EXAM 1 Flashcards
Phases of the ovarian cycle
Luteal & Follicular
Which portion of the ovary houses the oocytes (except in the mare)?
Where does ovulation occur in the mare?
Ovulation fossa
Which stage of follicular development would you find squamous cells surrounding the follicle?
Which layer of the antral follicle produces estrogen and inhibin?
Characteristics of the ampulla in the oviduct
Ciliated columnar cells, over 1/2 of entire oviduct, & large in diameter
True or false? Vagina is very active secretory organ
Which species is the semen deposited into the cervix deeper than others?
What are the three main functions of the epididymis?
Maturation of spermatozoa, storage of spermatozoa, & trickle function
In the species discussed in this course, the temperature gradient between core body temperature and the testes must be __________ for successful spermatogenesis.
4-6 degrees C
What does the spermatic cord contain?
Vasculature, lymphatics, nerves, ductus deferens, cremaster muscle, pampiniform plexus, & testicular artery
What is the mechanism of heat transfer in the pampiniform plexus?
Counter-current heat exchange
Where does spermatogenesis occur?
Seminiferous tubules
What is the function of the blood-testis barrier?
Prevents the immune system from attacking the spermatozoa
Where is the spermatozoa ejaculated from?
Tail of the epididymis
What must happen for the sperm tail in order to fertilize the ovum?
Must shed the cytoplasmic droplet
Where is the LH site?
Leydig cells
What is the function of LH?
Testosterone production
Where is the FSH site?
Sertoli cells
What is the function of FSH?
How is the blood-testis barrier accomplished?
Tight junctions of Sertoli cells and peritubular cells
How are old spermatozoa removed from the body?
Trickle of out of the epididymis and vas deferens and flushed out with urine
What is the typical storage capacity (in days of production) of the tail of the epididymis?
4-8 days
How do the sperm cells move through the male reproductive tract?
Smooth muscle contractions of various ducts
Another name for the paramesonephric ducts
What is sexual differentiation regulated by and on what chromosome?
SRY gene; Y chromosome
Epithelial cords eventually become?
Seminiferous tubules
In the female, the Mullerian ducts eventually become?
The cervix, oviducts, uterus, & vagina
Which cells secrete the anti-mullerian hormone?
Sertoli cells
During female differentiation, which structures regress?
Epithelial cords, mesonephric tubules, & mesonephric ducts
What was the first domestic animal to be A.I.’d?
A dog
What is the fate of most oocytes and spermatozoa’s?
What is the ultimate goal of reproduction?
A live birth
Most follicles are…
Another name for the antral follicle if it grows into a pre-ovulatory follicle (if the egg ovulates)
Graafian follicle
Three layers of the antral follicles
Theca externa, Theca interna, & Granulosa
Which cells produce estrogen, inhibin, and follicular fluid?
Granulosa cells
First section of the oviduct
Second section of the oviduct
Third section of the oviduct
Specific site of fertilization
Ampullary-isthmic junction
Muscularis = ?
Mucosa & Submucosa = ?
Serosa = ?
How does mucus change from gestation to partition?
Tacky/thick mucus to slimy
What are the functions of vaginal mucus?
Protection from micro bacteria with thick mucus; protects vagina during copulation
How long is sperm stored in the tail of the epididymis?
4-8 days
What happens to all of the “dead” sperm
Gradual “trickle” of spermatozoa out of epididymal tail through vas deferens, and into the urethra; will be flushed out with urination
Ductus deferens function
Sperm transport tube
Where is the spermatic cord located?
Extends from the inguinal ring to the top of the testis
Function of the pampiniform plexus
Creates a countercurrent heat exchange
What is the function of the cremaster muscle?
Regulate the temperature of the testis by raising and lowering them; pumps the blood back up into the body
Function of the seminiferous tubules
Sperm production; Sertoli cells control spermatogenesis; Under the control of FSH
Function of the Leydig cells
Under the control of LH; Controls testosterone production
Function of the blood-testis barrier
Prevents the destruction of spermatozoa from the immune system
Function of the epididymis
Storage, maturation, trickle
What is seminal plasma?
Not required for fertility; Added to the sperm cells during ejactulation; adds nutrients and buffers to the sperm
What gland has control of testosterone?
