Exam 1 Flashcards
Mechanistic Philosophers
Lock, Hume, Berkely (empiricists)
Is mechanistic quantitative/qualitative and continuous/or discontinuous
quantitative + continuous
Mechanistic viewpoint (NURTURE vs NATURE)
Nurture - they come into the world as a blank slate (tabula rasa) and they learn through associations
Child is inactive/passive | enviroment = active
They have no association of causation, motion parallax (how far or close something is)/ intermodal or cross modal senses)
Mechanistic Modern Day Theorists
Watson (Classical conditioning - Little Albert Study)
Skinner (Learning Theory - language/operational conditioning)
What is Learning theory
Stimuli –> response –> reinforcement of stimuli –> behavior change (Pigeon expirement)
Organismic Philosophers
Kant, Descartes, Rosseau (continental)
Organismic viewpoint (NURTURE vs NATURE)
Nature - they come into the world with some knowledge and mature through maturation + interaction
- Child + environment are both active
- They have intermodal/crossmodal perception, causality, object permanence -understanding that items and people still exist even if you can’t see or hear them
Interaction vs Maturation
Both are ways that infants maturation in a organismic developmental theory
-Interaction: Nature + nurture (attachment theory - attachment will depend on how sensitive the caregiver is; quality attachment develops in the first year of life.
-Maturation: Nature only - most of development can be explained by biologal/genetic programming
Organismic Modern Day Theorists - Interaction Theorists
Frued (Psychosocial Developmental theory & Piaget (Cognitive Theory of Development)
Organismic Modern Day Theorists - Maturational Theorists
Chomsky (language) + Gesell (motor)
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development
Socio-emotional experince will determine how you progress through the biological program - children pass thorough certain stages at certain points in their childhood and their personality is affected by how well they cope with each of these stages (5 stages)
What’s important about Chompsky?
He argued with Skinner in that language is based heavily not
nature and no just operational condition/ ie it’s more complicated
Like… no one teaches infants grammar but they learn to form sentences
What’s important about Gesell?
Motor development is a maturation process independent of enviroment
Emphasized that all development is age driven - and how babied develop these milestones vary
Who said that all development is age driven
Explain Piaget’s Cognitive Theory of Development
Argues that all infants undergo the same process of cognitive development (4 STAGES) `
Is organismic quantitative/qualitative and continuous/or discontinuous
Qualitative; discontinuous
What is stage theory?
Stage Theory is based on the idea that organizations pass through a series of steps or stages as they change.
Within a stage: all behavior/thinking share the same underlying characterstic/property
Between stages, there is qualitative difference in how behaviors and abilities are organized
Piaget’s 4 stages of cognitive development
- Sensorimotor intellegence (0-2)
- Preoperational thinking (2 -7) Concrete Operational thinking (7-11)
- Formal operational thinking (12 and up )
- Children must actively interact and learn from the environment, active learning drives part of the biological program.
- Sensorimotor intellegence (0-2)
- Preoperational thinking (2 -7) - -
- Concrete Operational thinking (7-11)
- Formal operational thinking (12 and up )
Sensorimotor intelligence: Sensory experiences/manipulating obejects
Preoperational thinking: Emergence of language
- Concrete Operational thinking: More logic used, better at thinking and viewing situations
- Formal operational thinking: Think more abstractly, think about moral and ethical stuff
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
- Oral
- Anal (infant stage)
- Phallic
- Latent
- Genital stages
the erogenous zone associated with each stage serves as a source of pleasure. Socio-emotional experience will determine how you progress through the biological program
Who goes against Piaget in thinking that development is universal?
Vygotsky: Believes that development is socially constructed.`
Vygotsky theory of social development
He believed that development is socially constructed, and thinking will vary by culture,
He believed psychology had a WEIRD problem. Westernized, educated, industrialized, Rich, Democrat.
Zone of proximal development