Ex310 to 320 processes Flashcards
LJR – three sub-processes
1. Plot LJR, TXA for reference, make initial broadcast
2. Set the SARTIMER for SKED on receipt of jurisdiction
3. Input frequency expected to call in label – NC \ [freq]
3. Clear a/c to leave and/or give traffic, QNH, report passing A085 prior to NOCOM
3. CFL to 000B085
4. On passing A085, white CFL, SRP on, “identification terminated”
5. Continue to monitor for traffic (VFR and IFR)
6. Provide updated traffic info when time permits
7. Consider onwards coord, including planned climb
LJR broadcast
FALC1, F18, NA005 AGL
Currently 30NM N of WG, FL240
* 15NM SW of WG time 26
* 24NM W of AY time 30
* YTMB time 33
* thence southeast
All stations Melbourne Centre, Military Low Jet Operations, FALC1, F18, is 30 miles north of Wagga, on descent from FL240 for operations not above 500ft above ground level NOCOM, estimating 15 NM south west of Wagga time 26, 24NM west of Albury time 30, Tumbarumba time 33, then tracking southeast
LJR initial broadcast format
All stations Melbourne Centre, military low jet operations, [ACID] [type] [current position] on descent from [current level] for operations not above [feet AGL] NOCOM
Estimating [position 1 @ time], [position 2 @ time], [position 3 @ time], then tracking [direction]
Operations near Restricted Areas:
VFR aircraft OCTA
Can operate up to the boundary.
Pilot responsible for remaining clear.
Operations near Restricted Areas:
Aircraft under clearance; non-flying area
Must remain 2.5NM clear of boundary
Example is R350/351A
Operations near Restricted Areas:
IFR aircraft OCTA
Can operate up to the boundary.
ATC duty of care to confirm pilot will remain clear.
“ABC confirm you’ll remain clear of R350?”
Operations near Restricted Areas:
Aircraft under clearance; flying area
Must remain 5NM clear of the boundary
Example is R358
Process – unknown VFR tracking towards active restricted area
- Call aircraft – will vary depending on proximity to RA
* [aircraft details] Melbourne Centre, on your present track you will enter an active restricted area in X minutes. Clearance not available, advise intentions
* [aircraft details] avoiding action suggest immediate [turn and direction] to remain clear of [RA] - On response, ask pilot to squawk ident
- identify, verify level, confirm visual/clear of cloud, issue terrain caution
- Suggest amended tracking/heading if not already given
- If entry to area is possible, inform SM1
If cannot raise, contact abutting ATC units
Process – IFR in CTA planned through active RA3
E.g. R350/351A
Issue amended clearance around the RA
Process – IFR OCTA planned through active RA3
Advise the pilot, request intentions and/or provide assistance to ensure they remain clear
E.g. R350/351A
When calling an unidentified VFR, what details must you include to help that aircraft realise they are being called?
Current position/distance from point, tracking, level
Safety alert phraseology
[ACID] safety alert –
- traffic [number of miles] [direction] [tracking] [level]
- terrain, check your altitude immediately (provide pilot action where possible)
- restricted airspace active, (suggest) [left/right] turn heading [XXX] immediately // climb/descend immediately to [level]
Avoiding action phraseology
(Reference controlled flights)
[ACID] avoiding action, I say again [ACID] avoiding action…
- turn [direction] [heading]
- expedite [climb/descent] to [level]
- stop [climb/descent]
Wait for readback, then traffic
always reciprocate the avoiding action to both, then give traffic to both
Avoiding action phraseology
(Reference uncontrolled flights)
[ACID] avoiding action, I say again [ACID] avoiding action, suggest…
- turn [direction] [heading]
- expedite [climb/descent] to [level]
- stop [climb/descent]
Wait for readback, then traffic
Transponder failure
- Terminate identification, SRP ON
- Apply procedural separation
- Request aircraft recycle ASSR
- Secondary transponder?
