Exam 1 Flashcards
PPCP: Collect
- Prominent symptoms & severity
- Onset & duration
- Any measures tried & their success
- Quickly assess
- Establish self-care appropriateness
- Suggest care
- Talk to the patient
- Symptoms
- Characteristics
- History
- Onset
- Location
- Aggravating factors
- Remitting factors
Influences of self-care medication
- Elderly pts
- Restricted access to prescribers through health management org
- Increasing health care $
- Emerging concept of non-rx drugs in disease mng
- Internet
- Pretax $
- Women > men
FDA Drug labeling sections
- active ingredients
- uses
- warnings
- when to use
- directions
- inactive ingredients
FDA drug labeling D/I has been changed to ___
Ask your physician or pharmacist
When do we refer pts?
- Severe symptoms
- Minor but persistent symptoms
- Repeatedly returning symptoms w/ no readily recognizable cause
- pharmacist in doubt
Risk factors of T2DM
Age, obesity, lack of physical activity, family hx, GDM hx, PCOS, HTN, dyslipidemia, prediabetes
Preventative measures of diabetes
- Self monitoring BG: frequency
- Eye care
- Dental care
- Skin care
- Foot care
- Med adherence
- Sick day mng
- Immunization (influenza, hep B, pneumococcal)
DM: limit daily intake to __ alcohol beverages for men & __ for women
Two; one
ADA A1c goal
< 7%
ADA pre-prandial goal
80 - 130 mg/dL
ADA 2 hr postprandial goal
< 180 mg/dL
HTN BP goal for DM
< 130/80 mmHg
Aspirin for CV protection: secondary (hx of ASCVD)
Use aspirin
Aspirin for CV protection: primary
- Age >= 50 : DM & 1 major risk factor –> aspirin
- Age < 50 or >= 70 : X
Factors affecting insulin absorption- Site
Abdomen > arm > thigh > buttock
Factors affecting insulin absorption- Depth of injection
IV > IM > SC
Factors affecting insulin absorption- Other
- Exercise increases
- Skin temperature: cold decreases
- Massaging injection site: increases
- Smoking decreases
Hypoglycemia S/S
- Sweating
- Tachycardia
- Palpitations
- Confusion
- Tiredness
Treating hypoglycemia
Rule of 15
- 3 teaspoonful or 3 cubes of sugar
- 5 to 6 lifesavers
- 3 glucose tablets
- 4 oz juice
- 9 oz milk
If glucose below 60 mg/dL after 15 mins of treating hypoglycemia
Repeat another 15 g of CHO
SMBG frequency considerations:
- assess pt compliance
- vary timing of SMBG
- incorporate pt daily schedule and habits
- give ownership to the pt
A1c reading frequency testing is recommended at least quarterly (Q 3 months) for:
- newly diagnosed
- therapy recently changed
- poorly controlled, unstable, or intensively managed
A1c reading frequency testing is recommended at least twice a year (Q 6 months) for:
stable glycemic control
Ketone testing is a marker of __ and __
insulin deprivation and subsequent hyperglycemia
Ketone level should be tested every 4 to 6 hrs when:
- Acute illness
- BG > 240 ng/dL
- Symptoms of DKA (fruity breath, thirst, frequent urination, Kussmaul breathing, abdominal pain/vomiting, flu-like symptoms, confusion, stupor, coma)
Use control solutions when:
- New monitor & test strips
- Improper storage for test strips
- Unusual results
- Symptoms do not match your results
Tips for using control solutions:
- Discard after 90 days or expired
- Check to see if there is more than one solution for your meter
- Know you model when you reorder
Do not use alternate testing sites when:
- Acutely/frequently hypoglycemic
- Within 2 hrs after a meal, insulin dose, or exercise
- Acutely ill
Fermentation process of prebiotics
- Prebiotics must be fermented in the colon
- Fiber can act as a prebiotic and are fermented by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli
- Fermentation leads to short chain fatty acids and lactate production
What are the two common bacteria that ferment fiber in the colon?
