Exam 1 Flashcards
Define gerontology
The scientific study of the effects of time on human development
What is a super-centenarian?
Person at 110 years of age
What is a centenarian?
Person between 100 & 109 years
What is a typical centenarian?
White female living in urban south
What is survivorship?
Remaining life expectancy - for persons who have reached a particular age
What is the wellness-based model?
Encompasses the idea that health is composed of multiple dimensions; more than just the absence of disease
What is the flower model?
Wellness is expressed in 7 dimensions of human experience within the context of culture
What are the 7 dimensions in the flower model?
What is the wellness-based model for healthy aging?
- Health is viewed on a continuum, and health promoting strategies are important to achieving highest level of wellness
- Healthy aging must be viewed from the prenatal period to death
What are primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies?
Primary - prevent illness before it occurs
Secondary - early detection of problem that has already developed
Tertiary - slowing disease or limiting complications
Why is the wellness model better than the biomedical model of aging?
Wellness model is more holistic (focuses on the whole person)
Certification hospitals can get that is designed to improve outcomes for hospitalized older adults
(Nurses Improving Care of Health System Elders)
What does NICHE especially focus on in older adults?
Iatrogenic complications
Why are older people more vulnerable to poor outcomes due to having complex problems?
They require care from multiple settings which makes them more vulnerable to poor outcomes during transition
Factors contributing to poor transitional care outcomes after discharge from the hospital
Fragmented system of care
Poor communication
Patient-related factors (unable to follow instructions or lack of follow up care)
*Medication discrepancies (most prevalent adverse event)
What is the goal behind hospital readmission reduction program (HRRP)
Fixing the way pts are prepared and educated for discharge to prevent readmission
(Nurses role to help prepare pts for release)
Learned values, beliefs, expectations, and behaviors of a group of people
Guides our thinking and helps us know what is appropriate when interacting with family and friends
Cultural beliefs passed down from one generation to another
A process where persons from one culture adapt to another culture
Existence of more than one group with differing values and perspectives
Differences in health outcomes between groups
Health disparity
Social status, economic status, and health status of older women
Social - differs by culture (some more, some less respected)
Economic - disadvantaged
Health - live longer, greater number of chronic diseases
Social status, economic status, and health status of older men
Social - usually higher
Economic - usually higher
Health - black men = shortest lifespan
Belief that one ethnic/cultural group is superior to another
Application of limited knowledge of race, ethnicity, age, or culture to an individual
(Assumptions about someone)
Systematic elimination of the recognized culture
Cultural destructiveness
Belief that there are no differences
Cultural blindness
How to move toward cultural proficiency and healthy aging
Become familiar with own perspectives
Examine own personal/professional behavior
Remain open to different viewpoints/behaviors
Appreciate worth of all people
Develop skill of attending to both verbal & nonverbal communication
Be sensitive to clues given by others
Learn to negotiate rather than impose
Outward physical appearance
Phenotype as expressed in observable traits (esp skin tones)
Cultural group with which one self-identifies
What are the types of beliefs about health, illness, and treatment paradigms
Biomedical perspectives
Naturalistic or holistic
What is the biomedical model?
Disease = result of abnormalities in structure/function of body or illness caused by pathogens