- If still not identified, set PETO and obtain position reports
- TSPN US in label
- Coordinate with SM and next sector
Process – send aircraft on heading and resume own nav (CTA and OCTA)
[ACID] turn right/left heading [three digits]
[ACID] turn right/left [number of degrees], report new heading
HMI H[three digits] in label
Resume own navigation CTA
[ACID] position is X miles left/right of track, resume own navigation, recleared direct to [point], [level]
HMI strip label, DCT to next point
Resume own navigation OCTA – after suggested heading
[ACID] position is X miles left/right of track or X miles from [point], no observed traffic tracking to [point]
HMI strip label
Class E airspace inside J curve
A085 to FL125
Remember the C steps around AY and CB
Class E airspace outside J curve
FL180 to FL245
Requirements for IFR pick up
on advice of a delay or unavailability of a clearance an aircraft may “request IFR pickup”
- aircraft is not in receipt of a clearance when requesting manoeuvre
- aircraft will remain in Class E airspace until a clearance can be provided
- procedure cannot be denied (delay for clearance may still occur if no clearance able to be issued on completion of manoeuvre)
- pilot initiated
Process – IFR pick up
- Pilot requests IFR pick up
- Check level – does the aircraft have a clearance? If not, proceed
- PU in the label
- “ABC traffic is…report passing FL[XXX] for clearance”
- Issue clearance once clear of conflicting traffic and separation has been established, remove PU from label
- Consider PCLs
Requirements – VFR climb/descent
upon advice of a delay or unavailability to a request for a level change, an aircraft may “request VFR climb/descent”
- aircraft is in receipt of a clearance
- the VFR portion of the flight is wholly contained within Class E airspace
- A separation standard will exist once the aircraft enters another class of airspace
- pilot initiated
- can be denied
Process – VFR climb/descent
- Pilot requests VFR climb/descent
- Check levels – is the aircraft inside Class E, and will it remain so for the manoeuvre? If yes, proceed
- “ABC climb/descend VFR to FL[XXX]”; “ABC climb to FL[XXX], climb VFR between FL[XXX] and FL[XXX]”; ABC climb to FL[XXX}, climb VFR below FL[XXX], traffic is…”
- VC/VD in label
- Pass reciprocal traffic as required
- Once clear of conflict, “maintain FL[XXX]”
- Consider PCLs
Requirements – VFR on top
in class E airspace, an IFR pilot may request VFR on top in lieu of an assigned altitude
- aircraft is in receipt, or will be in receipt, of an IFR clearance
- aircraft remains IFR until reaching VFR on top (separate for the climb until aircraft reports VT)
- after reachign VFR on top the aircraft must remain wholly within Class E airspace
- pilot initiated
- can be denied
Process – VFR on top
- Pilot requests VFR on top
- Check levels – is the aircraft within Class E airspace and will remain so throughout the manoeuvre? If yes, proceed
- Set CFL to highest level in Class E, VT in label
- “ABC climb to FL[XXX], report reaching VFR on top, no tops reported”
- You are separating for the duration of the climb until reported on top
- Once reported VFR on top, set CFL to NONE
- Pass traffic as required once reported VT (no longer separated)
- Procedure cancelled when IFR clearance is issued(request pilot intentions to issue onwards clearance)
Pilot is responsible for separation with all advised traffic until ATC separation exists
Runway change (ATIS) – broadcast
[relevant ACIDs] and all stations inbound [aerodrome], changing to runway [#], standby for amended ATI and STAR clearances
* ABC cancel STAR new STAR available
* reclear via new STAR
New ATIS now current – broadcast
All stations inbound [aerodrome] information [phonetic designator] now current
- include any runway changes or updated QNH
Process – PJE Class G & E
- ABC squawk ident
- TXA of callsign
- ABC ident observed, traffic is…
- Ensure you have all details on scratchpad
Ensure you pass reciprocal traffic and include the context of PJE when telling IFRs
use of RADTAG recommended
Process – PJE Class C
- Take details on scratchpad
- ABC squawk ident
- RADTAG – ABC squawk [ASSR]
- Create private map indicating ops area, and assess
- ABC identified [position], cleared within [radius] [aerodrome], climb to [level], verify level
- Set CFL to assigned level
- ABC cleared to drop and leave CTA descending, report all parachutes established outside Class C airspace, [traffic] [QNH]
- DROP000 in RADTAG label
- Delete RADTAG once aircraft OCTA/outside Class C
Process – RNAV approach point request
1. [requested point]? in label upon request
2. Open GPSAPP map to display RNAV waypoints
