Exam 1 Flashcards
Anthropology is the __ study of humankind
Strategies humans use to adapt to their environment (such as technologies, subsistence patterns, housing types, clothing, religion, marriage and family, values, and gender roles) is called __.
__ is transmitted across __.
Culture; generations
The study of human societies, their traditions, rituals, beliefs, and the differences between societies in these traits is called __ __.
Cultural Anthropology
__ is the study of material culture of past peoples.
__ is the study of language, its origins, and use.
Biological (Physical) Anthropology is the study of human biology and behavior in the framework of __.
Biological anthropologists study humans and our __ __ __, the primates.
closest living relatives.
Culture is a means of __ - it shapes __ of the environment, other people, and social relations.
Our bodies are an __ of culture and biology.
Culture is part of a feedback loop that acts as a type of __ __; neither nature nor nurture, but a system of __.
For all these reasons, it is critical that biological anthropologists examine humanity from a __ perspective.
adaptation; perceptions
selective pressure; relations
Viewing other cultures from the inherently biased perspective of one’s own culture.
__ is the view that all cultures have merits within their own historical and environmental contexts and should first be understood within those contexts.
A __ is a broad statement of scientific relationships or underlying principles that has been substantially __ through the testing of __.
theory; verified; hypotheses
__ is a body of knowledge gained through observation and experimentation
List the 3 steps of the scientific method.
- State the problem
- Develop a hypothesis
- Test the hypothesis (data collection and analysis)
The __ __ is the process of explaining natural phenomena by empirical observation, hypothesizing, testing and analysis.
scientific method
A __ is a group of organisms of a species that interbreed and live in the same place at a same time.
__ - variability between individuals WITHIN a population.
__ - variability BETWEEN populations
__ - measurement of the human body form
__ are efforts to improve the human species by controlled __.
Eugenics; breeding
__ : each of the major [__ constructed] divisions of humankind having distinct physical characteristics.
__ : belonging to a social group that has a common national or __ tradition
__ : one’s family or ethnic __; indicates __-__ geographical origins
Race; socially
Ethnicity; cultural
Ancestry; descent; deep-time
__ __ was the eugenics asshole; misapplied Darwin’s theory of evolution to __ issues. He linked biological traits with __ abilities.
Francis Galton; social; mental
__ __ postulated human plasticity; he asserted that __ was impacted by environment; therefore, features associated with __ are not fixed or permanent. The man was ahead of his time.
Franz Boas; phenotype; race
__ __ was one of four 18th century scientists who believed there were at least __ racial classifications, but had trouble classifying Native Americans and Pacific Islanders; described four races using __ (black, white, yellow, red) and terms that are used to describe __ (European, Asiatic)
Carolus Linneaus; three; colors; ancestry
__ __ was one of four 18th century scientists who believed there were at least __ racial classifications, but had trouble classifying Native Americans and Pacific Islanders; identified some scientific “__” labels (Caucasoid, mongoloid).
Joann Blumenbach; three; sounding
__ __ was a French neurosurgeon that developed craniology techniques; translated __ dimensions into a series of mathematical indices and then deduced the __ and social attitudes of the long-dead individuals. He also included __ in his estimations.
Pierre Broca; skull; personality
__ __ studied cranial volume (similar to Broca) using extensive collection of Native American skulls and concluded their volume to be much __.
This was the asshole that was using __ samples.
Samuel Morton; smaller.
Gene - sequence of DNA bases responsible for carrying out a __ __.
biological function.
__ is the universal code that governs the expression, inheritance, and evolution of biological traits in all forms of life.
__ are discrete structures composed of DNA and __, and they are found only in the nucleus of cells
Chromosomes; proteins
This is a given form of a gene for each locus.
An allele
__ is the production of identical, diploid somatic cells (e.g., skin). How many stages are there?
__ is the production of gametes via __ division (homologous pairs are separated and randomly assorted into new [monoploid] cells with 23 chromosomes. How many stages?
1 stage.
Meiosis; reductive.
2 stages.
__: protein synthesis that occurs in the __ using mRNA and tRNA.
__: unwinding of DNA at specific sites (genes) to use as a __ for [immature] mRNA production.
Translation; ribosomes
Transcription; template
Mendel’s first law is the __ of __. It states that traits are transmitted as discrete __ that do not __ with or contaminate each other (separation and reunion of __ pairs at meiosis and fertilization, respectively).
Principle of Segregation.
units; blend; homologous
__ traits are expression of an allele in homozygous or heterozygous state.
__ traits are expression of an allele in homozygous state only.
The Principle of __ __ is Mendel’s second law. It states that two traits will sort and recombine __ of each other.
Independent Assortment
__: different alleles at a specific locus
__: identical alleles at a specific locus
The genetic complement of alleles present at a specific locus on two homologous chromosomes is said to be an organism’s __.
The observable / detectable physical characteristic of an organism is its __.
The position of homologous pairs during first division is __ __.
This contributes to __.
randomly aligned.
__ __ / __: exchange genetic information between homologs prior to first division.
Crossing over / Recombination
A __ is a base substitution. __ must be in gametes (occurring during meiosis) and must be __-__ to be heritable.