bifidobacteria and lactobacilli
Most common type of prebiotics is ____
inulin-type fructans
Benefits of prebiotics
- Reduce duration and prevalence of infectious and antibiotic-associated diarrhea
- Stool bulking and decreased constipation
- Reduce inflammation and symptoms with IBD
- Enhance absorption of minerals (Ca, Mg)
- Promote satiety and weight loss
- Increase bifidobacterium for digesting fiber and preventing infections
- Enhancement by synbiotics
Protective effects of probiotics
- GI barrier function
- Antimicrobial activity
- Alter EC inflammatory responses
- Enhance antiviral activity
- Increase CD4+ (regulatory) T cells
- Activate MP
Safety considerations of probiotics
- Minor GI AEs
- Systemic infections
- Avoid in immunocompromised
- Probiotics via a jejunostomy tube increase risk of AEs
CoenzymeQ10 E/S, clinical pearls (CP)
- Likely effective for CoQ10 deficiency, mitochondrial dysfunction
- Likely safe
- Diarrhea, N/V, heartburn, vit K-like activity
Fish oil E/S, CP
- Effective for hypertriglyceridemia
- Likely safe
- Increase LDL 1%, fishy burps
Niacin dose, E/S, CP
- 500 mg PO, max 2 g daily
- Likely effective for dyslipidemia & pellagra
- Likely safe
- Flushing, abdominal pain, increased LFTs
Red yeast rice E/S, CP
- Likely effective for hyperlipidemia
- Possibly safe
- X in preg, abdominal pain
Gingko Biloba E/S, CP
- Possibly effective for anxiety, dementia, hearing loss, PMS, schizophrenia, stroke, tardive dyskinsea, vertigo
- Likely safe
- Caution w/ DTIs (dabigatran), GI upset, N/V, dizziness
Garlic E/S, CP
- Possibly effective for atherosclerosis, diabetes, HTN, NAFLD, periodontitis, endometriosis
- Likely safe
- Body odor/bad breath
Melatonin E/S, CP
- Likely effective for delayed sleep phase syndrome, non 24 hr sleep wake disorder
- Likely safe
- Onset w/i 1 hr, may increase VLDL & trig, mood swings
St. John’s Wort E/S, CP
- Likely effective for depression
- Likely safe
- Palpitations, sedation, insomnia, major DDI
Three major DDIs for St. John’s Wort
Contraceptives, omeprazole, SSRIs
Alpha lipoic acid E/S, CP
- Possibly effective for diabetic neuropathy, hyperlipidemia, obesity
- Possibly safe
- Headache, heartburn, N/V
Echinacea E/S, CP
- Possibly effective for common cold
- Likely safe
- Severe allergic reactions < 12 yrs, N/V, abdominal pain
Elderberry E/S, CP
- Possibly effective for influenza
- Likely safe
- Unripe, raw = toxic -> severe NVD so cook
Cranberry E/S, CP
- Possibly effective for recurrent UTIs
- Likely safe
- GI upset or diarrhea
Turmeric/Curcumin E/S, CP
- Possibly effective for allergic rhinitis, depression, dyspepsia, hyperlipidemia, NAFLD, osteoarthritis, pruritus
- Likely safe
- Unsafe in preg & lac
Black Cohosh E/S, CP
- Possibly effective for menopausal symptoms
- Possibly safe
- Unsafe in preg & lac, breast tenderness, dizziness, GI upset, risk of liver damage if taken w/ other hepatotoxic drugs
Fenugreek E/S, CP
- Possibly effective for T2DM, dysmenorrhea, sexual arousal/dysfunction
- Likely safe
- Bloating, dyspepsia, GI upset, hypoglycemia
Glucosamine E/S, CP
- Possibly effective for osteoarthritis (only w/ chondroitin)
- Likely safe
- do NOT take if on warfarin, use caution in pts with asthma, beware of shellfish allergy
What is the only effective herbal?
Fish oil
What are examples of likely effective herbals?
- Coenzyme Q10
- Niacin
- Red Yeast Rice
- Melatonin
- St. John’s Wort
St. Red MeN 10
What are examples of possibly safe herbals?
