Exam 1 Flashcards
• Process of the generation of cellular components of blood from hemopoietic stem cells
• mesodermal, derived, except thymus, which is endoderm
Purpose of hemopoietic tissue
• makes new blood cells
• removes old/worn out cells
Myeloid tissue
• produces most blood cell types
• bone marrow
• common myeloid progenitor (CMP)
CMP –> granulocyte progenitor –> neutro, baso, eosino, monocyte/macrophage
CMP–> erythro/megakaryo progenitor –> RBC/ platelet
Lymphoid tissue
• abundance of lymphocytes
• responsible for immune defenses of the body
• sinus, lymph nodes, spleen, non-encapsulated lymph nodules
• common lymphoid progenitor (CLP)
Hemopoietic, tissue forms what?
- White blood cells. (leukopoiesis) via lymphopoiesis, Myelopoiesis and granulopoiesis
- Platelets (thrombopoiesis.), megakaryocytopoiesis
- Red blood cells (erythropoiesis)
Hematopoiesis progression with age
1.) yolk sac, six weeks
2.) liver, six weeks-five months
3.) spleen, three months-eight months
4.) lymph nodes, four months-lifelong
5.) bone marrow, four months-lifelong
6.) thymus, four months-lifelong
Yolk sac
• 1st/primitive hematopoiesis
• endothelial cells—> primitive vessels
• undifferentiated, pluripotent stem cells
• major sight of blood formation until mid fetal life
• erythropoiesis dominates here (extravascularly)
• RBCs nucleated at seven weeks, non-nucleated by the 11th week
• hematopoiesis in the third fetal month
• erythropoiesis and granulopoiesis reach peak between third and fifth fetal months and last until the seventh/8th fetal month
• lymphopoiesis continues throughout life
What bone is the first one to develop a medullary cavity?
The clavicle— myeloid cell development
• lymphopoiesis only
• begins in the fourth fetal month
• T lymphocytes formation
Extra medullary myelopoiesis
• pathological condition
• development of myeloid tissue outside of the bone marrow
• liver, thymus, and spleen may large
Yellow bone marrow
• contains more adipocytes
• occupies much of diaphysis of long bones
• most bone marrow in adults is yellow, amount increases with age
• contain stem cells and converts to red marrow to generate blood cells
Red bone marrow
• contains more hemopoietic cells than adipocytes
• site of hematopoiesis
• amount decreases with age
• found in the skull, ribs, sternum, vertebral bodies, cancellous, bone, long and short bones, iliac crest in adults
What are the components of bone marrow?
- Stroma (connective tissue)
- Sinusoids
- Developing blood cells
Stroma of the bone marrow
• cells: fibroblasts, macrophages, adipocytes, osteogenic cells, endothelial cells
• generate growth factors that regulate hematopoiesis
• contains collagenous and reticular fibers
Sinusoids of the bone marrow
• contains sinusoidal capillaries
• endothelial cells, endothelial, stem cells
• connect arterial to venous side of circulation
• permit, red and white cells to enter circulation via diapedesis (continuous, fenestrated, sinusoid)
• reduced in the kidney and other sites
• induced by hypoxia
• increases the number of hemoglobin forming cells by stimulating stem cells (CFU-E)
• RBC development in the bone marrow
• cytoplasm: basophilic—> eosinophilic
• nucleus: light to dark, fine chromatin—> clumped chromatin, large—> small—> gone
Erythropoiesis must be balanced by what?
• RBC destruction in the spleen and bone marrow
When do erythrocytes become non-mitotic in development?
• orthochromatophilic erythroblast
• reticulocyte
• mature, erythrocyte
• all of these are eosinophilic
Where in the body will you find most of the reticulocytes?
In the peripheral blood
• granulocyte development in the bone marrow
• cytoplasm: basophilic—> eosinophilic
• specific granules gradually increasing number
• azurophilic granules, gradually decrease in number
• nucleus: round—> polymorphonuclear
• nucleoli: present—> gone
How long does Granulopoiesis take?
