Exam 1 Flashcards
Transactional model of communication
Communication is simultaneous.
ex. You can be giving a speech, but notice the nonverbal messages coming from your audience
The process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others and by creating meaning through verbal and nonverbal messages.
Difference between leading and managing
Leading: influencing others to achieve goals through verbal and nonverbal messages.
Managing: organizing and delegating. Can be a leader too but leaders are not necessarily good managers
six leadership approaches
trait functional styles situation transformational servant
Trait Approach
good leaders have specific qualities or characteristics like:
- Intelligence
- Confidence
- Social Skills
- Honesty
- Being forward-thinking
Functional Approach
leaders identify key task functions and process functions that need to be performed in a group
Task Functions
Behaviors that help get work done (agenda)
Process Function
Behaviors that help maintain a harmonious climate. ( manage conflict, encouraging members)
Style Approach
Leaders need to consider many factors when making decisions such as culture, time limitations, group member personalities
* leader who adapts to the situations
Transformational Approach
leader that influences people to see the future in a new way. “transform people’s thoughts’
- good at building and sharing
- good at listening
Servant Leadership Approach
a. Views themselves as being of service to the group or team
b. Works to meet the needs of others while accomplishing a task
c. Is motivated to do good, high concern for others
d. Key actions are listening, empathy, and healing
e. Use persuasion to incite action, not demands
What are the social styles
Assertiveness: one’s capacity to make requests, actively disagree, express positive and negative feelings, and stand up for themselves without attacking others.
Responsiveness: ones capacity to be sensitive to the communication of others be seen as a good listener and make others comfortable in communication.
4 Quadrants of social style
- High responsive and low assertiveness
* relationship specialist; supportive or helpful roles
- Low responsiveness and low assertiveness
- Technical fields like science
- higher anxiety about communications
- Low Responsiveness and High assertiveness
- Control specialists; they enjoy working in leadership
- business owners, top managers, administration
- High responsiveness and high assertiveness
- Social specialists. They use communication skills to gain recognition and attention.
- drawn to sales and entertainment
Classical Managerial Approach
○ Assumes that workers are motivated by rewards and punishment
○ Includes theories that emphasize structure, rules, and control
○ Communication is typically directed from the top down. (Hierarchical, clear chain of command)
Human Relations Managerial Approach
○ Assumes productivity will increase if workers are not only happy, but are also giver proper working conditions
○ If you take of your workers, they will work harder and produce more.
○ Time Studies were looking at output and productivity
Human Resources Managerial Approach
○ Assumes that the ability for form relationships on the job is more effective than economic incentives
○ View employees as a resource that can enhance team performance
○ Gives employees more control over process, partnership with management and participation in decision-making and problem-solving responsibilities
○ Emphasizes camaraderie, praise and recognition from supervisors
Organizational Culture
the learned pattern of beliefs, values, assumptions, rules, and norms that are shared by people in the organization.
what REALLY happens at work
all company’s are different
communication creates culture and culture influences communications.
Verbal Communication
Messages that use words to create meaning (written Or spoken)
Non-Verbal Communication
are visual and audible symbols that do not rely on words or language to create meaning
Descriptive Language
Conveys assertiveness by:
1) Describing other’s behavior ( what you see/hear)
2) Describing your goals/needs
3) Describing consequences
How do you communicate a clear verbal message
Describe rather than evaluate others
• Describe your feelings and/or other’s behaviors by using “I” statements instead of evaluation statements
• “I” messages take ownership of feelings; helps prevent defensiveness in others
• Evaluating messages attack others’ character and make people feel judged
Guidelines for using text messages in the workplace
- Don’t use texts to convey important information
- Don’t text anything confidential
- Introduce yourself
Non-verbal codes/ categories
Appearance vocalics facial expressions Kinesics Space/proxemics time/chronemics touch/haptics physical environment
Difference between listening and hearing
Hearing: is the physiological process of decoding sounds.
Listening: is psychological process that involves receiving, constructing meaning from ,and responding to verbal and nonverbal messages
5 Steps of the listening process
○ Selecting ○ Attending ○ Understanding ○ Remembering ○ Responding
How do you listen effectively?
STOP: turn off competing messages
LOOK: Look at the person speaking, look for nonverbal cues
LISTEN: Listen for major ideas, details, details with the main ideas.
How do you respond effectively?
How do you help others listen effectively to you?
SELECT: Help them select your message making the message useful; move closer to the person
ATTEND: make it interesting and unique, concrete and moderate in length
UNDERSTAND: Fit message into a schema
REMEMBER: Reiterate ideas
RESPOND: Encourage questions and note-taking
Mental box or file cabinet
Willingness to Communicate
ones tendency to initiate communication with others. (Internal Predisposition)
Adapting to Willingness to Communicate
Don’t judge prematurely
Don’t take quietness personally
Look for “goodness-of-fit”
Communication Apprehension
Fear or anxiety associated with ongoing or anticipated communication with others
Adapting to Communication Apprehension
Those with low CA: Put in leadership when appropriate
Those with high CA: Monitor perceptions; refrain from placing in positions with high level of communication; provide alternative channels for communication.
a communication trait of people who tend to advocate strongly for their own position on an issue and criticize the positions of other people
Adapting to Argumentativeness
Those with LOW: Be aware of perceptions and use nonverbal immediate behaviors and responsive behaviors. Use feed-forward messages.
Those with HIGH: Engage in debates, play devil’s advocate; learn how to argue
Cultural Context
Consist of nonverbal cues that surround and give meaning to the messages.
(High context cultures rely heavily on nonverbal cues)
(Low context rely on the verbal message)
Individualism vs. Collectivism
Individualistic cultures value their own interest more then the overall group
Collectivism cultures: Value the interests of the group over their own.
Decentralized vs. Centralized Power
Decentralized= cultures value a broad distributions of power Centralized= values a more narrow distributions of power, clear lines of authority
Masculine Vs Feminine Values
Masculine= value traditional roles for men and woman Feminine= values caring and sensitivity.
How to adapted to Cultural Differences
- be patient
- establish rules
- Ask questions
- Respect others
- write things down
- be aware of time”
Powerful and powerless language