Exam 1 Flashcards
Knowing your values
Awareness helps you come into alignment with your values
Behavior of Superiors
the number one influence on moral climate
Behavior of peers
the second influence; people pay attention to what their peers in the firm are doing
Industry or professional ethical practices
ranked in the upper half; these context factors are influential
Personal financial need
ranked last
a system of rules with which everyone is expected to comply or experience official punishment
a system of rules or standards with which one is expected to comply
standards of right and wrong conduct: comply or risk judgement
The Inherent worth or quality of a thing or an idea
First Pillar of GVV
Values: appeal to widely shared values
Second Pillar of GVV
Choice: believe you have a choice (reflect on your history)
Third Pillar of GVV
Normalization: expect values conflict
Fourth Pillar of GVV
Purpose: define own broad purpose, appeal to others
Fifth Pillar of GVV
Self-Knowledge and Alignment: build on your strengths
Sixth Pillar of GVV
Reasons and Rationalizations: Anticipate these