exam 1 Flashcards
a group of Christians who believed that Jesus was not related directly to God. These Christians believed that God adopted Jesus.
Before Common Era/Common Era
Greek word meaning “ruler” or “straight edge” Term came to designate any recognized collection of texts.
A group of second-century adoptionists who maintained Jewish practices and Jewish forms of worship.
Denied Jesus’ humanity because they believed that the body is evil
Second-century Christian scholar and evangelist later labeled a heretic for his docetic christology
form of christianity endorsed by some Christians of the second and third centuries that promoted doctrines declared “Orthodex” in the fourth and later centuries by the victorious Christian party in opposition to other groups of Christianity
Pro-Orthodox Christianity
Category of divine beings in the Greco-Roman world. were widely thought to be less powerful than the gods but far more powerful than humans and capable of influencing human lives.
A man’s guardian spirit (that of a woman was called Iuno)
guardian spirits of each family
A non-Jewish person
A group of Greco-Roman religious that focused on the devotee’s individual needs both in this life and in life after death; is named because their initiation rituals and cultic practices involved the disclosure or hidden things that were to be kept secret from outsiders
Mystery Cults
term Christians generally used to refer to the various polytheistic religions that are not Christianity; non-religion
household gods protecting the food store
In most Greco-Roman circles, the designation of a person born to a god able to perform miracles deeds and or to convey super human teachings.
Son of God
Ancient Jewish writing discovered in serval caves near the northwest edge of the Dead Sea
Dead Sea Scrolls
A dispersion of people from their homeland
An apocalyptic and ascetic Jewish sect started during the Maccabean period, members of which are generally thought to have produced the Dead Sea Scrolls
Anointed one
a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.
A Jewish party associated with the Temple cult and the Jewish priests who ran it, comprising principally the Jewish aristocracy in Judea. The party leader, the High Priest, served as the highest ranking local official and chief liaison with the Roman governor.
Jewish house of worship
place of worship
People who banded together during the time of Christ to violently resist Roman occupation.
Pioneer of a reform movement (originally, an early follower of Jesus)
Sacrament by which God cleanses all sin, and one becomes a member of the church.
story of a person’s life written by another person
a major category or type of literature
The “Good News,” the story of the coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ, and the inauguration of God’s Kingdom.
values and beliefs passed from generation to generation
The original manuscript of a literary text from a Greek word meaning the writing itself
any handwritten copy of a literary text
a person who writes things down
The ancient practice of writing without using spaces to separate words
scriptuo continua
Scripture study that looks to the various early manuscripts of the biblical texts.
Textual Criticism
According to the Ebionites, Jesus was
a righteous man
In what year did Athanasius declare the current twenty-seven books of the New Testament to be authoritative?
367 C.E.
Which of the following was not a criterion for a Christian writing to become part of the biblical canon?
Historical Accuracy
What does the term gnosis mean?
According to some Gnostics, the Old Testament God was _______.
Which of the following Christian groups thought it was blasphemy to call Jesus “God”
The Marcionites believed that Jesus came to save people from
the Jewish God
The Nag Hammadi library preserves writings from which early Christian group
The Nag Hammadi library preserves writings from which early Christian group
The New Testament was written in what language
Which early Christian group believed in exactly two Gods: the just God of the Old Testament and the merciful God of Jesus
Which of the following was NOT unique to ancient Judaism
the practice of animal sacrifice
Which of the following was NOT a sect of ancient Judaism
the Maricionites
Which of the following Jewish sects believed in the Oral Torah
the Pharisees
Which Jewish group urged rebellion against foreign powers in Judea
the “Fourth Philosophy”
Which Jewish group was most closely associated with the Temple and the high priesthood
the Sadducees
According to Ehrman, how do most ancient Jews seem to have felt about keep the law embodied in the Torah
they considered it a great joy
Which Jewish group explicitly rejected the idea of a future resurrection of the dead
the Sadducees
What was the physical sign of the covenant between the Jews and God
circumcising the foreskin of the penis
In what way was the Temple in Jerusalem unlike any other Greco-Roman temple
It was the only temple for its God in the entire Roman Empire
In addition to the Jerusalem Temple, Jews also gathered to read the Torah and pray in meeting places called
In addition to the Jerusalem Temple, Jews also gathered to read the Torah and pray in meeting places called
In addition to the Jerusalem Temple, Jews also gathered to read the Torah and pray in meeting places called
According to Ehrman, the Christian mission was conducted primarily
person to person
According to Ehrman, the Christian mission was conducted primarily
person to person
Scholars estimate the literacy rate in antiquity to have been
10 to 15 percent
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus died
on the Day of Preparation (before the Passover meal)
According to the Old Testament story of the Exodus, why did God instruct Moses to have every Israelite family sacrifice a lamb and paint their doorframes with its blood?
So the angel of death would pass over the houses of the Israelites
According to Ehrman, did the authors of the New Testament Gospels claim to be eyewitnesses to the events that they narrated?
According to Ehrman, what happened to the stories circulating about Jesus between the time of his execution and the writing of the first Gospel?
They were told over and over, spreading far and wide by oral transmission.
How did pagan (non-Christian and non-Jewish) literature of the first century refer to the events surrounding Jesus’s life and death?
There are no references to Jesus in first-century pagan (non-Christian and non-Jewish) literature.
Among early Christians, what was the primary ritual signifying membership in the Christian faith?
Identify one discrepancy in the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion.
The account in John has it occurring at noon the day before the Passover meal while Mark has it at 9:00 on the morning after the meal.
Why, in the Gospel of John, does Pontius Pilate have to conduct the trial of Jesus by lengthy conversations between the prosecution and defendant?
Because the Jewish leaders refused to into Pilate’s residence, so they sent Jesus in alone, leaving Pilate to go back and forth between them.