Exam 1 Flashcards
What is the client-server compute model?
A computer network diagram of clients communicating with a server via the internet.
What are the advantages of the client-server compute model?
Some advantages of the client-server model include: a centralized system with all data in a single place, cost-efficient, requires less maintenance, data is recoverable, and the capacity of the client and servers can be interchangeable.
What is a communication protocol?
A communication protocol is a set of formal rules that describe how to transmit or exchange data across a network
What is the role of the Link layer?
responsible for the physical transmission of data across media ( packet creation, reception, error detection, collisions, line sharing, etc )
What is the role of the Internet layer?
transports network packets from the originating host across network boundaries to the destination host specified by an IP address
What is the role of the Transport layer?
Provides reliable delivery of data to the destination host, error recovery, and resending data segments that had an error
What is the role of the Application layer?
Provides services that directly support user applications such as database access (SQL), email transfer(SMTP), and file transfer (FTP).
What data is stored in routing tables, and what is their purpose?
Routing tables have destination addresses, subnet masks, interfaces, and metrics. Its purpose is to list particular network destinations to route towards.
What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6?
IPv4 addresses are in 32-bit type binary format while IPv6 is designed in 128-bit form. More differences include encryption and authentication, IP classes, and address fields.
Name 3 different application protocols and their use
Application protocols include: telnet (helps clients manage files), FTP (sharing files via remote computers), SMTP (mailing protocol)
What is the purpose of DNS(domain name resolution)?
The purpose of DNS is to translate a domain name into the appropriate IP address
What is the purpose of a host file?
to map a connection between an IP address and domain names before going to domain name servers
What restrictions are there for hostnames?
The hierarchy goes from right to left with a max of 127 levels, each level can have 63 characters, cannot exceed 255 characters, limited to the use of case-insensitive letters, numbers, and hyphens
What is the generic top-level domain?
Examples include .com, .net, and .org
What is the difference in functionality between a Primary DNS and a root name server?
The primary DNS server deals with authoritative information for a specific domain and manages the corresponding zone file, while root name servers are responsible for directing DNS queries to the appropriate top-level domain name server
Why is domain name resolution considered to be recursive?
The domain name resolution is considered to be recursive because the process involves making requests and inquiries to various DNS servers, each of which may not have the information needed to fully resolve the domain name.
Is the DNS system case-sensitive?
No, DNS is not case sensitive, as typing in google.com and Google.com will yield the same results.
What is a URL? Give an example containing protocol, domain, and path
URL stands for uniform resource locators, and an example is https://www.google.com/maps (the protocol is: HTTP, domain is: www.google.com, and the path is: /maps)
Give an example of a URL query string including delimiters
What does HTTP stand for?
HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol
What is the difference between HTTP and HTML?
HTTP is an application protocol that allows users to communicate data over the web, while HTML makes up the structures of a web page
Why is HTTP considered stateless?
HTTP is considered stateless because each request from a client to a server is independent and unrelated to any previous or future requests.
Why is HTTP considered connectionless?
HTTP is considered connectionless because there isn’t a persistent connection between the client and the server. After each request is made and a response is given, the connection is closed.
Name two HTTP client request methods
What are the differences between HTTP requests and response headers?
Request headers include data about the client machine, while response headers have information about the server answering the request, so the data can be sent.
List 5 different response codes and their meaning
200: OK response, 301: removed permanently, 307: temporary redirect, 400: bad request, 401: Unauthorized, 404: Not found
What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
HTTP is an application protocol that is unsecured, while HTTPS is more secure, using SSL/TLS to encrypt data
What is the main function of a web browser?
The main function of a web browser is for a user to interact with, and explore.
list 3 additional features provided by browsers
search engine integration, URL autocompletion, form auto-completion, cloud caching of user history/bookmarks, phishing website detection
What is the waterfall model?
The waterfall model is a linear, sequential approach to the software development lifecycle
List the 6 phases of the waterfall model in order
requirement analysis > system design > implementation > testing > deployment > maintenance
What characteristics should a project have to be a good candidate for the waterfall model?
A software project should use the waterfall model when requirements are very well documented, product definition is stable, technology is understood and not dynamic, no ambiguous requirements, ample resources, and a short project.
What are the advantages of the waterfall model?
The advantages of the waterfall model are that it’s simple to understand and use, easy to manage, phases are completed one at a time, clearly defined stages, easy to arrange tasks, process and results are well documented, etc.
What are the disadvantages of the waterfall model?
The disadvantages of the waterfall model are that there is no working software until later in the cycle, high amounts of risk and uncertainty, not a good model for complex projects, difficult to measure progress within stages, cannot accommodate changing requirements, and that integration is done at the end.
List and describe 5 characteristics of a good requirements specification
5 characteristics of a good requirement specification for the waterfall model include complete requirements (nothing open-ended), testable (creating a test for all requirements), consistent, design free, and unambiguous.
What is the focus of the system design phase?
The focus of the system design phase is to concentrate on how things will work (creating the design for your solution).
List and define the three principles of object-orientated design
3 principles include encapsulation(grouping of related ideas into one unit), inheritance(making subclasses that derive from other classes as a refinement of the parent class), and polymorphism(the ability of an object to take on many forms).
What is the difference between testing and debugging?
Testing is determining if the software contains bugs, while debugging, finds the bug in the code so it can be fixed
What are syntax errors?
Syntax errors mean that you have a typo or wrote something the compiler didn’t understand
What are run-time errors?
Run-time errors mean that your program crashes during execution
What are logic errors?
Logic errors are when your program produces an undesired output or does what it’s supposed to
What software properties should testing help ensure?
Testing helps ensure the software meets the requirements that guided its design, responds correctly to all kinds of input, performs its functions within an acceptable time, is sufficiently usable, can be installed and run in its intended environments, and achieves the general result its stakeholder’s desire
What is defect clustering?
Is an empirical observation in software development that some modules may cause more defects, in which addresses the issue.
Why is exhaustive testing not possible?
Exhaustive testing is not possible because the project execution time and cost would rise exponentially.
What is the pesticide paradox?
The pesticide paradox is when the same tests are repeated over and over again, where your original test cases will no longer find any new bugs
What is unit testing?
Unit testing verifies the functionality of a specific section of code, usually at the function level.
What is black-box testing?
Black-box testing is when an individual tests a project to examine the functionality without the knowledge of how the methods work
What is white-box testing?
White-box testing tests every single line of code in a program. (Checking internal structures or workings of an application)
What are the benefits of using a version control system?
Version control system has benefits such as managing code by many individuals in a group, undoing changes, code review, auditing, backup, etc.
What is HTML?
HTML is a hypertext markup language that creates the structure of web pages
What are the components of an HTML element?
Components of an HTML element include opening tags, closing tags, content, elements, attributes, and self-closing tags
Give an example of HTML element nesting
HTML element nesting refers to putting an HTML element inside another. This creates a hierarchical relationship between elements.
What is integration testing?
Integration testing is where individual components or modules are combined and tested as a group to ensure they work together as intended.