EX1 Flashcards
What are the four primary Div A appliances?
MKV Pumper, MKV Pumper Tanker, Teleboom, Ultra Large Pumper.
Where are Heavy Pumpers Located?
All Div B Stations.
Spell the following sentence phoenetically: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
See here https://www.nswsesva.org.au/files/standard_phonetic_table.pdf
What are the two modes of operation for VRN radio.
Trunked (Through towers and accessible by FIRECOM.)
Direct (Radio to Radio not accessible by FIRECOM.)
What are the standard 6 calls to firecom in response to an alarm of fire.
TURN OUT – When leaving your station to go to the fire.
ON SCENE – Advising of arrival at the scene.
WORDBACK – Giving an initial status report.
SITREPS & MESSAGES – Advising when key objectives have been achieved or for additional requests or to provide further information.
RETURNING – When departing the scene and available for further calls.
IN STATION – On arrival back at your station.
What are the 5 elements of a Wordback.
The name of the officer initiating the wordback
The situation type, as determined by the OIC:
Structure fire
Non-structure fire
Grass & Scrub fire
False alarm
The status of the fire/incident:
Increased alarm level
Not yet under control (additional appliances required)
Under control (appliances on-scene and responding are sufficient)
Stop (appliances on-scene are sufficient)
Address of the fire/incident.
Optional brief description of the event.
What is the Rating risk equation?
Locate on the risk rating matrix.
List the FRV Regions and Districts.
Region: Central, Southern and Eastern Operations
Districts: Central, Southern 1 & 2, Eastern, South & East Regional
Region: North & West Operations
District: Northern, Western 1, 2 & 3, North & West Regional.
What are 5 advantages of foam?
(Select any 5 of these 6)
Requires less water
Reduces danger of re-ignition
Can totally flood areas
Foam’s lightness reduces structure stability issues cause by large volumes of water
Foam is the only practicable extinguishing agent for large Class “B” fires
Adhesion to surfaces
When would you use a foam concentrate of 3%.
Hydrocarbons (petrol, diesel, kerosene, etc.)
When would you use a foam concentrate of 6%.
Polar Solvents (alcohol-based fuels such as methanol)
What is a hose on the bight?
Made up/rolled hose that was folded in half before rolling up.
What is a coiled hose?
Rolled hose single layer.
What is a Flaked hose?
Fold hose approx. 2m lengths.
What does it mean to Bowl out a hose?
Roll out a length of hose.
What does it mean to Run a Line of hose?
Establish a charged line of hose.
What is a Hose Line (Also known as a Firefighters line)?
1 hose line consisting of minimum 2 lengths (60m) connected to water and has branch attached.
What is a Charged Line?
Hose line containing water pressure.
What does it mean to under run a hose?
To drain a length of hose
What does it mean to Lay hose?
Lay hose directly from the appliance.
What does it mean to make up?
Return hose to storage condition.
What are the Four types of hydrants?
‘L’ Type
Ground ball (rural standpipe)
Label the Parts of a Div A standpipe. (Skip Question not uploaded yet)
Good work!
What are the ladder siting considerations (HPPCG)?
H – Height (ladder reaches objective allowing for correct Projection & Plumbing)
P – Projection (distance the foot of the ladder is away from the building (4:1))
P – Plumbing (Ladder is perpendicular)
C – Clearances (When pitching there are no obstructions or hazards in path)
G – Ground condition (Ensure ground conditions are firm & stable)
What are the three P’s to check before climbing a ladder?
Projection, Plumbing, Pawls
Common causes of occupational stress?
Roles and responsibilities
Insufficient skills for the job
Inadequate employment conditions
Organisational change
Poor communication
Organisational culture
Conflict, bullying or harassment.
Potential stressors for recruits:
Learning a new role
Change in salary, position, responsibility.
New ‘Hierarchy’ system
New relationships need to be created and maintained.
Being the newbie
Team dynamics
Being away from home
Exposure to firefighting jobs
Shift work.
Up time vs Down time
Organisational culture
Life in general
What are four items of PPE.
Correct if you listed four of these:
Structural coat
Structural trousers
Removable braces
Station shorts (recommended to be worn under trousers)
Firefighting boots (Pull on or structural)
Flash Hood
Heat Stress, Exhaustion, Stroke. (Skip not complete)
What are the reasons for inspecting PPC post incident.
The purpose for inspecting PPC after an incident is to:
Minimise the exposure to any dangerous substances.
Ensure PPC is free from contaminants.
Ensure PPC annual inspection requirements are met.
Ensure contaminants are not spread to appliances and stations.
Ensure firefighters understand the work instructions relating to post incident management of PPC.
What PPE should you wear when inspecting hose?
Always wear PPE, especially gloves whilst handling hose.