Bulbourethral gland
Where does the gel fraction of ejaculate come from?
The bulbourethral glands
What does the corpus cavernosum do?
Primarily engorges with blood during ejaculation
What layer of inner cell mass gives rise to the repro system?
Anterior pituitary gland
Adenohypophysis (originates from roof of embryos mouth, stomodeal ectoderm, rathkes pouch)
Posterior pituitary gland
Neurohypophysis (originates from infundibulum 3rd ventricle)
What is the SRY gene?
The sex-determining region of the Y chromosome (determines if the embryo/fetus is male or female)
Gubernaculum is derived from…
The peritoneum
What is cryptorchidism?
Failure of one or both testes to descend through the inguinal canal
What causes freemartins?
Female is exposed to testosterone and anti-mullerian hormone from male
What produces oxytocin, where is it housed and secreted?
The hypothalamus produces oxytocin, and the posterior pituitary stores and secretes it
What is the hypothalami-hypophyseal portal system?
Prevents the pituitary from diluting GnRH
True or false? The ovary is quiescent throughout its life and does not change much.
What suspends the non-pregnant mammalian reproductive tract is suspended in the body?
Broad ligament
If an ovary has a functioning, growing follicle present, it will not have a functioning ___ present
Corpus luteum
One of the functions of a CL is to produce ___, which in turn maintains pregnancy.
What is the most immature stage of folliculogenesis?
Primordial follicle
A pre-ovulatory follicle has ___ distinct cell layers
What are the velvety, finger-like projections on the infundibulum of the oviduct called?
What is the specific term for the muscular layers of the uterus?
Which structure is carrying the “hot” blood to the testes?
Testicular artery
Why would the developing spermatozoa be identified as foreign by the immune system?
Meiosis; do not recognize haploid cells
Spermatozoa are ejaculated from which part of the epididymis?
Distal region
Where is adenohypophysis from?
Rathkes pouch; originates from the roof of the embryo’s mouth
Where is neurohypophysis from?
Originates from the infundibulum/brain floor
The SRY gene is found on which chromosome?
The Y chromosome
What is the name of the ligament that assists with testicular descent?
Where do the oviduct, uterus, cervix, and caudal vagina develop from?
Paramesonephric ducts
Function of progesterone
Helps with pregnancy; is produced by the CL
What does prostaglandin do?
Kills the CL (Lutylase)
What does the sella turcica do?
Protects both anterior and posterior pituitary glands
What is the female’s mucus like during estrus?
Slimy & stringy
What is the female’s mucus like during gestation/pregnancy?
Thick; keeps things out
What is the function of the prostate gland?
Cleanses the urethra prior to ejaculation
Another name for bulbourethral gland
Cowper’s gland
When is testicular descent in most species?
2 or 3rd trimester (depends on species)
When are you able to determine the sex of the fetus?
2/3 of the way through the first trimester
What do sex cords differentiate into?
Primordial follicle cells
During female differentiation, what does the bulk of the genital ridge become?
The ovary
Both male and female reproductive tracts are ?
What do the gential folds become?
The broad ligament
A heifer that is born with a twin bull is
Freemartin heifers are infertile because…
They were exposed to testosterone and anti-mullarian hormone
If P4 concentrations are high, what structure(s) is present on the ovary?
True or False? The percentage of sperm cells produced that actually fertilize an ova is extremely small.
Name a domestic animal specie that does not have a pendulous scrotum:
What is NOT a male reproductive accessory gland?
List a domesticated species with a bicornuate uterus:
What is follicular growth called?
What kind of cells do primordial follicles have?
Squamous cells
What kind of cells do primary cells have?
Cuboid cells
What is a Duplex uterus?
Has two cervices; Each horn is a separate compartment
What is a Bicornuate uterus?
Has two uterine horns and a small body; Both internal and external uterine bifurcation
What is a Simplex uterus?
A single uterine body; Almost complete fusion of paramesonephric ducts
There is a high degree of tone when…
Estrogen levels are high (except in the mare)
True or False? Ruminants have carnuncles, and the Sow and Mare do NOT have carnuncles.
The queen’s uterus has ___, which are the sites of the previous attachment
Placental “scars”
The cervix is …
Thick-walled & cartilaginous
In the sow, the boar’s penis is ___ into the cervix during copulation