Around 14 days. Circulates in the peripheral blood for around 6 to 10 hours. Once they leave the vascular system, they function in the connective tissue for one to six days.
• the development of monocytes
• CMP—> monoblast—> promonocyte—> monocyte—(in tissue)—> macrophage
• platelet formation in the bone marrow
• involves the giant nucleated cell: megakaryocyte
• nucleus undergoes endomitosis: copies, and enlarges DNA, but does not divide cytoplasm
• cytoplasm fragments into thousands of platelets
Where will you find a megakaryocyte?
They live by the sinusoids in order to send platelets into circulation
Types of hematopoietic tissue
- Myeloid tissue
• produces most blood cell types
• bone marrow
• common myeloid progenitor (CMP) - Lymphoid tissue
• abundance of lymphocytes
• responsible for immune defenses of the body
• thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, non-encapsulated lymph nodules
• common lymphoid progenitor (CLP)
• B lymphocytes develop in bone marrow and spleen
• T lymphocytes develop in bone marrow before maturing in the thymus
• mature B & T lymphocytes populate other secondary lymphatic organs
• CLP—> lymphoblast—> prolymphocyte—> B cells, T cells, NK cells
Central (primary) location of lymphatic tissue
• bone marrow: B cells
• thymus: T cells
Location of peripheral (secondary) lymphatic tissues
• mucosa associated lymphatic tissue (nodular, non-encapsulated lymphatic tissue). Ex: tonsils, digestive, tract, respiratory, urinary, reproductive tracts
• lymph nodes (encapsulated)
• spleen (encapsulated)
Lymphatic tissue characteristics
• populated with lymphocytes
• large lymphocytes: activated, NK cells
• small lymphocytes: B cells, T cells
Functions of lymphatic tissues
• lymphopoiesis
• immune response: small lymphocytes (recirculate between blood and lymph, capable of responding to antigen)
Stromal cells
• a component of lymphoid tissues
• reticular cells (specialized fibroblasts)
• macrophages (antigen, presenting cells)
• dendritic cells (APCs— very efficient)
• follicular dendritic cells (mesenchymal, not APCs)
Non-encapsulated lymphatic tissues
1.) diffuse, lymphatic tissue found in GI, respiratory, urinary, reproductive.
• loose or dense
2.) nodular lymphatic tissue found in GI, respiratory, urinary, reproductive.
• represent local immune responses to antigens, characterized by solitary lymphatic nodules
Lymphatic nodules
• not enclosed by a capsule
• primary: dark staining spherical balls of lymphocytes
• secondary: contain a reaction (germinal) center
General features of secondary lymphatic nodules
• germinal center indicates response to an antigen (T cell mediated)
• immature B cell proliferation (larger cytoplasm makes it stain lighter in the center)
• antibody production by plasma cells
• accumulation of macrophages and follicular dendritic cells
Where do you find aggregates of lymphatic nodules?
- Non-encapsulated lymph nodules
- Tonsils of oropharynx
- Peyer’s patches (ileum of small intestine)
- Appendix
Functions of lymphatic nodules
- Trapping of antigen
- Lymphocyte production in response to antigen: B cell proliferation
- Destruction of antigen
- no afferent lymphatic vessels
Lymph node
• only lymphatic organ located in the course of lymphatic vessels
• only lymphatic organ that has lymphatic sinuses
• only lymphatic organ that filters lymph (done by macrophages)
Morphological features of lymph nodes
- Capsule (dense CT)
- Trabeculae (dense CT)
- Stroma (cells and fibers, reticular)
- Endothelial cells: line sinusoids
What is in the cortex of a lymph node?
• lymphoid tissue, supported by reticular fibers and stromal cells
• lymphocytes
• lymphatic, nodules, including germinal centers, and tails that extend into the medulla as medullary cords
What is in the medulla of the lymph node?