Mutations; non-lethal
__ __: random change in allele frequency over time.
__ __: exchange of genes between two populations resulting in greater __ (and thereby prevents __).
Gene drift
Gene flow; homogeneity; speciation.
__ __ postulated that population growth is infinite; resources are finite. Individuals in population vary, and variation impacts survival and, therefore, __.
Charles Darwin
Natural selection acts on what 3 things to impact evolution?
mutations, genetic drift, and gene flow
Regarding natural selection, traits that enhance competitiveness also increase __ which, in turn, increases probability of __.
fitness; reproducing
All genes present in a breeding population or species is said to be the population’s / species’ __ __.
gene pool
The Hardy-Weinberg Principle proposes that __ frequencies will remain the same throughout any number of generations given a stable, __ breeding population that are __ from other populations.
Violations are caused by __, __ __, and __ __.
allele; randomly; isolated
mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow
A __ is a group of alleles on a chromosome that are closely __ and tend to be inherited as a __.
haplotype; linked; unit
__ __ is a type of genetic __ (sampling error) that has a “__” effect on allele distribution frequency on future generations.
Can result from __ of land by non-native populations, natural disasters, polygamy, or __ (the practice of marrying within a social group).
Founders’ Effect; drift; “bottleneck”.
colonization; endogamy
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is genetic material that is __ in origin (can be used for __ studies).
maternal; genealogy
African Eve (aka __ Eve): theory that H. sapiens emerged approx. 200 kya from Africa.
Studies using __ support this time period.
__ is a term used to describe members of the evolutionary lineage that includes H. sapiens.
There were __ genus clusters, and all were __: pre-__; __, and early __.
three; bipedal; Australophiths; Australophiths; Homo
Three pre-__ include (STOTAR):
Sahelanthropus __ ~7-6 mya. Potentially our __ hominin ancestor (no __ elements).
Orrorin __ – 6.6-5.7 mya. Second potential __ hominin ancestor (possibly ape ancestor). May not have been an __ bipedal (__ adaptation in arms).
Ardipithecus __ – 5.8 – 4.4 mya out of E. Africa. Bipedal arboreal __: long arms and fingers, curved fingers and __ big toe (like hands) which proves they were not a __ species.
tchadensis; earliest; postcranial
tungensis; earliest; obligate; arboreal
ramidus; mosaic; divergent; nomadic
Australopithicus afarensis was __!
She existed approx. 4.2 – 1.2 mya, had long __ and curved fingers (__-like).
Her species was highly sexually __.
arms; ape-like
Paranthropus __ was an __ that was highly sexually __. They existed contemporaneously with H. __; therefore, it is possible one or both species is NOT __ to H. sapiens.
boisei; Australopith; dimorphic.
habilis; ancestral
Homo __ lived between approx. 2.4 – 1.4 mya. They had an increased __ size, and were at least partially __.
They were believed to be the first to use __, but we now know that Australopithecines used __.
habilis; brain; arboreal
tools; tools
Homo __/__ lived between 1.8 mya – 30 kya.
Their limb proportions were closer to H. __; therefore, they were __ and spread to Europe and Asia.
They __ and used advanced tools.
sapiens; nomadic;
Homo __ lived between 200 – 28 kya.
They had a larger __ than H. sapiens and had no __.
Amazingly, they were capable of __, art, cultural burial, and body adornment / jewelry.
They were genetically __ and interbred with H. sapiens.
brain; chin
Homo __ is the most recent finding - discovered in 2013. Possible proof that our lineage is more __-__ than tree-like
naledi; bush-like
Homo __ lived between 1 mya – 17 kya on the island of Flores. Their short stature was possibly due to __ dwarfism.
__ lived between 100 – 30 kya.
They only received __ classification due to finding just finger bones and teeth.
Their __ is present in modern-day Melanesians.
The Regional __ Model (aka __ Hypothesis) states that global evolution originated from migration of H. __.
Gene __ prevented further speciation, and genetic __ created microvariation (ancestry).
The evidence: __ found in Asia and Europe.
Continuity; Multiregional; erectus.
flow; drift
The __ Model (aka Out of __ Model) states that H. sapiens evolved from H. __ in Africa ~200 kya, then left Africa and out competed __ Homo species (who were also evolved from H. __) throughout the world.
There was no __. Evidence from __, only.
Replacement; Africa; erectus; archaic; erectus
interbreeding; fossils
The __ Replacement Model (aka __ Model) states that H. sapiens evolved from H. __ in Africa ~200 kya, then leaves Africa and interbreeds with __ Homo species (also evolved from H. __) throughout the world eventually genetically __ them.
Evidence: __ and __ in Asia and Europe.
Partial; Assimilation; erectus; archaic; erectus; swamping
fossils and genetics
A __ is a category or group, such as phylum, order, family, genus, species.
A __ is composed of grouped species representing an adaptive __ or adaptive __ based solely on the __ of evolutionary history (not the process).
grade; zone; plateau; outcome
A __ refers to the __ of evolutionary history (not the outcome).
It is basically a __ group (phylogeny – model that demonstrates all organisms and their shared evolutionary history).
Clade; process;