Who checks small gear on station?
At the station, it is the responsibility of the designated driver to complete the Small Gear Checklist. The Small Gear Checklist lists all the gear on the appliance and where it is located.
What are the types of wall collapse?
Inward-outward, Curtain-fall, 90-degree angle.
What are signs of impending wall collapse?
Falling of structural materials from walls or ceilings
Bowing or building and or leaning walls
Floors and ceilings sagging
Gaps/cracks appearing/widening in walls or between walls and ceilings, or walls and floors
Cracks or sagging arches over door or window openings
Displacement of supporting pillars joists or beams
Smoke issuing from the expansion and mortar joints
Sounds of movement in the structure
Spawling – concrete when it breaks because of the heat in little air bubbles
Spring in floors
Prolonged burning or intense fire
Unprotected steel
Walls out of alignment
What are the safety precautions to be taken around structures? (PENSPACE)
P – PPE worn Correctly
E – Evacuate if signs of impending collapse
N – No go Zones (personnel and vehicles)
S – Safety Officer
P – Path of escape
A – Awareness of surroundings
C - Communications
E – Engineer
What is the Code of conduct?
Human Rights
Workplace behaviour & diversity policy
Occupational Violence
Define an ‘Alarm of Fire’.
Alarm of fire means any call for assistance at a fire, accident, explosion or other emergency.
What are the harness attachment points?
Sternal, Ventral, Dorsal, Waist
What are the types of rope?
General Purpose Rope (GP)
These are used for securing equipment, tying suction hose, hauling hose lines and gear aloft.
Life Rescue Lines (LRL)
These are used for life-rescue situations (e.g. securing a person) requiring specific knots that will provide a secure and safe attachment to harnesses and other life-rescue.
What are the characteristics of a good knot? (TRUSS)
T – easy to TIE
R – easy to RECOGNISE
U – easy to UNTIE
S – should not SLIP
S – not reduce STRENGTH
What are the causes of damage to GP rope? (CAMSUE)
C – Chemicals (line strength is affected when contact has been made with most)
A – Abrasion (most significant cause of line failure resulting in injury or death)
M – Mechanical damage (impact from solid objects)
S – Shock load (an absorbed shock load will permanently weaken a GP rope)
U – Ultraviolet light (sunlight will result in loss of strength and elasticity)
E – Extreme heat (Nylon is highly susceptible to damage from heat)
What standard atmosperic pressure at sea level?
101.3 kPa, this is often rounded off to 100 kPa or 1 bar
What are the friction loss laws? (DRISL)
D – DIAMETER of hose
R – ROUGHNESS of hose
I – INDEPENDENT of pressure
S – SQUARE of flow rate
L – LENGTH of hose
What is the increase or decrease of pressure required for each meter of lift or drop.
What is the maximum practical draughting lift?
7.5m with a 66% efficiency loss.
What is the pump pressure required due to friction loss equation?
Pump pressure required due to friction loss = branch pressure + friction loss
What is the head pressure equation?
Calculate pressure using - P = 10 x H
Calculate Head using – H = P/10
(P = Pressure & H = Height in meters)
What type of fuel do all FRV Primary appliance use, what is the size of the fuel tank and where is the fuel tank located?
Diesel, 200L tank on the offside
What is the name and pump capacity of MKV Pumper and pumper tankers pump and where is the pump located?
Darley 1000 Series
3800L/min @ 1000kPa with a 3m lift.
Pumps are mid mounted.
What is the pump name and pump capacity of Heavy Pumpers and where is the pump located?
Godiva WTB 4010
4000L/min @ 1000kPa with a 3m lift.
Pumps are rear mounted
Describe Jet Reaction, what causes it and its dangers.
Jet reaction is the equal and opposite force of the water jet projected from the branch. Firefighters must exert sufficient force towards the branch to overcome this reaction. The main dangers of jet reaction are:
Branch person experiencing fatigue
Loss of balance
An uncontrolled branch
What Foam is used by FRV?
Solberg B Class Foam is an AFFF (Aquaeous Film Forming Foam) and is synthetic, foam forming liquid designed for use at low expansion ratios with water.
What does WUCOMS stand for?
W – WHAT is it
U – its USE
What are Safe Work Practices for hoses on the fireground?
DO’s on the Fireground:
Use a burst hose bandage.
Take all kinks out of hose when charged.
Use hose ramps.
Visually check hose after use
Check couplings for distortion and rubber washers present.
Signify a damaged length with an overhand knot.
DON’T’s on the Fireground:
Charge a line in the tray or on bight.
Drive over hose lines.
Drag hose over broken glass.
Drag or lay hose through contaminants.
Create water hammer or shockwave.
Drop or drive over couplings.
Charge a line before the order “WATER ON”