• lymphoid tissue, supported by reticular fibers and stromal cells
• medullary cords and sinuses
• cells: small lymphocytes
• sinuses converge near hilum and drain into efferent lymphatic vessels
Superficial cortex of a lymph node
• between capsule and inner limits of germinal centers
• contains majority B cells
Deep cortex (paracortex) of a lymph node
• between germinal centers and medullary cords
• majority T cells
Lymph node sinuses
• lined by endothelial cells with large intercellular gaps
• slow, lymph flow- can trap metastatic cancer cells
• lymphocytes, enter lymphatic sinuses and leave lymph node via efferent lymphatics at hilus
Direction of lymph flow
Afferent lymphatic vessels—> subcapsular sinus—> trabecular sinus—> paracortical sinus—> medullary sinus—> efferent lymphatic vessel—> aorta
Post capillary venules in lymph node
- Outer superficial cortex: simple, squamous endothelium
- Deep paracortex: simple cuboidal endothelium, high endothelial venule (HEVs)
High endothelial venule (HEV)
• site of passage of lymphocytes from blood vessels into lymphatic tissue
• allow physical contact between APC and lymphocytes for activation— adaptive immune responses
Pathway of blood flow for lymphocytes
afferent arterioles—> precapillary arterioles—> capillaries—> HEVs—> lymphatic tissue—> lymphatic sinuses—> efferent, lymphatic vessels
What are the functions of the lymph nodes?
• lymph filter by macrophages
• lymphocyte production
• antibody production (plasma cells)
Anatomical and physiological barriers for antigens
• intact skin
• ciliary lung clearance
• stomach PH
• lysozymes in tears and saliva and ear wax
Innate immunity against antigens
• natural killer cells
• eosinophils
• macrophages
• mast cells
• neutrophils
• complement
• C reactive protein
• antimicrobial peptides
• dendritic cells
• natural killer cells
Adaptive immunity against pathogens/antigens
• T cells, B cells
• Humoral- antibodies
• dendritic/natural killer
Innate immune response
•Fast, generally nonspecific reaction to foreign antigens
• pattern, recognition receptors
• complement cascades
Adaptive immune response
• antigen specific response (B cell—> antibodies, T cell—> B cell helpers, and cytotoxicity/killing)
• long term protective immunity
All immune progenitor cells first originate, where?
In the bone marrow—> hematopoietic stem cell—> myeloid progenitor cell (innate), and lymphoid progenitor cell (adaptive)
Natural killer cells:
Are classified as innate because they are fast, primed, and ready. However, they come from a lymphoid progenitor cell, which is typically adaptive.
Major roles of natural killer cells
• protection in infected, stressed, and cancer cells
• they are stimulated by innate cytokines
• they are potent IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha producers
• NK receptors function as kill or do not kill switches
How is natural killer cells killing initiated?
Absence of self recognition. The presence of an activating signal will always be overridden by an inhibitory signals in the NK cell.
The two mechanisms natural killer cells use to kill
- Granule-mediated: granzyme B (serine protease), perforin (oligomeric pore forming protein) — must be close contact
- Death receptor-mediated: Fas:FasL, or TRAIL R:TRAIL
• both involve apoptosis induction, programmed cell death
• fever, acute inflammation, endothelial expression adhesion molecules, chemokine secretion (WBC recruitment)
• induces, differentiation, and proliferation of Th2 helper cells. Class switching of IgM to IgE. Role in class one hypersensitivity reaction.
• fever, and acute phase protein production
• endothelial, activation, WBC, recruitment, vascular, leaking us, fever
• cachexia in cancer, granuloma, maintenance in TB
Neutrophil chemotactic factors— cleanup on aisle eight. Clear infections.
NK cell activation, Th1 differentiation
- Granuloma formation in TB
IFN- alpha/beta
• innate defense against viruses via inhibition of protein synthesis, and induces ribonuclease to degrade mRNA. Activates NK cell killing functions.
