Exam 1 - (1) Introduction neuroanatomy and gross brain Flashcards
What are three examples of neurotransmitters?
Small molecule neurotransmitters
What are three types of neurons?
What are the chemical means by which neurons communicate to each other/other structures?
What are three examples of small molecule neurotransmitters and what effects do they have?
Glutamate - excitatory
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) - inhibitory
Acetylcholine (ACh) - ?
Give three examples of monoamine neurotransmitters and explain their functions.
Dopamine - excitatory
Norepinephrine (NE) & epinephrine - excitatory
Serotonin (5-HT) - excitatory
Give two examples of neuropeptides and explain their functions.
Substance P -
What does the cephalic flexure do in terms of neuroanatomy?
Changes the axis of the brain stem cord relative to the cerebrum
Dorsal: posterior -> superior
Ventral: anterior -> inferior
What are nerve cell bodies called in the PNS?
What are nerve cell bodies called in the CNS?
Name three terms for “axon” in the CNS.
What is an axon called in the PNS?
Name/explain the terms that describe two sided orientation in the brain.
- Ipsilateral - same side of
- Contralateral - opposite side of
- Bilateral - both sides
- Decussation - connect dissimilar planes across midline (pyramidal decussation)
- Commissure - connects similar structures (corpus callosum)
What are the section planes used in neuroanatomy?
- Sagittal plane - midline
- Parasagittal plane - parallel to the midline
- Coronal/frontal - parallel to the long axis of the body
- Transverse/horizontal - perpendicular to the long axis of the body
What are the five lobes in a cerebral hemisphere?
- Frontal
- Parietal
- Occipital
- Temporal
- Limbic
About how many ft^2 of cortex is a brain surface?
Name the frontal lobe’s gyri/sulci/structures of note.
- Precentral gyrus and sulcus
- Frontal gyri
- superior
- middle
- inferior
- Orbital surface
- Orbital/Orbitofrontal gyri
- Gyrus rectus (only consists of orbital gyrus
- Olfactory sulcus - contains olfactory bulb and tract
Describe the functional aspects of the precentral gyrus.
Primary motor cortex, origin of the descending motor pathway, initiates voluntary movements
Describe the location of the premotor and supplemental motor areas:
part of the precentral, nearby portions of superior and middle gyri
Describe the location/function of Broca’s area:
- inferior frontal gyrus of one hemisphere (usually left)
- production of spoken and written language
Describe location/function of the prefrontal cortex:
- rest of the frontal lobe
- personality, foresight, insight
Name the parietal lobe’s sulci/gyri of note on the lateral surface and their approximate locations
- Postcentral gyrus: anterior portion of the parietal lobe, spanning the length of the central sulcus, just posterior to it on the entire lateral surface of one hemisphere (post central sulcus runs behind it)
- Superior parietal lobule: superior to the interparietal sulcus
- Inferior parietal lobule: made up of the submarginal (anterior) and the angular (posterior) gyri, it is underneath the interparietal sulcus
Name the parietal lobe’s sulci/gyri of note on the medial surface and their approximate locations
- paracentral lobule: the medial extension of the post/precentral gyri so it is technically part of the frontal and parietal lobes
- Precuneas: inferioposterior to the paracentral lobule, in is bordred by the
- subparietal sulcus and calcarine sulcus inferiorly
- marginal branch of cingulate sulcus anteriorly
- parieto occipital sulcus posteriorly
Describe the function of the Postcentral gyrus:
it contains the primary somatosensory cortex and is concerned with the initial processing of tactile and proprioceptive information
Describe the function of the (typically left hemispherical) Inferior parietal lobule:
language comprehension
Describe the function of the rest of the parietal cortex:
complex aspect of spatial orientation and directing attention
Name the temporal lobe’s sulci/gyri of note on the lateral surface and their approximate locations
- Superior temporal gyrus: just below the lateral sulcus spanning it’s length
- Middle temporal gyrus: just below the superior temporal gyrus
- Inferior temporal gyrus: just below the middle temporal gyrus, spanning it’s length and extending onto the inferior surface of the brain where it touches the fusiform gyrus medially
Name the temporal lobe’s sulci/gyri of note on the medial surface and their approximate locations
- the occipitotemporal/fusiform gyrus which takes up the remainder of the inferior surface of the temporal lobe. It is bordered by the inferior temporal gyrus laterally and the limbic lobe medially (separated by the collateral sulcus.)
- note: the occipitotemporal lobe is in the temporal AND occipital lobes
Describe the location/function of the primary auditory cortex:
the superior surface of the temporal lobe/part of the superior temporal gyrus / hearing