Exam 1 Flashcards
According to Reality Therapy, what drives human motivation?
- Maximize pleasure, minimize pain
- Conflict comes from what we want vs. what we have of the basic needs
- Basic needs: Fun, Freedom, Survival, Power, Love/Belonging
Who are the founders of Reality Therapy?
William Glasser, Robert Wubbolding
What does a healthy person look like according to Reality Therapy?
- All basic needs are met without having to harm others
- Advocates for reality theory/ choice theory
- have satisfying human relationships
What does dysfunction look like according to RT?
- Failing to meet the basic needs: all behavior is in response to meeting a basic need, so if a behavior does not meet a basic need, it is dysfunctional
- most dysfunctional behavior comes from lack of human relationship
- REJECTED DSM Diagnosis
- Added -ing to signify a choice (Someone doesn’t have Panic disorder, they’re panicking)
What is choice theory?
1) We can control our behavior by controlling our thoughts
2) We have a CHOICE in how we behave
3) Moving away from biological inheritance model of mental illness and instead believed all behavior is a choice
4) All our behaviors are an attempt to satisfy our basic needs
5) When other people behave in a way that harms us, they deserve to be punished
Describe the car analogy in Reality Theory?
The front two wheels are thinking and acting, the back two wheels are physiology and feeling. The steering wheel is our wants and the engine is our needs.
According to external control theory, what are the 7 deadly habits?
Complaining Blaming Critisizing Bribing Threatening Punishing Nagging
What are the 7 caring habits according to Reality Therapy?
Listening Encouraging Accepting Respecting Negotiating differences Supporting Trusting
What is external control theory?
- Opposite of choice theory
- humans are controlled by their environment and therefore have no choice but to submit
- people can make others do what they want
- this ruins relationships
What are the four reasons, according to RT, that we make bad choices?
- B/c we are lonely
- B/c we are angry and depression is easier to access than anger
- b/c we are seeking help from others
- B/c depression is easier to express (fear of rejection)
As Reality Therapy does not believe in DSM diagnosis, what is one of the diagnosis that they may give to clients?
“Unhappy people”
What are the stages of unhealthy behavior according to Wubbolings?
- Giving up
- Negative symptoms (negative self talk, unhealthy thoughts, feelings or choices)
- Negative Actions (behaviors, failed attempts to satsifyi our needs)
What are the stages of healthy behavior according to Wubboling?
- Committing to healthy choices
- Positive symptoms appear (positive thoughts, feelings, choices) This is generally the last stage for people
- Positive addiction (occurs after 12-18 months of consistently positive choices)
What is quality world according to RT?
- central tenant of RT
- constructed shortly after we are born, and continues to form throughout our lifetime
- Also called the world of wants, refers to the mental images of need-satisfying things/people
- our basic needs describe what we need, quality world illustrates it
- can remove people and images from our quality world but it is a painful process
Describe in detail the five basic needs according to RT?
- Love/belonging- family, friends, romantic partners can satisfy this need. Sex can be misunderstood as love.
- Fun- is the easiest to attain b/c so many things satisfy this need.
- Freedom - the sense of control over one’s life
- Power- power for power’s sake is unique to humans, wanting to feel important and recognized as important by others. Acheivement, recognition, self-esteem.
- Survival- Basic needs are met/ re-producing
What is the process of therapy according to Reality Therapy?
- Present-oriented / emphasis on what we do now and the choices we make
- Wants, Direction of Doing, Evaluate, Plan
- 8 Step Approach
- Involvement
- Focus on present behavior
- Value judgment
- Planning responsible behavior
- commitment to the plan
- Accept no excuses
- Do not punish
- Never give up
Detail the 8 step approach in RT?
Involvement: therapist makes friends with lonely client
Focus on present behavior: counselor and client focus on what the client is doing now
Value Judgment - counselor and client work to evaluate current choices
Planning Responsible Behavior - plans should be reasonable, specific and positive
Commitment to the plan - Counselor asks the client if they will do it, or if they should make another plan
Accept no excuses- no punishment if does not do it, but instead asks “when will you do it”
Do not punish - Let the consequences happen naturally
Never give up - The problem can always be solved, even if takes many tries
What are some techniques of RT therapy approach?
- questioning
- self-disclosure
- humor
- metaphors
- reframing
- physical activity & meditation
- allowing or imposing consequences - natural are the best, social are the second best
- bibliotherapy
- doing the unexpected - cry now or wait until later
What were Wampold’s conclusions from his meta-analysis?
- Significance of therapeutic relationship
- The therapeutic relationship is as significant if not MORE significant than the specific approach
- Empirical research and training needs to emphasize the therapeutic relationship
- Approach needs to be tailored to the specific client to enhance effectiveness
What were Wampold’s recommendations in 2018?
- Create & cultivate an effective therapeutic relationship
- Adapt approach to transdiagnostic characteristics
- regularly assess and respond to client’s cultural identities
- monitor clients response to therapy and ongoing treatment (check-in)
- Use Evidence-based therapy relationships and treatments for the best outcome
According to the Sue at al. 1982 ecological model what is the fifth nests goals
- Outcomes:
- Therapists need to strive for culturally appropriate interventions of all kinds
- strive for strengths-based approach to build resilience and decrease trauma
According to Object Relational Theory, what is a healthy person?
Melanie Klein’s object relational theory states, that a healthy person has strong object relations- they have a strong sense of self that is independent from and securely attached to important others in one’s life.
According to Klein, are the life/drive instinct the most important?
According to Object Relational theory, while instincts are important, human relatedness is MOST important.
What are internalized objects?
refers to the things or people in our environment or in our self that determine how we relate to others. These include both internal objects (in the self) and external objects (other people, objects) that all influence how we relate to others.
What is the primary focus of self-psychology?
Heinz Kohut’s self-psychology focuses primarily on the development of the self, also known as the self-object. Furthermore, it is focused on how one learns to self-soothe as internalized from the caregivers.
What is the primary goal of Individual Psychology Therapy?
The goal of therapy is to help the client identify and change mistaken views of self/ others/ the world so they can more fully participate in a social world. The primary objective is social interest.
What is social interest according to individual psychology?
- The central tenant of individual psychology
- Awareness of how one participates in a social world
- mental health is defined by successfully sharing with others and caring about others’ well-being
- believed that happiness and success are largely related to social connectedness
- anxiety emerges when our sense of belonging in society goes unfulfilled
what is the client’s role in therapy according to Alfred Adler?
- to explore private logic about self, others, life
- Discover the purposes for symptoms and behavior patterns
- Discover reasons for coping
- learn how to correct the faulty assumptions and conclusions
What are the five steps to Adler’s approach to therapy?
- establishing the therapeutic relationship
- Assessment
- Encouraging client’s self-understanding and insight
- Re-orientation and re-education
Explain the key points of Adler’s encouraging client’s self-understanding and insight stage of therapy?
- Builds courage to try new things
- overcome the client’s discouragement
- getting a sense of the client’s goals in life, purposes and drives
Explain the key points of Adler’s re-orientation and re-education stage of therapy?
- Encourage process- strength-based recognition of what the client has demonstrated during therapy
- Action-oriented: making changes to old patterns as they emerge
What are the key techniques Adler uses during individual psychology therapy?
- Interpretation
- encouragement
- paradoxical approach - prescribe the exact opposite behavior as trying to avoid
- self-disclosure
- logical consequences
- acting as if
- pushing the button
What is the “dodo bird” or common factors conclusion?
No one type of therapy is more effective than any other type. The most important is the therapeutic relationship and tailoring therapy to the client.