Which cytokines are secreted by macrophages, dendritic cells, monocytes?
• IL1
• IL4
• IL6
• TNF- alpha
• IL8
• IL12
• IFN alpha/beta
Which cytokines are secreted by T cells?
• IL2: supports proliferation and differentiation of T cell, subsets and NK cells
• IL3: supports growth and differentiation of bone marrow stem cells
Cytokines secreted by TH1/NK cells
IFN-gamma: produced in response to IL12, induces, macrophage, killing of phagocytosis pathogens. Induces IgG isotope switching inhibits Th2 differentiation
cytokines secreted by Th2
• IL4
• IL5
• IL10: Tregs to dampen immune response
* IL11
• IL13
PRR: remembering associated receptors
• extracellular, or lysosomal recognition
• TLRs
• c-type lectin receptors (CLRs)
PRR: cytoplasmic receptors
• intracellular recognition
• nucleotide-binding and oligomerization domain-like receptors
• inflammasome
• RIG-l like (RLRs), CCR7
Complement cascade summary
• early control, and clearance of infectious pathogens the serum and membrane bound proteins
• alternative, classical, lectin
• all pathways converge at cleavage of C5
• form membrane attack complex for osmotic cell lysis
What helps leukocytes come out of the vasculature, into the tissue?
Selectins and integrins: adhesion molecules, that aid in leukocyte recruitment
Innate immune response: virus
NK cells—> target lysis. Killing via Fas:FasL, TRAIL
Innate immune response: bacteria
Macrophage/dendritic cell—> phagocytosis—> antigen, uptake, and presentation—> cytokine production—> chemotaxis
Complement —> osmotic lysis of bacteria
Humoral mediated immunity
• antibody mediated
• B lymphocytes
• antibodies, circulating in serum
• primary defense against extracellular pathogens: bacteria and circulating viruses
Cell mediated immunity
• cell mediated
• T lymphocytes
• direct cell to cell contact or secreted soluble products (cytokines)
• primary defense against intracellular pathogens: viruses and fungi, intracellular bacteria, tumor antigens, and graft rejection
What complex tells a T cell whether a cell or tissue is self versus nonself?
Major histocompatibility complex
MHC1: T cells B cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils
MHC2: B cells, dendritic cells, epithelial cells of thymus
Positive selection
Only T cells with TCR recognize self-MHC survive
Negative selection
T cells that react to strongly to self-MHC are eliminated
Which cells do antigen presentation to activate T cells?
• dendritic cells
• macrophages
• Thymic epithelial cells, and B cells
Why are dendritic cells very efficient antigen presenting cells (APCs)?
• they are located in a common site of entry for foreign antigens
• they express receptors that allow capture of antigens and processing of antigenic peptides
• they express high levels of peptide MHCs, co-stimulatory molecules, and produce cytokines
• they can present antigen and needed signals to both CD4 and CD8 T cells
Macrophages are:
Resident tissue APCs. They like to stay right at home.
Dendritic cells are:
In tissue but traffic to the lymph node: traveling salesman, displaying their goods
T cell activation: two signals
- Co- receptor binding
• both signals are required. If only one signal, the T cell becomes anergic and non-responsive to the antigen
• IFN-gamma
• macrophages
• macrophage activation
• intracellular pathogens
• autoimmunity, chronic inflammation
• IL4, IL5, IL13
• eosinophils
• eosinophil and mast cell activation, alternative macrophage activation
• helminths
• allergy
• IL17, IL22
• neutrophils
• neutrophil, recruitment, and activation
• extracellular, bacteria, and fungi
• autoimmunity, inflammation
• IL21, IFN-gamma, IL4
• B cells
• antibody production
• extracellular pathogens
• autoimmunity (autoantibodies)
B cell maturation: self tolerance
- Receptor editing: replacement of self reactive, receptor with nonself reactive receptor
- Clonal deletion: elimination of self reactive B cell clones
- Clonal anergy: an antigen specific hypo responsiveness
What is an epitope?
