Exam #1 Flashcards
Define physiology
Physiology: the study of the function of organism, typically at rest
Define exercise physiology
Exercise physiology: the study of how body structure and function are altered by exposure to acute and chronic exercise
Define environmental physiology
Environmental physiology: the study of the effects of the environment on the function of the body
Define sport physiology
Sport physiology: the application of the concepts of exercise physiology to training athletes and enhancing sport performance
Define ergometer
Ergometer: “work-measure”; used to measure physical work under standardized conditions
— allows the intensity of exercise to be controlled and measured
— a certain type of ergometer is used depending on the individual’s training for accurate results
Define longitudinal study
Longitudinal study: tests the same subjects and compares results over time
— follows the same subject for a long time
Define cross-sectional study
Cross-sectional study: collects data from a diverse population and compares groups in that population
— randomly assign individuals to groups (control or experimental group)
Define acute exercise/acute bout of exercise
Acute exercise: a single bout of exercise; high intensity exercise for a short period of time
— EX: Putting subject on a treadmill for an hour
Define chronic adaptation
Chronic adaptation: a physiological change that occurs when the body is exposed to repeated exercise bouts over a period of weeks or months. These changes generally improve the body’s efficiency at rest and during exercise
When did the field of exercise physiology began to evolve?
Early 20th century
- Due to increase of interests in exercise and health as well as in rehabilitating and training soldiers
(a) When was the first true laboratory exist?
(b) What was it called?
(c) Who was it founded by?
(d) How many years was it open?
(e) Who was the director of the lab the entire time it was open?
(f) When did the lab disbanded?
(g) W/n the time it was open, how article did the lab publish?
(a) 1927
(b) Harvard Fatigue Lab
(c) Biochemist, Lawrence J. Henderson
(d) 20 years
(e) D.B. Dill
(f) 1947
(g) 352 research papers
What are the two most common types of ergometers? List both of its advantages and disadvantages.
- Treadmills
- Walking is a natural activity for everyone
- Most people achieve their peak values for most physiological variables, but some athletes require higher level mode of ergometer
- More expensive, bulky, not portable, require power
- Difficult to get accurate measurement of BP - Cycle ergometers
- Does not depend on the subject’s weight (weight independent)
- Leg muscle fatigue if subject does not regularly exercise = peak exercise intensity, not true maximal intensity
Between longitudinal studies and cross-sectional studies, which is more accurate?
Longitudinal studies are often more accurate than cross-sectional studies
— But are time-consuming and expensive
What can be some confounding factors during research? List some examples
Many factors can alter the body’s response to exercise (individual may not respond to exercise)
— EX: environmental conditions, time of day (dinurnal variation)
How can you identify what information is being presented in tables and graph?
The title
What do graphs better illustrate?
— Trends in data
— Response patterns
— Comparisons of data between subject groups
What does the x-axis of a graph represent?
the independent variable or factor that is controlled by the study design
— EX: putting someone on a treadmill and changing their speed
What does the y-axis of a graph represent?
the dependent variable that will change depending on how the independent variable is manipulated
— EX: measuring the blood lactate of an individual who has been running on treadmill with a certain speed
Be able to identify, label, and identify the anatomy of a muscle fiber/muscle cell (8)
- Plasmalemma (plasma membrane/cell membrane): separates what outside and inside of the cell
- Opening into T-tubule: allows the outside of the cell membrane to enter inside of the cell; AP will travel here resulting in release of Ca2+
— Transverse tubules: deep invaginations/extension of plasma membrane; important for depol., diffusion, and gases efficiency - Sarcoplasmic reticulum: contains Ca2+; important for contraction process
- Sarcoplasm: gel-like substance w/n muscle cell containing/stores fuel: carbohydrates/glycogen + fatty acids/triglycerides
- Mitochondria: energy units; producing ATP aerobically
- Nucleus: located on the perimeter of the cell, multi-nucleated tissue; # of nuclei determines muscle atrophy
- Myofibril
Be able to identify, and label, the anatomy of a sarcomere and its protein
Regions of sarcomere
* Z-disks/line: “book-end” of the sarcomere
* I-band: lIght region/band; only actin filaments
* A-band: dArk region/band; contains both actin and myosin residing
* H-zone: lighter region between A-band; only myosin
* M-line: “midline/middle” of sarcomere
Proteins of sarcomere
* Actin filaments: thin filaments that attach to z-line, in the I-band
- Nebulin: the frame that actin filaments is built on
* Myosin filaments: thick filaments
- Titin: large protein that tethers myosin to z-disk + provide passive tension to muscle when in resting condition
What is a sarcomere?
