Exam 1 Flashcards
Payment that is required by a government agency but unrelated to any benefit
flat tax
a single rate is applied
Graduated Tax
Each bracket is taxed a different rate
Marginal Tax Rate
Incremental tax paid on incremental amount of deductions
Average Tax Rate
Average level of taxation on each of dollar of taxable income
Effective Tax Rate
Average rate of taxation for each dollar of total income
Proportional Tax Rate
Imposes a constant tax rate throughout the tax base (flat tax)
Progressive Tax Rate
Imposes an increasing marginal tax rate as the tax base increases
Federal Taxes
Income, Employment/Unemployment, Excise, and Transfer Taxes
Explicit Tax
Directly Assessed
Various Criteria for Tax Systems
Sufficiency Equity Certainty Convenience Economy
6 Month Extension
Granted automatically by the IRS, extension only for filing, not for payment.
Penalty for Late filing
5% tax due each month payment isn’t recieved
Statute of Limitations
3 years after either the due date or when it was filed
Assigns score to each tac return probability
Document Perfection Program
Checks all returns for mathematical errors
Information Matching Program
Compares info from the tax return with info submitted to the IRS
Types of Audits
Correspondence, Office, and field
30-day Letter
Must either request a conference with an appeals officer or agree to proposed adjustment
90-day Letter
Either pay proposed deficiency or file a petition in the US Tax court yo hear case
Tax Court
National court of tax experts
US District Court
Gerneralist, may have a jury
US Court of Federal Claims
All types of claims against the government