Exam 1 Flashcards
Our firm agrees.
Our firm disagrees.
Our firm will agree with certain changes.
Assent with Qualifications.
Designate: Au-C xxx.xx
Designate: Au-C xxx.Axx
Application and other
Designate: Au-C 9xxx.xx
Staff Interpretations
What are the two categories of GAAS?
- Unconditional Requirements
- Presumptively Mandatory
Auditors must be independent in ____ and _____.
- Fact
- Appearance
(Framework) Accrual, GAAP, IFRS.
General Purpose Framework
(Framework) Cash basis, tax basis, regulatory.
Special Purpose Framework
Auditor must obtain _____ and _____ evidence to support audit opinion.
- Sufficient
- Appropriate
Timeliness of financial reporting is important for balancing ____ and ____.
- Benefit
- Cost
Scope restriction, which could be material and pervasive, and auditor lacks independence.
After risk assessment procedures, design _____, _____, and ____ of further audit procedures.
Nature, timing, and extent.
Audits should be planned and performed with ______ ________, where looking for evidence, documentation, and fraud is important.
Professional Skepticism
Audit risks cannot be zero.
Inherent Limitations of an Audit
How many days do large accelerated filers have to file 10-K? (>$700m)
60 days of year end
How many days do accelerated filers have to file 10-K? ($75m-$700m)
75 days of year end
How many days do non-accelerated filers have to file 10-K? (<$75m)
90 days of year end
How many days do large accelerated and accelerated filers have to file a 10-Q?
40 days of period end
How many days do non-accelerated filers have to file a 10-Q?
45 days of period end
Within how many days should an auditor file with the SEC a change in records for a public company?
2-5 business days
Used to emphasis something in F.S., usually the footnotes.
Emphasis-of-Matter (EOM)
Used to emphasize something that is not found in the F.S. (footnotes).
Other-Matter (OM)
What are the two examples where an EOM is required?
- Going concern situation
- Changes in accounting principles