The specific molecular target of which a complementary antibody binds to
How do you yield high affinity antibody of a distinct isotope?
Somatic hypermutation, affinity maturation, and class switching
Which antibodies are multimeric?
IgA: dimer
IgM: pentamer
T cell independent B cell mechanisms
- Neutralization.
- Opsonization
- Complement activation
- Antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)
T cell dependent B cell activation
- Activated helper T cell expresses CD40L, secretes cytokines
- B cells are activated by CD40 engagement, cytokines
- B cell proliferation and differentiation
Type one hypersensitivity: immediate
• IgE, CD4+, Th2
• allergy, anaphylaxis, atopic
• mast cells, eosinophils
• IL4, IL5, IL13
Type two hypersensitivity: antibody mediated
• IgM, IgG against cell surface or extracellular matrix proteins
• cellular destruction: opsonization, complement, ADCC, inflammation
Type three hypersensitivity: immune complex mediated
• circulating, antigen antibody complexes
• complement activation
• neutrophil, attraction, and lysozyme release
• Ab:Ag bulky
Type four hypersensitivity: delayed, T cell mediated
• CD4+, CD8+, Th1, Th17
• cytokine mediated inflammation, macrophage, neutrophil, activation (CD4+)
• direct target cell killing (CD8+, CTLs)
B cell coreceptors required for activation
• CD21
• CD19
• CD3
T cell coreceptors required for activation
• CD80/86
• CD28
• CD3- intracellular signal motif
PLC pathway
TCR—> PLCgamma1—> calcineurin—> NFAT —> activation IL2—> T cell proliferation control
An immunosuppressant that is used to treat both T cell mediated, Auto immune disease and organ transplant Rejection. Acts by blocking the function of calcineurin. Prohibits T cell interaction with antigen.
Ras/MAP pathway
This kinase cascade activates gene transcription through AP-1
PKC pathway
• activates transcription through NF-kB (important in many innate and adaptive immune processes- associated with pro-inflammatory an activation events rather than regulatory processes)
Secreted, low molecular weight proteins that regulate the immune response by exerting effects on cells that express the appropriate receptor. Typically cell to cell signaling.
• Cytokines that mediate chemotaxis in particular leukocytes via receptor engagement. Can regulate the expression, and/or adhesiveness of leukocyte integrins.
• chemoattractants
• chemokines: CCL(#), CXCL(#), XCL1, CX3CL1
• chemokine receptors: CCR(#), CXCR(#), XCR1, CX3CR1
Cytokine spatial function
- Endocrine: far away cell, through circulation
- Paracrine: nearby cell
- Autocrine: self
Induces different biological effects, depending on the nature of the target cell type
Two or more cytokines that mediate similar function
Combined effect of two cytokines on cellular activity is greater than the additive effect of the two cytokines
The effect of one cytokine cancels out the effect of another
Cascade induction
The effect of one cytokine on a target cell leads to the production of one or more additional cytokines from that target cell
Interferons (IFNs)
Cytokines that are important in limiting the spread of viral infections
Interleukins (ILs)
Large group of cytokines produced, mainly by T cells. Variety of functions, including causing neighboring cells to divide and differentiate.
Colony stimulating factors (CSFs)
Primarily involved in directing the division and differentiation of bone marrow, stem cells and precursors of blood leukocytes. Controls how many and what kind of leukocyte is to be produced
Chemotactic cytokine used to direct the movement of leukocytes around the body
Tumor necrosis factors (TNFs)
Particularly important in mediating inflammation and cytotoxic reactions
Transforming growth factors (TGFs)
Important in regulating cell division, and tissue repair
If you lose the common gamma chain:
You will lose signaling from multiple cytokines important in T cell development, B cell and NK cell development, class switch recombination, and homeostasis
(IL21, 15, 9, 7, 4, 2)
Variable region
Area of the antibody where antigen binds