exam 1 Flashcards
personal trouble
private and pertaining to an individual
social issue
public and relate more to the wider society as a whole
what is the sociological imagination?
the relationship between personal troubles and public issues
How is “what we eat and how much we eat” related to social issues?
choices are influenced by the people around us. There is a norm of eating at public events like birthdays, weddings, funerals, holidays and socializing
what are examples of social structures that contribute to obesity?
food deserts (little access to healthy foods/expensive healthy foods); government, economy and religion
what are the 4 sensibilities of sociological imagination?
historical, cultural, structural and critical
historical sensibility
analyzing the past to determine how society got to be the way it is
cultural sensibility
-reveals the range and diversity in human societies so it is difficult to say what is natural or normal
-encourages cultural relativism instead of ethnocentrism (appreciate diversity)
structural sensibility
-society is organized by rules, conventions and institutions like government, economics and education
critical sensibility
not being negative, but engaging in critique by asking 2 questions:
1. how do we know?
2. How could it be otherwise?
way of life of groups of people; their behavior, beliefs, values, symbols, customs and preferences
assuming that your culture is superior and the standard against which to measure others
completion compulsion
we feel like we have to eat the whole portion, even when we’re full
social stratification
people are ranked and ordered in a society. people are privileged or disadvantaged by social class, education level, race, ethnicity, gender, (dis)ability, etc
social determinants of health
conditions in the environment where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning and quality-of-life outcomes and risks
agricultural subsidies
money from the federal government to farmers and agribusinesses
built environment
the human-made space in which people live, work and recreate on a day-to-day basis
food desert
impoverished areas with limited access to healthy affordable foods