exam 1 Flashcards
Which of the following is a problem with research identifying the effectiveness of CAMs for the treatment of health conditions?
research studies to examine CAMs practices often involve small samples that do not provide evidence of statistically treatment effectiveness, do not include a control group, rely on self reports and ancedotal evidence
Which of the following is an example of complementary and alternative medicine?
complementary and alternative medicine is the name given to a category of medical treatments:
Designed to treat the whole body to achieve health
Health psychologists believe that it is crucial to understand a patient’s beliefs because:
What patients believe impacts how they respond to treatment.
health psychology
dedicated to promoting and maintaining health and preventing illness
focus on the frequency, distribution and causes of different diseases
how common or how likely was someone to get diagnosed with something
health literacy
ability to understand and use health info to make decision about ones health
goals of health pyschology
- focus on health promotion and maintenance
- enhance and create programs for prevention and treatment
- greater understanding of the epetiology/ traits that affect illness
- enhance the health care system and the formulation health policy
humoral theory
a healthy body and mind resulted from equilibrium among body fluids
1. blood
2. yellow bile
3. black bile
4. phelm
to cause the opposite effect created by disease
reductionist approach
based on biological factors - genetics, injury, physiology, chemisty ect
relationships, social support, culture, health experience, socio economic status
emotional state, sense of self, beliefs, knowledge, acceptance
evolutionary perspective
human traits that exist due to historical value across generations
life course persistent
different health experiences across the lifespan
– changes in susceptibility of health conditions/death relative to age
gender perspective
influence of gender stereotypes on the experience of health illness
– impact of gender bias in research and the receipt of health care
sociocultural perspective
factors of culture influence experience of health and disease
influence health behaviors, treatment options and sense of well being
culture and health disparites
biological sex, race, and socioeconomic states
research question
what you want to know
prediction statement
operational definition
how you define the variables/ percise form of measurement for variables of interest
data collection
who to recruit for participants/ where and how to gather data
data analysis and interpretation
statistical analysis and draw conclusions
descriptive research methods
observe and record behavior
quantitative reseach
precise or numerical assesment (in a lab or natural setting)
variables “go together” (direction +/-)
positive = one goes up the other does too
negative = go in opposite direction
confound variable
outlier you arent studying but can affect the study
qualitative research
focus on groups and open ended questions
- assement to identify themes in response – draw conclusions
random assignment, manipulate variables, experimental and control groups
quasi - experiment design
issue of ethical constraints, data from already made groups, use comparison group
longitudinal designs
examine 1 or more groups over time, often prospective research, advantages and disadvantages
cross sectional designs
examine 2+ groups at a time, often retrospective research
of people w a disease or behavior
incidence rate
of new case of disease/ behavior
analysis to compare between groups, identify differences by average scores/outcomes
odds ratio
probablity of an outcome/ likliehood of an outcome
relative risk
likelihood of outcome of behavior
attributable risk
change in outcome of behavior removed
psychoneurology immunology (mind and body)
field of research that emphasizes the interaction of psychological neuroendocrine and immunological process in health
field of study focused on the genes of and environment interaction
who you based on your genes
your own features
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
pheripheral nervous system
somatic and autonomic
voluntary movements
heart attack, blood pressure, autonomic responses
calming down and returning to resting heart rate
parietal lobe
sensory info, space and position of yourself
frontal lobe
cognitive process and movement
temporal lobe
auditory info
occipital lobe
visual info
controls vital signs
reticular formation
subserves autonomic, motor, sensory, behavioral, cognitive, and mood-related functions.
endocrine system
adrenal glands secrete hormones in body response to stress
pancreas secretes insulin for the body to use food for energy
immune system
to distinguish between body cells from foreign cells and to destroy foreign substances
non specific immunity
1st defense - skin and nasal cavity
2nd defense - phagocytosis (attack invaders) , phagocyte/ macrophages, patrol body to destroy invaders
inflammatory response
restores tissues promotes healing but can cause further damage
specifc immunity
some cells fight some make antibodies
descriptive study
case studies, interviews, surveys, focus groups and observational studies
case study
one person is studied in depth
limitations of surveys and interviews
people may answer in ways they want to be perceived
epidemiologist 5 objectives
- identitfy the etiology of a particular disease in order to generate a hypothesis
- evaluate the hypothesis
- test the hypothesis by assessing the effectiveness of specific prevention health intervention
test hypothesis by attempting to predict the incidence and prevalence of disease
group have a certain disease and then look backward in time in an attempt to reconstruct the characteristics that led to the condition
prospective study
group of people free of disease and follows them over a period of time to determine whether a condition or behavior is related to later health conditions
meta analysis
quantitiative technique that combines the result of many studies examining the same effect or phenomenon
narrative response
randomized clinical trials
allows researchers to draw conclusions about cause and effect relationship
reticular formation
brainstem circuit governs arousal and sleep
sorts sensory info and sends it to other lobes
little brain
limib system
neurons surrounding the central core of the brain
- fear and aggression
-hypothalamus, amygdala and hippocampus
limib system
neurons surrounding the central core of the brain
- fear and aggression
-hypothalamus, amygdala and hippocampus
emotional response
spatial orientation, learning, and memory
hunger, thirst, body temp, sexual behavior, helps govern the endocrine system via pituitary gland
association cortex
areas of the cerebral cortex that integrate multisensory info and higher mental functions such as thinking and speaking
adrenal cortex
secrete stress hormones - epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol
nonspecific immune response
injury becomes red, warm, and tender
isolates injured tissue, mobilizes our immune response and promotes healing
carry oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body
white blood cells
-clot blood when needed
-represent a defense system of the immune response
cultural differences in health
-where you live/ resources provided in your geo location
-specialists, clinics health professionals
cultural differences in health
-where you live/ resources provided in your geo location
-specialists, clinics health professionals
conventional medicine
healthcare based in western biomedical practices
- medical degrees, technology
alternative medicine
health care practices that are not taught in medical school
-care options generally not offered in hospitals or funded by insurance
complementary action
combination of conventional and alternative practices healthcare
-massage, meditation
intergrative medicine
multidisciplinary approach to health care = western biomedicine and cams
evidence based medicine
approach to health care that promotes the collection, interpretation, and integration of the best research-based evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients
osetopathic medicine
medicine that provides all the benefits of conventional allopathic medicine and emphasizes the interrelationship between the structure and function of the body
considers the physical health as well as the mental and emotional health
a harmless substance that nevertheless creates harmful effects in a person who takes it