- Black cohosh
- Alpha lipoic acid
- Red yeast rice
Bacterial Vaginosis marked symptom
Unpleasant “fishy” odor
Bacterial Vaginosis treatment
- X self-treat
- Topical or oral clindamycin or metronidazole
- Sexual partners not warranted for routine tx
Trichomoniasis marked symptom
Copious, malodorous, yellow-green (discolored), frothy discharge
Trichomoniasis treatment
- X self-treat
- Metronidazole or tinidazole
- MUST treat partners
Vulvoganial Candidiasis marked symptoms
Thick, white “cottage cheese” discharge
Vulvoganial Candidiasis exclusions for self-treatment
- Pregnancy
- Girls < 12 yrs
- Concurrent or systemic symptoms
- Steroids, antineoplastic
- Medical disorders (DM, HIV)
- Recurrent infection
Vulvoganial Candidiasis nonpharmacologic therapy
- Decrease sugar, refined CHO consumption
- Increase yogurt containing live culture consumption
- D/C drugs that may predispose to infection
Vulvoganial Candidiasis pharmacological therapy
- Non-rx imidazole antifungal
- Butoconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, tioconazole
Vulvoganial Candidiasis pharmacologic therapy pt counseling points
- Start tx at night, before going to bed
- Wash applicator with warm water and soap b/w uses
- Complete tx to prevent recurrence
- Continue using even during menstruation
- Should improve w/i 24 - 72 hrs in 7 days
- If > 7days, no improvement in 3 days -> PCP
- Avoid sexual intercourse
Atrophic Vaginitis marked symptoms
Dyspareunia, vaginal dryness
Atrophic Vaginitis pharmacologic therapy
- Vaginal lubricants
- Water > Silicone-based
- Vaseline should NOT be used
Vaginal Disorder home test kit pH > 5.0
BV or trichomoniasis
Vaginal Disorder home test kit pH 4.5
Yeast infection (BVC)
Vaginal douching counseling points
- NOT recommended
- C/I during pregnancy
- Delay douching for 6 - 8 hrs after intercourse if vaginal spermicide was used
Cow’s milk formula CHO, protein, fat
- CHO: lactose
- Protein: whey +/- casein
- Fat: vegetable oil > coconut, soy, palm olein, safflower, sunflower oil
Soy-based formula indication
Lactose deficiency/intolerance, galactosemia, cow’s milk protein allergy, vegetarians
Soy-based C/I for:
Preterm infants < 1800 mg, CF, prevention of colic or allergic, infants who developed cow milk protein induced enterocolitis
Soy-based formula CHO, protein, fat
- CHO: sucrose or corn syrup solids
- Protein: soy and methionine
- Fat: vegetable oil
Premature formula indication
Preterm infant < 2-3 kg, < 36 wks gestational age
Compared to term infant formulas, premature formulas:
- More protein, MCT, Ca, phosphorous, Vit AED
- Less lactose
- More growth & cognitive functions
Premature formula CHO, protein, fat
- CHO: lactose
- Protein: whey +/- casein (6:4)
- Fat: MCT
DHA and ARA infant formula indication, CHO, protein, fat
- Indication: normal and healthy
- CHO: lactose
- Protein: whey
- Fat: vegetable oil + long chain FA
Casein Hydrolysate-based formula CHO, protein, fat
- CHO: corn syrup solids, modified corn/tapioca starch, sucrose, dextrose
- Protein: hydrolyzed casein, smaller peptides, AA
- Fat: long-chain fat & MCT
Disadvantage of casein hydrolysate-based formulas
High cost, bad taste, high osmolality (intolerance, diarrhea)
Amino acid-based formula indication
Extreme milk protein, soy, food allergies
Amino acid-based formula CHO, protein, fat
- CHO: corn syrup solids
- Protein: 100% synthetic free AA
- Fat: vegetable oils & MCT
- All iron-fortified
Infant formula preparation points
- Always wash hands
- Wash top of the can with hot water & detergent, rinse in hot water, dry
- If ready to use formula, always shake well
- If powdered formula, always read mixing directions
Modular nutrient component indication
Enhance a single nutrient component
Polycose provides additional ___
Beneprotein, Promod, Liquid protein fortifier provides additional ___
MCT oil and Microlipid provides additional ___
Enfamil HMF liquid, Prolact +4, Similac Special Care with Iron Fortifier provides additional ___
Human Milk Fortifier (HMF)
Benecalorie provides additional
Protein + Fat
Duocal provides additional
Carbohydrate + Fat
Dysmenorrhea S/S
Cramping pain, N/V, fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, diarrhea, headache
Dysmenorrhea exclusions for self-tx
- Severe
- Secondary
