Exam 1 Flashcards
Wilhelm Wundt
“father” of modern psychology
objectively measure consciousness - introspection
Breaks down consciousness into small/basic elements (ex; emotions, images, sensations)
William James
influenced by Darwinism - how is this adaptive?
1st American psychologist
modify and narrow structuralism
show mental processes, behaviors, etc… help an individual to adapt
mind as a whole rather than parts
Sigmund Freud
“father” of professional psychology
treating mental health problems (then called neurosis)
First to study the unconscious
psychoanalytic approach
tapping into unconscious to expose early childhood experiences, trauma, true desires, etc.
everything repressed and pushed down
therapy process developed
Gestalt Psychology
emphasis on whole rather than parts
seeing the big pic
Patterns that underlie everyday experience
emphasis on observing and controlling behavior
how can we shape behavior?
classical conditioning
learned reflexive response
John Watson
“father” of behaviorism
interested in directly observable behavior and manipulation of behavior
environment > genetics
fears are learned
B.F. Skinner
introduced principle of consequences to modify behavior
punishment - reinforcement/reward
Emphasis on conscious, immediate experiences
free will
research typically qualitative
Abraham Maslow
Emphasized positive aspect of human nature
Carl Rogers
psychotherapeutic approach - client centered therapy…
3 main factors
- Unconditional positive regard (nice)
- Genuineness (honest)
- Empathy (sympathetic)
Refocus on the mind, consciousness, thinking, mental functioning
HOW we think