the smallest functional building block of the myofibril
Describe the structure of a myosin filament
Myosin head
- 360 degree globular head
- Consists of ATPase; helps with with the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + Pi
Hinge regions (2)
- Helps with the process of powerstroke and crossbridge formation
What is the actin filament composed of?
Molecules of actin, tropomyosin, and troponin
What is the protein that provides structural rigidity and ensuring the standard length of a sarcomere across all mammalian tissue?
What is tropomyosin?
An inhibitory protein molecule that prevents myosin head from making contact w/ myosin binding site of actin filament
What is troponin?
A big protein that will assist cross-bridge to form by moving tropomyosin
— Made up of three isoforms:
- Tni - inhibitory subunit
- Tnc - area where Ca2+ binds to
- Tnt - makes contact with tropomyosin
How many actin molecules surrounds one myosin molecule
6 actin molecules
What occurs during excitation of skeletal muscle contraction? (6)
Occurs at NMJ
(1) Action potential (AP) arrives at axon terminal, releases acetylcholine (ACh)
(2) ACh crosses synaptic cleft, binds to ACh receptors on plasmalemma (plasma membrane/cell membrane)
(3) AP travels down plasmalemma, T-tubules
(4) Triggers Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
(5) Ca2+ binds to Troponin
(6) Tropomyosin undergoes a conformational change and exposes the myosin binding site on actin
How does AP cause the release of Ca2+ from SR?
As AP travels down the t-tubules, a voltage-sensing protein that’s located w/n the t-tubules senses AP and send signals to SR, causing the release of Ca2+
What occurs during contraction of skeletal muscle contraction?
- Cross bridge formation - myosin head makes physical contact with actin
- Power Stroke/Sliding Filament
– Myosin head pulls actin toward sarcomere center (power stroke)
~Myosin ATPase hydrolyzes ATP to fuel powerstroke
– Filaments slide past each other
– Sarcomeres, myofibrils (H-zone, I-band, Z-disks), muscle fiber all shorten
What occurs during relaxation of skeletal muscle contraction?
- AP ends, electrical stimulation of SR stops; no more signal (AP) = SR stops release of Ca2+
- Ca2+ pumped back into SR
– Stored until next AP arrives
– Requires ATP - Without Ca2+, troponin and tropomyosin return to resting conformation
– Covers myosin-binding site
– Prevents actin-myosin cross-bridging
What energy is necessary for muscle contraction (powerstroke) to occur? What does it do?
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is necessary for muscle contraction
* Binds to myosin head
– ATPase on myosin head
– ATP → ADP + Pi + energy
Distinguish which hinge joint of a myosin molecule is used for which part of contraction?
Primary hinge joint - Cross bridge
Secondary hinge joint - Powerstroke
What are the three types of muscle fibers?
