exam 1 Flashcards
what is scientific literacy?
-the ideas behind evidence-based scientific thinking
-the understanding of how science works
-the ability to understand, communicate, & discuss a scientific topic w/ ample knowledge & understanding & make informed decisions
what is the role of microbes in our world?
-microbes are everywhere
-microbes can meet human needs & solve human problems
-microbes can be used for artistic expression
-microbes can cause human & animal diseases
what is the role of microbes in our lives?
-microbes are responsible for the air we breathe & for our ability to breathe it
-microbes run the biosphere
what is scientific inquiry?
What’s the evidence, and how was it obtained?
what is the scientific method?
a process for experimentation that’s used to conduct scientific inquiry
what are the key factors and inventions critical to the establishment and study of microbiology?
-circa 1600: microscope was invented
-mid 1600s: first microbes described
-1800s: connection made between microbes & disease
-1800s-present: culture, straining, & microscopy used to study microbes that can be cultured
-1900s: DNA sequencing becomes. available, allowing the study of microbes that can’t be cultures
who is Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek?
-first observed microbes under a microscope
what is the germ theory of disease?
proposes that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases
who is Girolamo Fracastoro?
-proposed in 1545 that epidemic diseases were caused by transferrable tiny particles (“tinder”) that could transmit infection by contact
who is Agostino Bassi?
-discovered in 1807 that muscardine disease of silkworms was caused by living parasitic organisms
-proposed in 1884 that human diseases were also caused by living microorganisms
who is Friedrich Henle?
-developed the concepts of contagium vivum & contagium animatum in 1804
what is miasma?
-“bad air”
-early germ theory that living organisms caused infectious diseases
who is Ignaz Semmelweis?
-made the connection between lack of hygiene & getting rid of the microbes & reducing disease
-lack of hand washing & childbirth fever in 1847
-experimented doctors washing their hands w/ chlorinated lime water- reduced mortality from 18% to 2%
who is John Snow?
-traced the source of a cholera outbreak in London in 1854 to contaminated water obtained from a specific well
who is Louis Pasteur?
-conducted the first experiments demonstrating that fermentation & growth of microbes in nutrient broth didn’t proceed by spontaneous generation or miasma
-research showed that microbes caused beer, milk, & wine to spoil, inventing the process of pasteurization in 1862
what was the role of the scientific method in the study of germ theory?
observations led to questions & a hypothesis
how was the scientific method applied to the study of wine fermentation?
what is the light/fluorescence microscope (LM/FM)?
-the realm of micrometers
-the realm of eukaryotic & prokaryotic cells
what is the transmission & scanning electron microscope (TEM/SEM)?
-the realm of nanometers
-the realm of viruses
what are the sizes and scales of different microbes?
-viruses: 100nm/0.1 micrometer
-prokaryotes: 1000nm/1 micrometer
-eukaryotes: 10,000m,/10 micrometers
what are eukaryotic cells?