Exam 1 Flashcards
Behavioral Science
-studies the relationship between behavior and the body/brain
-overt acts and internal events (learning, thinking, emotions)
Mind-Brain Problem
-deals with what the mind is and its relationship to the brain
-idea that the mind and body consist of the same substance
Materialistic Monism
-view that body and mind and everything else are physical
-idea that the mind and brain are separate
-a proposed mechanism for how something works
(theory, simpler, organism, simulation or system studied)
-gathering information through observation
Heimholtz and the Electric Brain
-Hermann von Heimholte demonstrated nerves do not behave like conducting wires
Luigi Galvani
-used electricity to stimulate nerves in the late 1700s
Gustav Fritsch and Eduard Hitzig
-dog brain stimulation
The Localization Issue
-localization: idea that specific areas of the brain carry out specific functions
-each of 35 different “factuality’s” of emotion and intellect located in precise areas of the brain
-the idea that the brain can function as an undifferentiated whole
-opposite of localization
-biological unit that directs cellular processes and transits inherited characteristics
-Zygote - Embryo - Fetus
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
-double standard double helix chain of chemical molecules
-fertilized egg which undergoes rapid cell division and development
-each parent gives 23 chromosomes 46 total
-new organism as it develops over first 8 weeks
-organism at developmental stage between 9 weeks and birth
-different versions of a gene
Dominant Allele
-prodices effect regardless of which allele it is paired with
Recessive Allele
-has influenced only when paired with the same allele
-two alleles are different
-two alleles are identical
-an observable characteristic
-combonation of alleles
-a characteristic produced by an unpaired gene on the x-chromosomes
-characteristics determined by several genes
-all the genes in our chromosomes
Human Genome Project
-project with the goal to map the location of all the genes on the human chromosomes
Gene Expression
-translation of encoded information into production of proteins
-destiny or predisposition
Natural Selection
-those whose genes have more adaptive traits are more likely to survive and reproduce
-percentage of the variation in a characteristic atributed to genetic factors
-genes contribute to predisposition for a disorder
-cells that convey sensory information to the brain, carry out operations and transmit commands to the body
-half of brain cells
Neurons are responsible for:
Cell Body
-most prominent part of the neuron, aka soma, contains chromosomes
Motor Neuron
-carries commands to the muscles/organs
-extensions that branch out from the cell body to receive information from neurons
-extends like a trail from cell body and carries information to other locations and wrapped in myelin
Axon Terminals
-swellings at tips of each branch at end of axon, containing neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters (NTs)
-chemicals the neuron releases to communicate with a muscle, organ, or next neuron
Sensory Neurons
-carry information from the body and outside world into the brain and spinal cord (unipolar and bipolar)
-neurons which connect one neuron to another in the same part of the brain or spinal cord
-a state of difference in electrical charge between inside and outside of the neuron
-difference in electrical charge between two parts
Resting Potential
-difference in charge between inside and outside of membrane of a neuron at rest -70mV
-atoms that have lost or gained electrons
Force of Diffusion
-tendency of ions to move through membrane to less concentrated side
Electrostatic Pressure
-force in which ions are repelled from side similarly charged and attracted to oppositely charged side
Sodium Potassium Pump
-large protein molecules that have 3 sodium ions through cell membrane outside and two potassium ions back inside
Action Potentials
-abrupt depolarization of membrane that allows neuron to communicate
Graded Potential
-local potential which varies in magnitude with the strength of the stimulus that produced it
All-or-none law
-ungraded action potential follows this principle, mean that it occurs at full strength or it does not occur at all
-quality of action potentials in which they travel down the axon without any decrease in size propagated anew and at full strength
Refactory Period
-absolute refectory period
-relative refactory period
Rate Law
-axon encodes stimulus intensity not in the size of its action
Glial Cells
-non-neural cells that provide a number of supporting functions to neurons
-fatty tissue that wraps around axon to insulate it
Types of Glial Cells
-oligodendrocytes and schwann cells
Nodes of Ranvier
-gaps in the myelin sheath
Saltatory Conduction
-a form of transmission in which action potentials appear to jump from node to node radial glia, microglia, astrocytes
-small gap which seperates neurons so they are not in direct physical contact
Synaptic Cleft
-the gap
-sends signals
-receives signals