Exam 1 Flashcards
change in organic structures over time
the phenotypic range of a genotype influenced by the environment
norm of reaction
traits that are sensitive to environmental variations
facultative traits
traits that are likely in a typical environment (e.g., having a nose)
obligate traits
- How did the behavior develop?
- What was the physiological cause?
- How did the behavior evolve?
- What’s the behavior’s function?
Tinbergen’s 4 Questions
a causal explanation of behavior that focuses on immediate situational and physiological factors
proximate explanation of behavior
evolutionary advantage of the behavior
ultimate explanations for behavior
Brown’s description of behavior that is common to all human cultures
- social
- rank and status
- rules of etiquette
- communicate verbally and non-verbally
- facial expressions
- religion and beliefs
universal people
the principle that, among the range of inherited trait variations, those that lead to increased survival will most likely be passed on to succeding generations
natural selection
within any species, there are differences between the population
genes are passed down to our offspring
can happen with environmental pressures
- also happens with mating
psychological mechanisms that aided in our survival and therefore got passed on
evolved psychological mechanism
the adaptive problem it evolved to solve
theory of the human mind in which the various components of cognition are characterized as independent modules, each with its own specific domain and particular properties
the issues that ancestors had to successfully deal with in order to survive and reproduce
adaptive problems
tells the organism the particular adaptive problem it is facing
physiological activity, information about other psychological mechanisms, or manifest behavior; solution to a particular adaptive problem
a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce
the evolutionary process also produces things that are not adaptations
effects produced by change mutations, sudden shifts in the environment, etc.
random effects of noise
the period when all humans were hunter-gatherers of wild resources, many of our adaptations are designed for this environment
- the statistical composite of selection pressures that occurred during an adaptation’s period of evolution responsible for producing the adaptation
Environmental Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA)
- Theory of Parasite-Host Coevolution
- Theory of Parental Investment and Sexual Selection
- Theory of reciprocal altruism
Middle-Level Evolutionary Theories
Hypothesis 1: In species in which the sexes differ in parents’ investment, the higher investing sex will be more selective in the choice of mating partners
Hypothesis 2: Where males sometimes contribute resources to offspring, females will select mates in part based on their ability and willingness to contribute resources
Hypothesis 3: Members of the sex that invest less parentally in offspring will be more competitive with each other for mating access to the high-investing sex
Specific Evolutionary Hypotheses