Exam 1 Flashcards
rate = <60 bpm
p-wave positive in II and negatve in aVR
regular rhythm
sinus bradycardia
rate= 60-100 bpm
p-wave positive in II and negtive in aVR
regular rhythm
normal sinus rhythm
rate = >100bpm
p-wave positive in II and negative in aVR
regular rhythm
sinus tachycardia
rate may vary between 40-100 bpm
rhythm irregular
p waves upright in II, negative in aVR
sinus arrhythmia
rate may vary between 40-100 bpm
rhythm irregular
p waves upright in II, negative in aVR
rate slows down
sinus dysrhythmia
sinus node quite pacing
the next fastest automaticity focus “escapes to become the pacemaker
sinus pause/arrest
sinus node momentarily doesn’t pace
one beat is missed
sinus resumes pacing or the next fasteset automaticity focus “escapes” to become the pacemaker
sinus block
rate variable but normal at 60 to 100 bpm
rhythm irregular
p wave morphology variable (at least 3 different forms)
wandering atrial pacemaker
rate = 60-80 bpm rhythm regular p waves upright or biphasic, different from sinus p waves PR interval usually normal late beat
atrial escape
fast: 150 to 250 bpm
rhythm regular
has p waves and normal QRS
pacer cells in the atria very irritable
atrial tachycardia
sudden onset
very fast: 150-250 bpm
rhythm regular
p waves inverted (before or after) or absent (buried within QRS)
paroxysmal junctional tachycardia (pjt)
fast: 150-250 rhythm regular p waves questionable, may be hidden within the previous t wave - can't always distinguish between PAT or PJT QRS normal umbrella term
supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
atrial rate of 250-350 bpm
rhythm: often regular with varying p:QRS ratios (2:1, 3:1, 4:1); sawtooth pattern
intervals: p waves in sawtooth pattern, pr interval=NA, QRS normal
atrial flutter
rate: atrial rate >350; ventricular rate variable
vent rate: rapid>120, controlled70-10-; slow
atrial fibrillation