Type I (Slow twitch/Slow Oxidative)
Type IIa (Fast twitch/Fast Oxidative/Glycolytic)
Type IIb (Fast twitch/Fast Glycolytic)
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of color. Explain why
Type I: Red
- Has high concentration of myoglobin, which transports O2 to the muscle fiber, especially to the mitochondria
Type IIa: Pink (medium amt. of myoglobin)
Type IIb: White
- Not so much myoglobin as it relies on the sarcoplasm of the muscle cell, as this muscle fiber type uses glycolytic pathway as energy source
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of fiber diameter. Explain why
Fiber diameter
Type I: Small
- Decreases diffusion distances to easily exchange waste and gases
Type IIa: Midsize
Type IIb: Large
- Has a lot more protein packed in this muscle fiber
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of capillary density. Explain why
Capillary density
Type I: High
- Has more avenues for O2 (from myoglobin) to be delivered to bring to our mitochondria
Type IIa: Medium
Type IIb: Low
- Does not need much O2 for the energy source (glycolytic) that type IIb m. fiber uses
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of mitochondrial density. Explain why
Mitochondrial density
Type I: High
- Since it relies on aerobic (oxidative) ATP, there will be a higher volume of mitochondria
Type IIa: Medium
Type IIb: Low
- Does not use mitochondria for energy source
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of myosin ATPase type. Explain why
Myosin ATPase type
Type I: Low
- Given that the contraction of this fiber type is slow, therefore the hydrolysis of ATP occurs at a lower rate before contraction take place
Type IIa: Medium
Type IIb: High
- Given that the contraction of this fiber type is fast, the hydrolysis of ATP occurs at a faster rate before contraction take place
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of Ca2+ handling capacity. Explain why
Ca2+ handling capacity
Type I: Low
- SR network is not as extensive enough to release high amounts of Ca2+, thus causing a slow rate of contraction
Type IIa: Medium
Type IIb: High
- Has a higher developed SR network to release more Ca2+ for a faster rate of contraction
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of glycolytic capacity. Explain why
Glycolytic capacity
Type I: Low
- Does not rely on glycolytic pathway for energy source
Type IIa: Medium
Type IIb: High
- Relies on glycolytic pathway for energy source
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of oxidative capacity. Explain why
Oxidative capacity
Type I: High
- Able to produce ATP much higher
Type IIa: Medium
Type IIb: Low
- Does not use aerobic pathway to produce energy
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of speed of contraction. Explain why.
Speed of contraction
Type I: Slow
- Cross-bridge cycles and powerstroke occur very slowly due to low myosin ATPase + low Ca2+ handling capacity
Type IIa: Medium
Type IIb: Fast
- Cross-bridge cycles and powerstroke occur very fast due to high myosin ATPase + high Ca2+ handling capacity
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of speed of relaxation. Explain why
Speed of relaxation:
Type I: Slow
- Ca2+ is not able to pump back into the SR as quickly as it can therefore, troponin and tropomyosin cannot return to its resting conformation
Type IIa: Medium
Type IIb: Fast
- Ca2+ is able to pump back into the SR as quickly as it can therefore, troponin and tropomyosin can return to its resting conformation
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of fatiguability. Explain why.
Type I: Low
- Due to a slower rate of contraction and relaxation, this fiber type is highly fatigue resistant; (EX: soleus)
Type IIa: Medium
Type IIb: High
- Due to a faster rate of contraction and relaxation, this fiber type is fatigues easily
Distinguish type I fibers vs. type IIA fibers vs. type IIX fibers in terms of force capacity. Explain why.
Force capacity
Type I: Low
- Does not generate much force due to smaller proteins, thus smaller myofibrils and it’s contractile units
Type IIa: Medium
Type IIb: High
- Generates a higher amount of force due to having greater amounts of protein, thus more myofibrils and it’s contractile units
How are fiber types determined?
Genetic factors
– Determine which α-motor neurons innervate fibers (type I motor neurons = type I muscle fibers)
– Fibers differentiate based on α-motor neuron
(# of muscle fibers and its innervation don’t change)
What is the fiber type distribution percentage?
w/n a normal mixed muscle (vastus lateralis)
* Type I - 50%
* Type IIa – 30-40%
* Type IIb/x – 10-20%
- not every muscle in the body has a 50/50 distribution, it depends on the job of that muscle
What is orderly recruitment?
As intensity of activity increases, skeletal m. contraction recruits minimum number of motor units needed:
– Smallest (type I) motor units recruited first
– Midsized (type IIa) motor units recruited next
– Largest (type IIx) motor units recruited last
NOTE: Recruited in same order each time
What is size principle?
order of recruitment of motor units directly related to size of α-motor neuron
Name the different anatomical structures parts of a neuron and discuss the function of each.
- Dendrites - receive signals/AP then carry the impulses toward the cell body
- Cell body - known as soma; size will determine what muscle fiber types it determines
— Axon hillock - Axon - where AP travels through until it reaches axon terminal
- Axon terminal
— End branches → Axon terminal
What is resting membrane potential (RMP)?
- Difference in electrical charges between outside and inside of cell; aka polarized
- Cause by uneven separation of charged ions
— High [Na+] outside vs. High [K+] inside - RMP = -70mV; inside is more negative
What regulates/resets RMP after AP?
Na+/K+ pump
* 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in