- Hx of PID, infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, endometriosis, ovarian cysts
- Presence of IUD
- Aspirin or NSAID allergy
- Warfarin, heparin, lithium
- Active GI disease
- Bleeding disorder
Dysmenorrhea: preferred agent
- Ibuprofen, Naproxen
Dysmenorrhea mild cases are treated with
Acetaminophen and Aspirin
Dysmenorrhea: NSAIDs counseling point
- Difference in responses
- GI effects; take with food
- Anticoagulants, antiHTN, lithium
- Relative C/I with aspirin/NSAID allergy, active GI disease, bleeding disorders, CKD
- Take with water
Dysmenorrhea: APAP counseling point
- Avoid alcohol
- APAP containing rx drugs
Dysmenorrhea: ASA counseling point
- Take with food
- X for adolescents < 18 yrs
- DDI with anticoagulant, methotrexate, oral hypoglycemics, high doses of antacids
- Relative C/I with PUD, gastritis, asthma, bleeding disorders
- May increase menstrual flow
PMS exclusions for self-tx
- Severe
- Atypical timing of symptoms
- Onset related to oral contraceptives or hormonal replacement
- C/I to pharmacologic agents
PMS pharmacologic therapies
Vit B6/E, Calcium (with vit D), Mg, NSAIDs, Diuretics (caffeine and pamabrom)
PMS counseling points
- Initial tx = Ca, Mg, pyridoxine
- Caffeine/Pamabrom = relief of bloating
- Xanthines C/I in pts with ulcer disease or taking MAOIs
- NSAIDs reserved for women with both PMS and dysmenorrhea
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) S/S
- Occurs w/i 2 days of onset of menses
- Prodromal phase: malaise, myalgias, chills (2-3 days) before severe symptoms
- 5-12 days after onset = desquamation of the skin on face, trunk, extremities
TSS counseling points
- Tampon use review
- Change tampons at least every 6 hrs
- Alternate use b/w sanitary pads and tampons
- Seek medical attention appropriately
Male condom counseling point
- Keep in sealed package and protect from light and heat
- Expiration date
- Discoloration, brittleness, stickiness
- Decreased sensitivity and contact dermatitis
- If dissatisfied with one brand/style, try another
Female condom counseling point
- One-time use only
- May insert up to 8 hrs prior to intercourse
- Effective immediately
- Store at room temp, unopened
- do NOT use with male condom
- Vaginal irritation, increased noise, decreased sensation, discomfort
Opill C/I
- Hx breast cancer
- Allergy to norgestrel or FD&C yellow No.5 (tartrazine)
- Current use of other birth control pill, vaginal ring, patch, implant, injection, IUD
- Known/suspected pregnancy
- Male
Opill counseling points
- Not an emergency contraceptive
- Does not protect against STIs
- Use barrier method for first two days; not effective for the first 48 hrs
- If >3 hrs late: take 1 ASAP, then return to taking a daily tablet at usual time and use barrier method for the next two days
LGBTQIA+ STIs screening guideline
- Screen every 3 months (Chaperone trauma-informed approach, Self-collection of samples)
- Transgender women undergone vaginoplasty do not have a cervix -> cervical HPV NOT appropriate
- Infectious prostatitis should be included in sexually active transgender women
Heartburn and dyspepsia (HB/D) S/S
Burning feeling, acid regurgitation
HB/D treatment for mild, infrequent s/s
Antacids, H2RA
HB/D treatment for moderate, infrequent s/s
HB/D treatment for frequent s/s
What is considered frequent s/s for HB/D?
> = 2 days/week
HB/D exclusions for self-tx
- More than 3 months or 2 weeks while taking OTC acid suppressive
- Severe
- Nocturnal HB
- Difficulty or pain swallowing
- > 45 yrs with new onset
- Vomiting blood or black tarry stools
- Chronic hoarseness, wheezing, coughing, choking
- Continuous NV, diarrhea
- Chest pain or weight loss
- Preg or nursing
- Children < 12 yrs
HB exclusions
Dysphagia, GI bleeding, odynophagia, unexplained iron-deficiency anemia, unintended weight loss
Dyspepsia exclusions
> 45 yrs with new onset, family hx of upper GI cancer, GI bleeding, jaundice, odynophagia, palpable mass or lymphadenopathy, persistent vomiting, progressive dysphagia, unexplained iron-deficiency anemia, unintended weight loss
HB/G: Antacid
- MoA
- Neutralize acid
- Cytoprotective effect
- Simethicone (decrease surface tension of gas bubbles)
- Alginic acid (symptomatic relief of GERD)
HB/G Sodium bicarbonate AEs
- Metabolic alkalosis
- Milk-alkali syndrome
