not all institutes used a pre-bypass filter bc they’re 400-500 dollars
CO@ prime:
Flush circuit with 100% CO2
a. CO2 is heavier than N2 and displaces the room air (and all the N2) in the circuit
b. Removes N2 gas from the circuit
c. CO2 is 30x MORE soluble than N2 gas
d. CO2 prime helps remove gas bubbles from the circuit once it is primed
e. Path: attach gas line w/ filter (green tubing) to the stopcock in the venous line → A-V loop
(venous to arterial) → arterial filter → oxygenator → centrifugal head → reservoir → leave through the vacuum port
heater-cooler check
a) Checking for a water to blood leak
b) Heat exchanger is in the middle of the oxygenator and the hollow fibers surround it
c) Water circulates in the heater cooler
d) If the heat exchanger has a leak water will leak into the fibers where the gas is flowing through → this will sound like a percolator (air going through water)
e) Must check this before priming the pump so you can hear the leak if there is one
i. If you turn the heater-cooler on after you prime the pump then a sign of a heater-cooler leak will be an increase in circuit volume
Prime circuit
a) Always prime circuit when you’re warm → because gas is more soluble in colder liquids than in warmer liquids → if you remove all the air bubbles when you’re warm then any remaining missed bubbles will dissolve when you’re cold
b) Always prime circuit after turning on heater-cooler:
i. If you prime your circuit before turning the heater cooler on then there will be a large temperature gradient and air bubbles will leave solution that you now have to try to remove
- Large temp gradient going from room temperature to body temperature: going from 20°C to 37°C
- Ideal temperature gradient is 8°C
In an emergency, what should you setup first?
Always set up pump-oxygenator circut first, this is all you need to keep someone alive
–> ancillary equipment (CPG, vent) can be set up after
whats the order of priming/checks?
- CO2 prime
- heater-cooler check
- prime circuit