3. Assess tracking for potential conflicts and assure separation (consider establishing below any potential conflicting traffic’s level before issuing route change)
4. Check for coordination if route will infringe parameter of sector boundary. Once coord complete, change the ? to a . in the label
5. Clear to the requested waypoint (RER to this point then the ADES via the intermediate approach fix)
a. ABC cleared direct to Wagga Echo Echo, A090
6. Remove dot from label once issued
Commence vectoring for sequencing into YSCB
ABC for sequencing turn [left/right] heading [###] [level] expect to rejoin the STAR
End vectoring for sequencing into YSCB
ABC position is [#] miles [left/right] of route, resume own navigation, cleared direct [point] to rejoin STAR, (when ready) descend via STAR to [level]
upgrade to IFR
- DCT aircraft to next point
- Open flight plan
- Input IFR after the lat long in the route field
- Change FRUL to Z
- ABC operate IFR, cleared to [ADES] via [point], FPR, [level]
Downgrade to VFR
- DCT aircraft to next point
- Open flight plan
- Input VFR after lat long in route field
- Change FRUL to Y
- ABC operate VFR, identification and control services terminated, squawk 1200, frequency transfer approved, traffic is…
Note: if VFR operating in Class C, will require a clearance
Using ZZZZ in FPL to indicate a departure point
- ZZZZ in ADEP field
- DEP/ in the Other (18) field in the flight plan, followed by lat long of the departure point or its bearing and distance from a known point
Using ZZZZ in FPL to indicate a destination
- DEST/ in the Other (18) field in the flight plan, followed by lat long of the destination or its bearing and distance from a known point
Class A inside the J curve
FL180 to FL600
Class A outside the J curve
FL245 to FL600
“Melbourne Centre, VFR ABC request flight following”
(and cancellation)
- ABC Melbourne Centre, squawk ident and pass details
- Search for FPL (requires one if going to TMA, otherwise RADTAG will suffice), EST/depart and squawk ASSR
- If RADTAG, get aircraft to squawk ASSR, put SIS in label
- ABC identified, [position], [traffic], [QNH], verify level
1. ABC flight following and identification terminated [reason], squawk 1200
2. CFL to NONE, remove SIS from label, inhibit track
AFIL creation
- “ABC Melbourne Centre, pass details”
- AFIL in ADEP field, fill in other fields with received information – ETD some time in future
- CRTE button for graphic route creation (right click on final point to finish)
- EST the finalised plan
- ABC squawk [ASSR]
- Clearance/traffic as required
Downgrade to VFR
ABC cancel IFR, operate VFR, control services and identification terminated, [traffic]
Upgrade to IFR
ABC operate IFR, [clearance]/[traffic]
SARTIME for departure
1. Take details on pink slip – is the new time less than 60 minutes in the future? If so, you may hold it at the console. If not, must pass to CENSAR
2. CSW in label
3. “ABC [location] SARWATCH terminated, SARTIME for departure [time]
4. Use global timer to keep track of new S4D until you EST the next leg
5. Open FPL, cancel previous leg of plan (only when aircraft is no longer on radar/arrived at ADES)
6. Click NEXT, then EST the next leg of the plan
7. Change the SARTIMER on the blue label that appears to the nominated SARTIME for departure
8. S4D in the label
Can aircraft without RNAV (i.e. Z) be issued a STAR?
Is V1 (500ft vert sep) usable for formation flights?
Yes, provided altitude of formation aircraft check to establish full vertical extent of the formation
What is the difference between “monitoring CTAF” and “changing to CTAF”?
Aircraft monitoring the CTAF are still listening to the area frequency (and therefore ATC) as well as the CTAF. We are obliged to continue to direct a service to them.
The aircraft should still have a green CFL (i.e. don’t change to NONE)
Can military non-transport flights be issued YMML STARs?
Coordination to ML TCU
Voiceless G to C, provided no change within 10NM of the boundary
Frequency transfer to ML TCU at and below A045
ABC contact Centre 135.7
Frequency transfer to ML TCU above A045
ABC contact Approach 132.0
(ML APP East)
Amended destination
- C prompt OFF – consider coord
- (If in CTA) Put on heading that directs them towards requested destination
- Coordinate as necessary, C prompt ON
- Issue the clearance (including position is…resume own nav if on a heading)
- Contact FDC
Remember – if a level change was requested with amended destination, change the PCLs
What must be changed if an aircraft requests a change of level from that which was planned?
Make it part of your process. Any level change, extend the strip and check PCLs.