- Sodium overload: fluid retention, weight gain
HB/G Calcium carbonate AEs
- Hypercalcemia
- Milk-alkali syndrome
HB/G Aluminum salts AEs
- Constipation
- Hyperaluminemia
- Hypophosphatemia
HB/G Magnesium salts AEs
- Diarrhea
- Hypermagnesemia
HB/G antacids DDI
- Binding of drugs in the gut; decreased oral absorption
- Decreased absorption of ketoconazole, itraconazole, iron, atazanavir
- Decreased efficacy of enteric coatings
- Increased urinary pH
HB/G antacids FDA warnings
- Combination with antacid-aspirin containing products
- Serious bleeding can occur
- Greatest risk: > 60 yrs, hx of stomach ulcers/bleeding problems, anticoagulant, systemic, steroids, NSAIDs, > 3 alcoholic
- Competitive inhibition of histamine at H2 receptors on parietal cells
- Decrease volume of secreted acid
- Common: headache, diarrhea, nausea
- Rare: confusion, hallucinations, anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes, impotence, gynecomastia
- Inhibition of CYP450: Cimetidine, theophylline, phenytoin, warfarin, amiodarone, clopidogrel, TCAs
- Reduced absorption due to increased pH: ketoconazole, itraconazole, iron, Ca
- decreased tubular secretion: procainamide
- Irreversibly inhibit H/K ATPase in parietal cells
- Common: abdominal pain, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness
- Rare: skin rash, anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, hematuria, hepatotoxicity, peripheral neuropathy
- Inhibit CYP450: warfarin, phenytoin, diazepam, tacrolimus, methotrexate
- Decreased oral absorption: ketoconazole, itraconazole, iron, Ca, mycophenolate mofetil
- Clopidegrel: omeprazole, esomeprazole may decrease antiplatelet effects -> inhibit CYP2C19
HB/G Bismuth Subsalicylate MoA
- Topical effect on gastric mucosa
- Binds bacterial toxins in GI tract -> suppress H. pylori growth
- Antisecretory effect
HB/G Bismuth Subsalicylate maximum dose
8 doses/day
HB/G Bismuth Subsalicylate AEs
- Darkening of the tongue and stool
- Bismuth toxicity: headache, confusion, ataxia, seizures
- Salicylate toxicity: tinnitus, hypersensitivity, bleeding disorders
- Reye’s syndrome in children
Gas exclusions for self-tx
- S/S persisting for more than several days×/month
- severe
- Sudden change in abdominal pain location
- increased severity or frequency
- > 40 yrs
Gas: Simethicone MoA
- Defoaming agent = reduce surface tension of gas bubbles
Gas: alpha-D-galactosidase MoA & dosage
- MoA: degrades insoluble oligosaccharides into digestible sugars
- Take 2-3 tablets with first bit of food
Gas: lactase replacement MoA
- Breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose
Gas: first choice agent
N/V motion sickness tx
N/V antihistamine is safe to use during pregnancy: T/F
N/V phosphorylate carbonate solution C/I
DM, hereditary fructose intolerance
Constipation S/S
- Decreased frequency of bowel movements
- Abdominal discomfort
- Straining
- Passing hard, dry, small stools
- Bowel evacuation not complete
- NOT defined by number of bowel movements per day or week
Constipation exclusions for self-tx
- Abdominal pain, distension, cramping
- Unexplained flatulence
- Fever, N/V
- Para- or quadriplegia
- Daily laxative use
- Blood in stool, dark tarry stool
- Persisting > 2 weeks
Constipation nonpharmacologic therapy
- Gradually increase daily fiber intake
- Drink non-caffeinated
- Exercise
Constipation: order of pharmacological therapy
- Bulk-forming laxatives
- Hyperosmotic laxatives
- Stimulant laxatives
- Straining: stool softeners: emmolients, lubricants
Constipation: bulk forming laxatives MoA
Retain water, increase bulk volume, stimulate peristalsis
Constipation bulk forming laxatives AEs
abdominal cramping, bloating, flatulence
Constipation bulk forming laxatives C/I
fluid-restriction, partial intestinal obstruction, fecal impaction, diff swallowing
Constipation: bulk forming laxatives ex
psyllium, methylcellulose, Ca polycarbophil
Constipation: hyperosmotic laxatives 3 classes
- Saline laxatives
- Lactulose
- Polymer-type
Constipation: Saline laxatives MoA
Osmotic effect draws fluid into intestine
Constipation: saline laxatives AEs
abdominal cramping, excessive diuresis, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances
Constipation: saline laxative C/I
- Mg-containing
- Na-containing
- Mg: ileus of GI obstruction, heart block, renal failure
- Na: fluid restriction, CHF, cirrhosis
Constipation: saline laxative ex
Mg citrate, Mg hydroxide, Dibasic sodium phosphate
Constipation: sodium phosphate caution
- BBW: acute kidney injury
- Non-rx NOT for bowel cleansing
Constipation: polymer-type laxatives MoA
form H bonds with water, increase bulk, stimulate peristalsis, large molecular weight, create osmotic effect
Constipation: polymer-type AEs
abdominal cramping, bloating, flatulence
Constipation: polymer-type ex
Polyethylene glycol 3350
Constipation: stimulant laxative MoA
- Stimulate peristalsis by local mucosal irritation
- Stimulate fluid and electrolyte secretion
Constipation: stimulant AEs
severe cramping, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, malabsorption
Constipation: stimulant ex
- Senna
- Bisacodyl
- Glycerin suppositories
- Castor oil
Constipation: stimulant Senna AEs
- Can discolor urine (pink/red)
- chronic use cause brown pigment of the colon wall
Constipation: stimulant Bisacodyl AEs
Chronic use can cause metabolic acidosis/alkalosis, hypocalcemia, malabsorption
Constipation: stool softner emollient MoA
anionic surfactant
- Soften feces by increasing the wetting efficiency of water in the intestine to soften the fecal mass
Constipation: emollient AEs
- Minimally absorbed
- Mild abdominal cramps
- Can increase digoxin, warfarin, mineral oil absorption
Constipation: emollient ex
docusate sodium/calcium
Constipation: lubricant MoA
Soften feces by coating stool and preventing water loss
Constipation: lubricant AEs
Foreign body reactions, aspiration
Anorectal Disorders: exclusions for self-tx
- <12 yrs
- UC or Crohn’s disease
- Family hx of colon cancer
- Abscess, fistula/fissures, malignancy, diagnosed by PCP
- black tarry stools
- no response to 7 days of self-tx
Anorectal disorder: external application
- Local anesthetics warnings & ex
- Benzocaine, pramoxine hydrochloride, lidocaine
- allergic rxn, avoid on open sores
Anorectal disorder: external application
- Keratolytics MoA & ex
- MoA: Desquamation and debridement of epidermal surface cells leading to cell turnover
- resorcinol, alcloxa
Anorectal disorder: external application
- analgesics, anesthetics, antipruritis MoA & ex
- MoA: temporary relief of burning, pain, itching by producing cool, warm, or tingling sensation
- menthol, juniper tar, camphor
Anorectal disorder: internal application
- Astringents MoA & ex
- MoA: promote coagulation of surface protein in the anorectal skin cells to protect underlying tissue
- Calamine, zinc oxide, witch hazel
Anorectal disorder: internal application
- Protectants MoA, ex
- MoA: create physical protective barrier over inflamed anal tissue and soften the lining of the anal canal
- Cocoa butter, glycerin, kaolin, calamine, shark/cod liver oil, zinc oxide
What two agents are both astringents and protectants?
Calamine and zinc oxide
Anorectal disorder: internal application
- Vasoconstrictors MoA & AEs & ex
- MoA: relief of itching, discomfort, and irritation and to shrink and decrease swelling of the hemorrhoidal tissues
- AE: cardiac arrhythmias if absorbed systemically
- Phenylephrine, ephedrine, EP
Diarrhea S/S
- loose, watery stool
- more frequent bowel movements >=3
- acute: >=3 for =<14 days
- persistent: 14 days - 4 wks
- chronic: >= 4 wks
Diarrhea exclusions for self-tx
- Children ( < 6 months, severe dehydration, >= 6 months with high fever)
- Blood, mucus, pus in stool
- Severe abdominal pain
- Substantial volumes of diarrhea
- Severe dehydration/suboptimal response to rehydration
- Protracted vomiting
- DM, CVD, CKD, immunosuppressed
- Pregnancy
- Chronic or persistent > 14 days
Diarrhea: BRAT method
Banana, Rice, Apple sauce, Toast
Diarrhea: Loperamide MoA
Selective mu-opioid receptor agonist on gut wall
- Decrease GI motility
- Decrease secretion of fluid and electrolytes
Diarrhea: Loperamide AEs
- Headache, drowsiness, abdominal pain
- CV risks
Diarrhea: loperamide recommended dose
- 4 mg po initially, then 2 mg after each loose stool
- Max dose 8 mg/day
- Max duration 48 hrs
Diarrhea: Bismuth Subsalicylate MoA
- Bismuth increase water absorption
- Salicylate decrease prostaglandin formation -> induce inflammation & HYPERmotility
Diarrhea: Bismuth Subsalicylate AEs
- black hairy tongue and black stools, N, bitter taste